Prison Left Me Laughing: A Conversation with Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o By Remo Verdickt, Emiel Roothooft
"NGŨGĨ WA THIONG’O is considered one of the leading writers on the African continent of the last 50 years. On December 31, 1977, he was arrested and spent a year in prison as an opponent of the Kenyatta dictatorship."
#NgugiWaThiongo #BlackMastodon #Writers #Literature #Language #BlackTwitter #BlackFediverse #African #LARB #Academia #Teacher #BookInTranslation #Kenya #Book #Lit #Academicchatter
#ngugiwathiongo #BlackMastodon #writers #literature #language #blacktwitter #blackfediverse #African #larb #academia #teacher #bookintranslation #Kenya #book #lit #academicchatter
Due nuove segnalazioni dedicate allə adultə nella sezione "Risorse gratuite" del sito:
OlongoAfrica con dieci racconti in #edo, #hausa, #ibibio, #igbo, #nigerianpidgin, #shona, #swahili, #tamazight, #tiv e #yoruba.
Jalada Africa con il racconto “The Upright Revolution: Or Why Humans Walk Upright” di #NgugiwaThiongo tradotto in decine di lingue nazionali africane
#samalegge #leggereinlinguamadre #linguamadre #mammalingua #linguenazionaliafricane #mastolibri
#EDO #Hausa #ibibio #Igbo #nigerianpidgin #shona #swahili #tamazight #tiv #Yoruba #ngugiwathiongo #samalegge #leggereinlinguamadre #linguamadre #mammalingua #linguenazionaliafricane #mastolibri
“In Gĩkũyũ, questo si dice metha” dice Ngũgĩ.
“Da dove viene questa parola?”
“Kiswahili,” dico.
“E lo Swahili da dove l'ha presa in prestito?”
Non lo so.
“Dal portoghese,” dice Ngũgĩ . "Le lingue funzionano così. Si prestano parole a vicenda.”
#samalegge #intervista #ngugiwathiongo #linguenazionaliafricane #prestitilinguistici
#samalegge #intervista #ngugiwathiongo #linguenazionaliafricane #prestitilinguistici
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o: three days with a giant of African literature
The Kenyan novelist’s life and work has intersected with many of the biggest events of the past century. At 85, he reflects on his long, uncompromising life in writing.
#NgugiWaThiongo #literature #kenya #africa #PostColonialism #books #bookstodon #profile
#ngugiwathiongo #Literature #kenya #africa #postcolonialism #books #bookstodon #profile
Ngugi Wa Thiong’o: The Language of Languages: Reflections on Translation
"Through his many critically acclaimed novels, stories, essays, plays, and memoirs, Kenyan writer Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o has been at the forefront of world literature for decades. He has also been, in his own words, “a language warrior,” fighting for indigenous African languages to find their rightful place in the literary world."
#NgugiWaThiongo #African #Translation #Languages #Literature #Books #BlackMastodon #Kenya #Art
#ngugiwathiongo #african #translation #languages #literature #books #BlackMastodon #kenya #art
#NgũgĩwaThiongo had privilege to spend time with #Ngũgĩ in Canada in 1990 as I prepared to visit the then Frontline States in Southern Africa, as part of Anti-Apartheid NGO project - When you’re there, don't sleep, just listen, absorb...everything, you can sleep when you're back' - the revolutionary writer from Kenya turns 85 today #HappyBirthday (portrait #CCCB Barcelona)
‘In colonial conquest, language did to the mind what the sword did to the bodies of the colonized’ - Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
#cccb #happybirthday #ngugi #ngugiwathiongo
Lovely idea - are we allowed ancient and modern?
#shakespeare #dickens #austen #georgeelliot #emilydickinson #tonimorrison #ngugiwathiongo #chimamandangoziadichie #sirihusvedt #jonathansafranfoer
I see the #Bookstodon crowd has been posting 5-7 of their favorite authors, with the authors' names as hashtags. It's tough to limit it to only seven, but, off the top of my head:
#Books #IanMcEwan #julianbarnes #ngugiwathiongo #ElenaFerrante #ZadieSmith #KazuoIshiguro #percivaleverett #bookstodon