ん、HC85 はウチ(みかん鉄道🍊)にいたけど、キハ85 は実家に…ん…高山本線で旅に出たい…('▽'*)✨つまり、飛騨牛食べたい…
#みずほ #doll #obitsu #オビツ #オビツ48 #うちのこかわいい #ngauge #modelrailways #spurN #nscale #trainmodel #modelrailway #modeleisenbahn #Nゲージ #鉄道模型
#鉄道模型 #nゲージ #modeleisenbahn #modelrailway #trainmodel #nscale #spurn #ModelRailways #ngauge #うちのこかわいい #オビツ48 #オビツ #obitsu #doll #みずほ
#あおば #VOLKS #dollfiedream #dollfie #MDD #MDDはいいぞ #うちのこかわいい #ngauge #modelrailways #spurN #nscale #trainmodel #modelrailway #modeleisenbahn #Nゲージ #鉄道模型
#鉄道模型 #nゲージ #modeleisenbahn #modelrailway #trainmodel #nscale #spurn #ModelRailways #ngauge #うちのこかわいい #mddはいいぞ #mdd #dollfie #dollfiedream #volks #あおば
Closer views of the faces of this N-gauge house.
You should also be able to see some of the interior decor'.
KATOの ビッグボーイ🚂 も届いたのだ!ハコが大きいのだ!(・‐・)ノ✨BR01辺りと比べるとサイズ感がわかるかな?
#あおば #VOLKS #MDDはいいぞ #うちのこかわいい
#ngauge #modelrailways #spurN #modeleisenbahn #Nゲージ #鉄道模型
#鉄道模型 #nゲージ #modeleisenbahn #spurn #ModelRailways #ngauge #うちのこかわいい #mddはいいぞ #volks #あおば #週末なので皆の美少女を見せて欲しい #模型撮り鉄はいいぞ
More angles of this N-gauge bungalow.
I used a thin base so that this could easily be incorporated into a layout in the future.
I caved and made an expensive purchase today. I bought an n-gauge locomotive that I had been after for a while. I bought Dapol’s “Pride of GB Railfreight” a BR class 66 with a fancy pride livery.
Got her home proceeded to run her in…. She failed at the 20 min mark of run-in. I’m gutted. Nothing seems to bring her back to life she just won’t go. Contacted the shop and hopefully can sort out a replacement but I am one sad wuffle tonight. #modelrailway #ngauge #gbrf #brclass66 #class66
#class66 #brclass66 #gbrf #ngauge #modelrailway
North East Main Line freelance in N Guage at the Birtley Model Railway Exhibition.
#birtleymre #ngauge #ModelRailways
Since my model railroad project is going to be a long-term thing, I'm taking my time getting used to basic stuff like building cardboard ramps to play with steepness levels. Old packaging is very useful for that.
I'm only experimenting right now, not even prototyping anything. But the eventual track layout slowly comes together in my head.
I'm still not sure wether or not to use those #Minitrix tracks. I really fancy that #Kato #UniTrack with the grey roadbed. But it's quite costy and I already have those Minitrix tracks from ages ago.
#minitrix #kato #unitrack #ngauge #spurn #modelrailroad #dudebuildingamodelrailroad
A question to you #ModelRailroad people out there, do you think the improvised bridge ramps are too steep?
P.S.: spent about an hour just watching the train go round in circles, what a relaxing experience ...
#modelrailroad #ngauge #spurn #dudebuildingamodelrailroad
Spring 2023 new release announcements from Bachmann, as one of those weird people who really liked the Pacers it's nice to see the Class 143 and 144 being released in the EFE range (if anyone wants to send me a regional railways 144 I'll give you my address 😂). And a big congratulations to Great Eastern Models on winning Bachmann retailer of the year for 2022.
#ModelRailways #Bachmann #00Gauge #NGauge #GrahamFarish #BritishRailways
#ModelRailways #bachmann #00gauge #ngauge #grahamfarish #BritishRailways
@root42 Will do. Had a baseplate as a kid but no real landscape, only a flat "grass carpet". This time I'll try my hands at actually buillding not only tracks but a whole little #Diorama
As for just running trains for fun: #NGauge #SpurN now has "UniTrack" by Kato, it's very stable and you can now finally build N-gauge floor-based layouts with it that are very stable, just like those H0 people do - see here:
#diorama #ngauge #spurn #modelrailroad
#ngauge #spurn #modelrailroad #dudebuildingamodelrailroad
【鉄道ゲストハウス】鐡ノ家 てつのや 山梨県 石和温泉 レンタルレイアウト https://www.wacoca.com/tour/78914/
#diorama #E001 #guesthouse #isawaonsen #layout #modeltrain #ngauge #nscale #Nゲージ #rental #tetsunoya #Train #Yamanashi #ゲストハウス #てつのや #トランスイート #ホテル #レイアウト #レンタル #レンタルレイアウト #中央本線 #合宿 #四季島 #宿 #宿泊 #山梨 #山梨県 #温泉 #石和温泉 #笛吹市 #鉄の家 #鉄の屋 #鉄道 #鉄道ゲストハウス #鉄道模型 #鐡ノ家
#diorama #e001 #GuestHouse #isawaonsen #layout #modeltrain #ngauge #Nscale #nゲージ #rental #tetsunoya #train #yamanashi #ゲストハウス #てつのや #トランスイート #ホテル #レイアウト #レンタル #レンタルレイアウト #中央本線 #合宿 #四季島 #宿 #宿泊 #山梨 #山梨県 #温泉 #石和温泉 #笛吹市 #鉄の家 #鉄の屋 #鉄道 #鉄道ゲストハウス #鉄道模型 #鐡ノ家
@CommodoreSpence Just to feed the fire: today I've successfully digitized my first old analog locomotive ... 😇
#modelrailroad #dcc #ngauge #spurn #arnold #br221 #dudebuildingamodelrailroad
Transforming an old analog N-Gauge diesel locomotive to DCC digital control.
It's cheaper to get old analog #Locos and upgrade them with a #Decoder than buying a factory new digital model.
#modelrailroad #spurn #ngauge #dcc #locos #decoder #dudebuildingamodelrailroad
N-gauge (1:160 scale) bungalow, repaired and re-painted.
Also based and with a full interior built from scratch.
... in case you were wondering what I was up to in the past few days ...
#minitrix #ngauge #modelrailroad #tabletop #trains
Hurrah and huzzah! I now have 4 functioning locos! Well, technically 3 locos and a DMU.
The alcohol went a long way to cleaning the track, and the fibreglass pen was a real godsend.
Top tip - never use a peco track rubber as it tarnishes the rail heads and makes them more susceptible to rust and dirt.
Instead, use a fibreglass pen, as it cleans without damaging!
#ModelRailways #ngauge #trains #hobby #littlewins