This is a great talk about how Science Platforms will change the way data reduction is performed in radio astronomy…
At ALMA, we don't have a Science Platform, but we're looking at them to see if they might be required for the WSU era…
#SciencePlatforms #ScienceGateways #CANFAR #ngVLA #SKAO #ALMA #AlmaObservatory #WidebandSensitivityUpgrade #WSU
#scienceplatforms #sciencegateways #canfar #ngvla #SKAO #alma #almaobservatory #widebandsensitivityupgrade #wsu
Ecco come ngVLA e l’astronomia Multi-Messengero rivelerà la formazione e l’evoluzione dei buchi neri – La Macchina del Tempo #ngvla #lastronomia #multi-messengero #rivelerà #formazione #levoluzione #buchi #neri #macchina
#macchina #neri #buchi #levoluzione #formazione #rivelerà #multi #lastronomia #ngvla