On September 20th, for the first time ever #doctors will coordinate a mass walk out, with #NHS consultants & junior doctors striking on the same day.
#SteveBarlclay calls this 'callous & calculated'.... NO: what is callous & calculated is the engineering of an #NHScrisis, of which your refusal Barclay to actually try & settle the dispute is just the latest stage!
Remember when these strikes take place, the Doctors have been forced into this by a callous & calculating Health Secretary!
#doctors #nhs #stevebarlclay #nhscrisis #gtto
For many the #NHScrisis is fatal... the numbers dying while on waiting lists for treatment has doubled in 5 years....
Yet more evidence that the #Tories have little regard for the wellbeing of the population, only the wealth & interests of their chums.
I'm currently re-reading my records of NHS changes over time
I worked a a State Registered Nurse within our NHS and specialising in various roles, for nearly 35 years
Old artical from December 2020 John Lister
Published by The Tribune Magazine
How Thatcher Unleashed the *NHS Outsourcing* Wave
"often even sporting the NHS logo on buildings and uniforms. No wonder some people don't recognise
it as a problem."
Ramping up pressure on the #Tories over the #NHScrisis, consultants are staging a 3 day walkout during the #Tory conference.
This follows the 2 day strike starting today & further #strike action in October.
As Ministers & MPs go on news programmes to express their 'disappointment' in the action(s) & claim their offer to the BMA is 'reasonable'...
ask yourself, who do you trust more: #politicians or #doctors?
This is a crisis engineered in Westminster!
#tories #nhscrisis #tory #strike #politicians #doctors #supportournhs #SupportTheStrikes
More #ToryCorruption...
A private firm, linked to a No.10 advisor has been contracted to help reduce #waitinglists in the #NHS.
The #Tory playbook on show (again):
Engineer the #NHScrisis;
'create' opportunities for firms to offer services;
award contracts for such services to your chums, donors or both.
#ToryCorruption #waitinglists #nhs #tory #nhscrisis
The #NHS is being #privatised and #computerised . I received a text with a shortened link to a private company website with a free certificate from ZeroSSL . It's all official NHS apparently. It was telling me that I won't be able to phone for appointments anymore, I have to tell the third party private corporate interest company everything through a web page an hope it never gets hacked.
#privacy #security #nhs #NHSCrisis
#nhs #privatised #computerised #privacy #security #nhscrisis
‘You’re leaving me to die’: Plea of anorexia patient told she was ‘too thin’ for help | The Independent
#anorexia #nhs #funding #RationingCare #BedCrises #nhscrisis
Our NHS Private Health
Revealed: The links between Tory MPs and the people profiting from NHS privatisation
Rich privateers with their eyes on our National Health Service donate to Conservative MPs.
If an MP works for, invests in or receives donations from either a private healthcare organisation or a fund that invests in private healthcare organisations. Do they really have any interest in saving our NHS?
Think about it!
I agree completely on the issue of what is important to #pensioners... the #Tories hope that the 'double lock' will deal with this concerns seems wilfully blind to the impact of the #NHScrisis on the over 65s...
On tax & pensions - of course the personal allowance is well above the level of the state pension, so only top-up pensions are taxed, and as they are accrued with tax relief in the first place, taxing them on payment means they remain taxed once (as income)
#Pensioners #tories #nhscrisis
So a second #health Insurance firm has indicated that the #NHScrisis presents a #business opportunity for private #health cover...
At least these people are being frank, whereas the #Tories claim that they want the NHS to succeed while doing everything they can to wreck the system & drive people into the arms of private #healthcare.
I'd rather have an honest business strategy (however much I abhor it) than a bunch of pious-speaking hypocrites starving the NHS of cash!
#health #nhscrisis #business #tories #healthcare
Ah, genius way to solve the problem of consistently missing NHS cancer targets. Just scrap the targets. Problem solved!
And the great thing about it is that it will have no harmful effects on Tories, as they all have private health insurance anyway.
This story is interesting in its own right, but given the news about NHS funding across the UK, the info about a prostate cancer drug that is only available privately, gives it an added dimension.
#music #NHS #NHSwaitinglist
#NHSCrisis #NHSPrivatisation
#nhsprivatisation #nhscrisis #nhswaitinglist #nhs #music
The consequences of the #Tories defunding of the #NHS in one simple chart.... In 2010 (when the coalition started) waiting lists for #hospital treatment in England was around 2.25mn.... now, thirteen years later, over 7mn people are on the waiting list(s).
This is the #NHScrisis in one number!
#tories #nhs #hospital #nhscrisis #tory #SaveOurNHS #gtto
The big difference between #inflation & its relation to #wages and #employment in the US & the UK is the *cause* of a tightening labour market.
In the US a shortage of labour is driven by success, causing rising demand.... in the UK, shortages of labour has been caused by a shrinking workforce, driven by #Brexit and the #NHScrisis impacting on on number of long-term sick (inc. #longcovid).
@sjwrenlewis offers an interesting exploration of how this might play out.
#Inflation #wages #employment #brexit #nhscrisis #LongCovid
In an interview with the FT, Thomas Buberl, Axa Insurance's CEO baldly notes that the #NHScrisis presents 'quite a few business opportunities' as he continues to expand Axa's private #healthcare business in the UK.
It'll be no surprise that he would see the travails of the #Tory engineered health care crisis this way, and merely confirms that the #privatesector completely understand what the #Tories' wrecking of the #NHS is intended to achieve.
#nhscrisis #healthcare #tory #privatesector #tories #nhs #SaveOurNHS #gtto
Rare occasion, to hear a conservative speak good sense about the #health of the population, needing more focus on prevention
As for the #NHSCrisis he & his colleagues created...
Its hardly surprising that the #NHScrisis has led to the targeting of those on waiting lists by #BuyNowPayLater firms aiming to 'help' them get private #healthcare;
this #Tory made crisis is enriching #finaincialservcies & other Tory chums, while degrading our #health & #wellbeing.
The strategic defunding of the #NHS is intended to expand the market for private healthcare... who have been preparing by expanding capacity & poaching NHS staff.
#nhscrisis #buynowpaylater #healthcare #tory #finaincialservcies #health #wellbeing #nhs #SaveOurNHS
If the Tories have got £ for the #NHSCrisis then they can:
- build the 40 hospitals they said they would
- pay care staff a living wage
- pay Drs and nurses inflation linked wages
Stop subsidising the private sector to make more profit
Sunak's family have invested in private healthcare, he's just making money for himself and his mates
#nhscrisis #socialjustice #politics #joinaunion #PR #democracy #election #ToriesOut #gtto
Please don't be reassured by #UK govt messages that they're fixing the long waits of #NHSCrisis
Paying private providers might seem like a fix.
Where do the #nurses & Drs come from?
They go to private companies from NHS jobs, where the govt refused to give them decent pay, and they're burnt out a.f.
This leaves the NHS in an even worse state
Don't worry. Sunak's family have heavily invested in private health co.s so will make £££s
#uk #nhscrisis #nurses #PR #democracy #election #socialism #ToriesOut #gtto
Hi Rishi Sunak, I see you're expanding use of the private sector in the NHS.
Do you publish any scale of how big a donation you have to make to the Tory party to get a contract for running these services?
I've never run a healthcare company before, but I assume that won't be a problem? How hard can it be?