Blackhawks’ 2023 NHL Draft and trades recap #2023NHLDraft #AdamFantilli #AdamGajan #Blackhawks #CentralDivision #ChicagoBlackhawks #ColeEiserman #ConnorBedard #CoreyPerry #CoreyPronman #KyleDavidson #Leafs #LeoCarlsson #MacklinCelebrini #MartinMisiak #MatveiMichkov #NBCSportsChicago #NHL #NHLDraft #NhlDraftLottery #NickFoligno #NickLardis #OliverMoore #RomanKantserov #TaylorHall #WesternConference
#2023nhldraft #adamfantilli #adamgajan #blackhawks #centraldivision #chicagoblackhawks #coleeiserman #connorbedard #coreyperry #coreypronman #kyledavidson #leafs #leocarlsson #macklincelebrini #martinmisiak #matveimichkov #nbcsportschicago #nhl #nhldraft #nhldraftlottery #nickfoligno #nicklardis #olivermoore #romankantserov #taylorhall #westernconference
Guide to the 2023 NHL Draft Lottery
The date and time for the 2023 NHL Draft Lottery has been announced, with the live event taking place on May 8, 2023 at 7 PM Eastern time (4 PM Pacific Time). This is one of the biggest events on the NHL schedule each year, especially for the 16 teams who find themselves o...
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#NHLEntryDraft #2023NHLEntryDraft #AdamFantilli #ConnorBedard #NHLDraftLottery
#NHL #Hockey
#NHLEntryDraft #2023nhlentrydraft #AdamFantilli #ConnorBedard #nhldraftlottery #nhl #hockey