Luo Proverbs and Sayings by Asenath Bole Odaga
#Dholuo, #Ngeche, #NgecheLuo, #sayings, #proverbs, #tonguetwisters, #riddles, #wechemawachotek
"The Luo use Ngeche and other sayings to demonstrate their knowledge and skill in expressing themselves in their language. Ngeche and sayings are adaptable and have many functions. For instance, they may be used to chide someone, to answer a question, to illustrate, clarify or to drive home a point made on an issue. They are particularly valuable in the education of the youth by adults on the use of language, that is how to apply them during a conversation. Ngeche in sayings, proverbs, tongue twisters and even some narratives.
Ngeche Luo has been authored by Asenath Bole Odaga. Bole who writes in her mother tongue-Luo, as well as in English, has written over fifty books for adults, children, and general readership. Her latest publications are Dholuo-English Dictionary and Nyangi gi Otis."
#Dholuo #ngeche #ngecheluo #sayings #proverbs #tonguetwisters #riddles #wechemawachotek