Die Entscheidungsprozesse zu drei zentralen #EU-Kriseninstrumenten während #COVID19 - Impfstoffbeschaffung, Kurzarbeitsgeld-Programm #SURE & Wiederaufbaufonds #NGEU – zeigen Defizite in der demokratischen Legitimation der Krisengovernance, so @NvOndarza
A lo mejor la señora @MHohlmeier se empieza a enterar de a dónde va el dinero. Y luego se lo cuenta a #DarthVader en su próxima entrevista.
RT @LucasGonzalezEU
En el mapa interactivo que la Comisión ha lanzado pueden conocerse los detalles de todos los proyectos que se están financiando en 🇪🇸 gracias a los #fondoseuropeos del Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia #NextGen #NGEU #RRF 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺 https://twitter.com/PiaAhrenkild…
#darthvader #fondoseuropeos #nextgen #ngeu #rrf
RT @COdendahl@twitter.com
The #NGEU (the EU's recovery fund) passes the German constitutional court, relatively easily if I read the below correctly. https://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/SharedDocs/Pressemitteilungen/EN/2022/bvg22-103.html
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/COdendahl/status/1600059631379718145
Karlsruhe, mon amour ♥️🇪🇺❤️ #BVerfG
RT @COdendahl@twitter.com
The #NGEU (the EU's recovery fund) passes the German constitutional court, relatively easily if I read the below correctly. https://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/SharedDocs/Pressemitteilungen/EN/2022/bvg22-103.html
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/COdendahl/status/1600059631379718145
59.44 billion of the Next Generation EU #NGEU budget for Italy is linked to reaching environmental goals.
But nobody is really driving a policy of ecological transition in Italian institutions.
Moreover, #FrancesDiBi writes in Domani today that a political battle is taking place on the #GreenDeal, with #RobertaMetsola, #ManfredWeber, #GiorgiaMeloni, and the #EPP trying to sabotage it, focused on the EU Parl. elections of 2024.
#epp #francesdibi #GreenDeal #giorgiameloni #ManfredWeber #RobertaMetsola #ngeu
RT @nataledamico
Solo noi e i greci chiederemo il massimo di prestiti consentiti da #ngeu. Siamo gli unici a credere che più debito si fa meglio è. Ma lo pensiamo all'unanimità : nessuno in Parlamento ha proposto di seguire la strada di Germania, Francia, Spagna, Olanda, Belgio.... #PNRR https://twitter.com/GiampaoloGalli/status/1392434856739672067
Le debolezze del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza https://sbilanciamoci.info/le-debolezze-del-piano-nazionale-di-ripresa-e-resilienza/ #pianonazionalediripresaeresilienza #quadrofinanziariopluriennale #Commissioneeuropea #QuantitativeEasing #Economiaefinanza #nextgenerationeu #specialefocus #Apertura #governo #ngeu #Ue
#UE #ngeu #governo #Apertura #specialefocus #NextGenerationEU #Economiaefinanza #quantitativeeasing #commissioneeuropea #quadrofinanziariopluriennale #pianonazionalediripresaeresilienza