CT Liotta · @CTLiotta
88 followers · 126 posts · Server zirk.us

2/2: If you're an LGBTQ author, you should follow @DahliaAdler - she does tremendous work with her site lgbtqreads.com.

This post is part of a series about publishing my . I'm posting with hashtag

#debut #novel #ngaglessons

Last updated 2 years ago

CT Liotta · @CTLiotta
88 followers · 125 posts · Server zirk.us

proof is helpful in the early days of , and I found two good values: a paid on and a cover reveal on . These were both low-cost and high-yield. The niche interview did better than an entire book tour (discussed later).

The key is *niche.*

Lesson 5: Specific microgenre ache for content. Let that be your .

Verdict: 👍

#ngaglessons #social #indie #publishing #author #interview #yabookscentral #lgbtqreads #blogs #content #brand #writingcommunity #amwriting #writingtips

Last updated 2 years ago

CT Liotta · @CTLiotta
82 followers · 93 posts · Server zirk.us

In 2017 Elle Lainey wrote a long-form essay on using as a author. It's thorough, honest and very good (link below).

While I budgeted the money to list, I didn't spend the money to promote, which may make a huge difference. But is it worth spending tons of money to give away advance copies? What's the return?


This post is part of a series about publishing my . I'm posting with hashtag

#Netgalley #selfpubbed #debut #novel #ngaglessons

Last updated 2 years ago

CT Liotta · @CTLiotta
82 followers · 92 posts · Server zirk.us

and are used to build advance buzz, but in a conundrum they seem to work best if already have a hungry readership fighting for limited free copies. In the space, this is often where books become famous.

I got a couple reviews & found a few fans this way, but overall didn't get enough traction to justify the price.

I may not have spent ENOUGH money to gain traction (below)

Verdict: 😐

#ngaglessons #Netgalley #edelweiss #writers #ya #problematic #writingcommunity #amwriting #writingtips

Last updated 2 years ago

CT Liotta · @CTLiotta
63 followers · 62 posts · Server zirk.us

There is one caveat: the seal of approval isn't a , but a rolling list of books deemed of merit. It was the perfect place for NO GOOD ABOUT GOODBYE to land & they gave good feedback about how they decided.

Most contests seem to award books with themes & styles trending in the greater zeitgeist and ecosystem. If yours is one, you may want to submit.

This post is part of a series about publishing my . I'm posting with hashtag

#indiebrag #contest #literary #debut #novel #ngaglessons

Last updated 2 years ago

CT Liotta · @CTLiotta
63 followers · 61 posts · Server zirk.us

I sunk about $800 into reputable (good link below from ).

They weren't right for me. I have a cross-genre book that's both and written to a microscopic audience. One YA judge admitted she was the "wrong reader" for the . I understand. She echoed what many said, which is why I went .

Lesson 3: Contests are wrong for me.


Award Link: bit.ly/litwards

#ngaglessons #literature #contests #alli #ya #pulp #adventure #novel #agents #indie #writingcommunity #amwriting #writingtips

Last updated 2 years ago

CT Liotta · @CTLiotta
60 followers · 59 posts · Server zirk.us

I don't mean to be glib. I know are expensive. But, they will polish your and make it professional and competitive for . And, if you go from there like I did, you have a sterling product to present to .

Some genres are more tolerant of loose , so know your genre. requires editing.

This post is part of a series about publishing my debut novel. I'm posting with hashtag


#editors #manuscript #agents #indy #readers #editing #ya #ngaglessons

Last updated 2 years ago

CT Liotta · @CTLiotta
56 followers · 57 posts · Server zirk.us

Before I in earnest, I hired a professional . Two, if you count a friend who beta read and just so happened to BE an editor. The editor I hired formerly taught at an Ivy, and between and cost nearly a grand.

Some say a publisher will provide an editor. Perhaps true, but I wanted an edge. She was worth every penny, esp. when I decided to go indie.

LESSON 2: Hire an editor.

#ngaglessons #queried #editor #creativewriting #developmental #copyediting #amwriting #writingtips #writingcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

CT Liotta · @CTLiotta
52 followers · 41 posts · Server zirk.us

Subsequently, we'll talk about some of those expenses, what worked and what didn't for NO GOOD ABOUT GOODBYE.

This post is part of a series about publishing my debut novel. I'm posting with hashtag

Every book is different and your mileage may vary based on genre, style, length, etc.



Last updated 2 years ago

CT Liotta · @CTLiotta
51 followers · 40 posts · Server zirk.us

I didn't go through a because I had no other choice. I did it because it was the best choice for my particular book. NGAG was a ill-suited to the mainstream landscape where and importantly seek books less male, pale & stale.

Lesson 1: If your book doesn't suit the marketplace go indie, but know it will be expensive & you, not a publisher, will risk loss if there's no audience.

Verdict: 👍

#ngaglessons #indie #micropress #novel #ya #lit #agents #editors #readers #writingcomminity #writingtips

Last updated 2 years ago

CT Liotta · @CTLiotta
41 followers · 35 posts · Server zirk.us

: Preface. In 2018 I wrote the that spoke to my teenage self - an coming out tale that mashed up elements of the Hardy Boys, 40s Pulp, Mario Puzo, Ian Fleming, & John LeCarre. Stuff I read at 14 & loved.

I was tired of women writing about sensitive boys in love for a primarily female audience, and thought the industry might want something creative and different - a little dangerous, a little age-inappropriate, a little problematic.

This was a mistake.

#ngaglessons #novel #lgbt #ya #gay

Last updated 2 years ago

CT Liotta · @CTLiotta
38 followers · 34 posts · Server zirk.us

It's been a year since I published my debut novel, NO GOOD ABOUT GOODBYE. Today, the ebook is going wide. For the holidays the price will drop to $2.99.

I wanted to share some lessons I learned and missteps I made in indie publishing this book. I won't do it in a thread, but as a series, on Mastadon over the next ten days.

Follow me if this sounds valuable, or search the hash.

The book 👉 books2read.com/u/m2d0dR

#ngaglessons #writingcommunity #amwriting #indiepublishing #selfpublish

Last updated 2 years ago