NHL Player Safety Need Big Changes After Missing on Cogliano
What are even doing anymore?
After it was revealed on Saturday that Colorado Avalanche forward Andrew Cogliano suffered a fractured neck in Game 6 of their first-round series against the Seattle Kraken, all eyes turned to NHL Playe...
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#ColoradoAvalanche #Commentary #AndrewCogliano #GeorgeParros #NHLPlayerSafety
#NHL #Hockey
#coloradoavalanche #commentary #andrewcogliano #georgeparros #nhlplayersafety #nhl #hockey
OK! An 80 PIM donnybrook and an 8-1 win will get our boys warmed up for the #NHLPlayoffs
#SEAKraken #ARIvsSEA
And F AZ's C. Mackey for pitchforking Spronger into the boards inside 2:00 to go. We better be hearing from #NHLPlayerSafety (but I know we won't).
#nhlplayoffs #SeaKraken #arivssea #yeetthefish #nhlplayersafety