Who doesn't ship Shirong (Shira Liedman and Eleanor Wong) from Never Have I Ever? #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #ShiraLiedman #HannaStein #EleanorWong #RamonaYoung
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #shiraliedman #hannastein #eleanorwong #ramonayoung
RT if you want Arlene Stringer and Auntie #3 from Never Have I Ever to cuddle. I'm trying to see something. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #ArleneStringer #RuthWilliamson #Auntie #SohmKapila
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #arlenestringer #ruthwilliamson #auntie #sohmkapila
Darius Carter and Alex Gomez from Never Have I Ever. IYKYK. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #DariusCarter #KontraviousHarrell #AlexGomez #GilbertoOrtiz
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #dariuscarter #kontraviousharrell #alexgomez #gilbertoortiz
In this co-op we stan Margot Ramos and Trent Harrison from Never Have I Ever. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #Margot #VictoriaMoroles #TrentHarrison #BenjaminNorris
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #Margot #victoriamoroles #trentharrison #benjaminnorris
😁 We just want Russia and Jordan from Never Have I Ever to flirt with each other. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #Russia #AtticusShaffer #Jordan #WilliamBSimmons
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #russia #atticusshaffer #jordan #williambsimmons
When are Aneesa and Carley from Never Have I Ever finally going to get married? #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #Aneesa #MeganSuri #Carley #AdriyahMarieYoung
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #aneesa #megansuri #carley #adriyahmarieyoung
We just need Ron Hansen-Bhattacharyya and Kevin Hall-Yoshida from Never Have I Ever to canoodle. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #RonHansenBhattacharyya #WallaceLangham #KevinHallYoshida #TohoruMasamune
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #ronhansenbhattacharyya #wallacelangham #kevinhallyoshida #tohorumasamune
Imagining Lindsay Thompson and Evan from Never Have I Ever getting married is giving us all the feels! #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #LindsayThompson #GenneyaWalton #Evan #PJByrne
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #lindsaythompson #genneyawalton #evan #pjbyrne
The whole squad agrees that Parker and Des are the neatest couple on Never Have I Ever. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #Parker #DeaconPhilippe #Des #AnirudhPisharody
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #parker #deaconphilippe #des #anirudhpisharody
We all just want Boris Koslov and Carley from Never Have I Ever to get hitched. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #BorisKoslov #MarkusJorgensen #Carley #AdriyahMarieYoung
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #boriskoslov #markusjorgensen #carley #adriyahmarieyoung
When are Oliver Martinez and Devi Vishwakumar from Never Have I Ever going to hold hands already, amirite chums? 🤷♀️. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #OliverMartinez #MartinMartinez #DeviVishwakumar #MaitreyiRamakrishnan
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #olivermartinez #martinmartinez #devivishwakumar #maitreyiramakrishnan
Rebecca and Trent Harrison from Never Have I Ever. That's it. That's the tweet. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #Rebecca #LilyDMoore #TrentHarrison #BenjaminNorris
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #rebecca #lilydmoore #trentharrison #benjaminnorris
We all just want Nalini Vishwakumar and Samuel from Never Have I Ever to hook up. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #NaliniVishwakumar #PoornaJagannathan #Samuel #EstebanDager
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #nalinivishwakumar #poornajagannathan #samuel #estebandager
We all agree Desah (Des and Jonah Sharpe) is the greatest ship on Never Have I Ever. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #Des #AnirudhPisharody #Jonah #DinoPetrera
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #des #anirudhpisharody #jonah #dinopetrera
Everybody agrees that Mr. Chan and Auntie #6 from Never Have I Ever should flirt with each other. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #MrChan #PeterJamesSmith #Auntie #SujataAithal
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #mrchan #peterjamessmith #auntie #sujataaithal
LOLZ! Mr. Shapiro and Mohan Vishwakumar from Never Have I Ever would be so funbelievable together! #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #MrShapiro #AdamShapiro #MohanVishwakumar #SendhilRamamurthy
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #mrshapiro #adamshapiro #mohanvishwakumar #sendhilramamurthy
The only ship worth shipping is SharAuntie (Sharon and Older Auntie #5) from Never Have I Ever. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #Sharon #HelenHong #OlderAuntie #VijiNathan
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #sharon #helenhong #olderauntie #vijinathan
Imagining Gears Brosnan and Nirmala from Never Have I Ever looking deeply into each other's eyes is giving us life! #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #GearsBrosnan #Nirmala #RanjitaChakravarty
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #gearsbrosnan #nirmala #ranjitachakravarty
Not anybody:
Absolutely nobody:
Just get married already Auntie #2 and Aravind from Never Have I Ever. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #Auntie #ChriselleAlmeida #Aravind #IqbalTheba
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #auntie #chrisellealmeida #aravind #iqbaltheba
Just cuddle already Auntie #1 and Joyce Wong from Never Have I Ever. #NeverHaveIEver #NHIE #Auntie #AliceAmter #JoyceWong #JaeSuhPark
#NeverHaveIEver #nhie #auntie #aliceamter #joycewong #jaesuhpark