People in the USA have religious freedom (kinda, supposedly), but the reality is, Christianity controls SO FUCKING MUCH here. HUGE, untaxable amounts from Christian groups go to U.S. politics constantly. Always have, always will.
The gross bullshit is all over our money and everything else, too. In God we trust, one nation under God, etc.
But Christianity fucking sucks. And the Catholic church is fucked. Not only the child abuse (ALL religion is child abuse) - the Catholic church supported and funded Hitler, lest we forget.
Pat Robertson and all the other holier-than-thou "Christian" assholes in the USA making up hateful, bigoted bullshit about gay people and anything they see as a threat to their phony, made-up "morality". It's a fucking scourge.
Always remember. No gods, no masters. Religion is all bullshit.
#FuckReligion #NoReligion #NoGodsNoMasters #NGNM #Christianity #FuckChristianity #bigots #bigotry #phony #fake #Christians #PatRobertson #Catholic #Catholics #bullshit
#fuckreligion #noreligion #nogodsnomasters #ngnm #christianity #fuckchristianity #bigots #bigotry #phony #fake #christians #patrobertson #catholic #catholics #bullshit
At a loss as to how someone could be a Christian & also an anarchist. To me, they don't mix. Christianity is subservience to a magical sky father, and anarchism is about having no gods, no masters. Whatever, though. Whatever weird ideologies you wanna mix, I guess. Each to his own. I'm still about #ngnm. Even at 42 years old. Even though it does me little to no good in the USA, the fucking In God We Trust garbage country made up by shitty white people on land they stole from indigenous people 🤮