I am sure I have encountered the phrase before but it made me wonder: why not just say "it lasted five seconds" or "it lasted almost five seconds" -- are there certain instances where this sort of phrase is more likely than reference to a unit of time?
And fun that I immediately registered it as a contemporary act as well (one Mississippi, two Mississippi), and one of the first hits for me in Google Books involved keeping musical time.
For (wholly imprecise) fun, sharing a google #NGram chart screenshot, full version here: https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=while+one+might+count%2Cwhile+one+could+count&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3
#DMRG vs. #QMC. Problem is, I think QMC has many meanings!
#DensityMatrixRenormalizationGroup #QuantumMonteCarlo #NGram #statistics
#statistics #ngram #quantummontecarlo #densitymatrixrenormalizationgroup #qmc #dmrg
#xymodel #isingmodel #hubbardmodel #heisenbergmodel #physics #models #lattice #ngram
Google Books #NGram plots for the following terms:
#shortrangeorder #longrangeorder #QuantumCorrelations #classicalcorrelations #disconnectedcorrelation #connectedcorrelation #connectedcorrelationfunction #correlationcoefficient #correlation #correlationfunction #quantumentanglement #ngram
I felt the need to compare [virtuous/vicious] [circle/cycle]. Have you ever wondered which was “right” or which felt more “normal”?
According to Google #Ngram:
- “Vicious circle” is most common by a long shot, the progenitor #idiom.
- “Vicious cycle” is almost nonexistent
- The “virtuous” options are very close to each other, with “circle” being more common, but only by a bit.
#language #english #linguistics #idiom #ngram
Catching up on the #SPP2023 #preconference on #memory:
Felipe De Brigaard introduced us to the topic and some recent trends before a series of talks ensued.
#spp2023 #preconference #memory #philosophy #philmind #philosophyofmemory #google #ngram
Google #ngram Viewer seems like a great tool for #writers who need to research what people were calling things during a specific era or span of years. https://books.google.com/ngrams/
@unefamilleavelo À vélo, certes, mais pour le scooter le doute est permis : il est tout de même plus "environnant". Il est vrai que tant le TLF que le Petit Robert ne citent que des "à scooter", mais d'après #Ngram cela n'a jamais été l'usage majoritaire !
@fotis_jannidis macht in seinem Vortrag auf der #DHd2023 deutlich, dass Untersuchungen mithilfe des Google #NGram Viewers seit 1998 nicht zielführend sind aufgrund der undurchsichtigen und nicht repräsentativen Korpuszusammensetzung.
GRIN-Verlag, Self-publishing und Retrodigitalisierung wirken bei Analysen als drei identifizierbare Störfaktoren.
A fun thing to do is enter your name in the amazing Ngram Viewer. Mine looks like this. The peak is explained, I presume, by the misfortunes of a gentleman who ran into a spot of bother in Spain. My other namesakes have failed in much less heroic ways. Don’t like the look of the graph, though. Seems we’re dying off as fast as butterflies in the UK
(Google Ngram charts word frequencies from a large corpus of books that were printed between 1500 and 2019) #history #language #Ngram
In the next episode we'll be building out our Hashtag grain in #MicrosoftOrleans.
It'll be responsible for taking in raw input and breaking it apart into many ngram combinations and then returning possibile solutions, ranked by some metrics associated with the #Google #ngram #dataset.
#microsoftorleans #google #ngram #dataset #bigdata #camelcaseallthehashtags #fedimod
Importing the #Google #ngram #Data set into #PostgresSQL.
I'm almost done with the bi-grams.
I've got about ~900GB more to import, then it's on to the tri-grams.
This is an entire, unfiltered set, that I'm going to backup first and put in cold storage.
Then I'm going to filter out rows that have characters that aren't allowed in #HashTags. This is the dataset that will power #FediMod's hashtag #accessibility service.
#google #ngram #data #postgressql #hashtags #fedimod #accessibility
The Google corpus of edited text shows a big pre-COVID spike in one word starting in 2012. But by 2019, hand washing and handwashing were equally likely.
My son told me today that he loves the word "peckish", so we talked about #word frequency, and tried to find a common (non-specialized) word that is is less frequent than "peckish". Mostly failed.
But what draw my attention is how all of the words we thought of raised in popularity after 2000, on Google #ngram. Why? What happened in 1960-1980 that drove them down? Or is GN corpus skewed (towards patents and academic papers?) during this era?
#word #ngram #language #linguistics
wow, this #ngram viewer is my new favourite linguistics thing.
turns out that "frustriert" is a really new german word!
wow, this #ngram viewer is my new favourite linguistics thing.
turns out that "frustriert" is a really new german word!