I love how many of the fights involving Caldera and Hot Wings (2 bots that have fire/burn as part of thier weapon) are happening in Cage 2. Caldera got hugged to death (literally)
#NHRL has had more bot fires in this 2 day competition, more than I have seen in previous competitions.
#nhrl #combatrobotics #botfights
My favorite bot is still Pawsitively Hysterical https://wiki.nhrl.io/wiki/index.php/Pawsitively_Hissterical
Looks like they took the two piku hammers out and replaced it with....flowers this time.....
Yup... #NHRL's #MayTheBotsBeWithYou tournament is #today. This broadcast is going to be the soundtrack in the lab while Stego does his thing and I work on retopology (#Blender) for my mask model.
#blender #today #maythebotsbewithyou #nhrl
If you finished tonight's #battlebots episode and you're looking for more robot combat (to tide you over until the next #nhrl, ahem), the BBB (Bristol Bot Builders) competition from this past weekend is outstanding as always. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QfRrKpV6Xg
I work at #nhrl, a combat robotics league in Connecticut.
Here's a video featuring one of our competitors and her very weird robot.
Y'all. #nhrl looks INCREDIBLE!
Anyone on here compete? Any reason I shouldn't?!? 😂
This Saturday will be the first #NHRL event of the 2023 season. I have put an enormous amount of work into this event, and I'm really excited to see how it goes.
We'll be unveiling a new tournament format that should be far quicker than the 14-hour marathons we had last year.
Also, this is our annual "new bot" event, and there are some WILD builds in here.
I hope you enjoy it!
Love it, in between seasons I recently discovered #NHRL on YouTube hundreds of hours of smaller weight class robot combat!
NHRL, where I work, is giving out $2 million dollars to STEM charities! $1 million will go to charities named by our championship qualifiers fighting in our December 17 event, and $1 million will go to collegiate teams/programs who apply. https://www.nhrl.io/nhrl-giving
In case you're wondering how I'm spending the next few weeks. Lots of stuff to do to help make this happen!
I suppose this thread could do with some hashtags...