Just looking at some of the disgusting far-right replies to tweets about the NHS nurses strike is reason enough to never ever go back on twitter. The very same nurses the nation was unanimously clapping not so long and being hailed for their heroics are now enemy number one for far right, tories and their supporters.

Twitter is a cesspool consisting of some of the very worst people society can offer. Good riddance I say.

#nhsisamazing #nhs #supportthenhsnurses

Last updated 2 years ago

Rich Wild · @Wild
157 followers · 127 posts · Server mastodon.world

Had a call from the Immunotherapy dept at Addenbrookes hospital today. My bee venom immunotherapy course starts on Friday and continues for... 3 years. On the first visit they'll be ramping me up with venom up to body tolerance point, with doctors on antihistamine standby should a bad reaction occur. Deep breath. Here we go!

#bees #honeybees #venom #beekeeping #nhs #nhsisamazing #saveTheNHS

Last updated 2 years ago

leymoo (Ashley Rolfmore) · @leymoo
15 followers · 10 posts · Server ioc.exchange