Another reason, if any more are necessary, why it’s crucial to #StopStarmer!
“The Return of Tony #Blair: The former British prime minister, who left Downing Street widely unpopular, is back in favor with his party, #Labour, which hopes his political skills can be an advantage as an election nears”
“Mr. Blair, now 70, is graying, thinner and his face a little more gaunt than when he left Downing Street in 2007. But he still effortlessly held the stage as he told the audience that Britain would be in safe hands if Mr. Starmer won the next election.
‘It was like the apostolic succession was being declared,’ said John #McTernan 🤮 a political strategist and onetime aide to Mr. Blair, who added that ‘the chemistry between the two guys made you think they talk a lot and they understand each other.’”
via @NewYorkTimes
#TonyBlair #Iraq #WarCriminal #Austerity #ClassWar #NHSPrivatisation #Starmer #KidStarver #Zionism #Apartheid #LabourRacism #LabourLies #LabourStinks #ItWasAScam
#stopstarmer #blair #labour #mcternan #tonyblair #iraq #warcriminal #austerity #classwar #nhsprivatisation #starmer #kidstarver #zionism #apartheid #labourracism #labourlies #labourstinks #ItWasAScam
This story is interesting in its own right, but given the news about NHS funding across the UK, the info about a prostate cancer drug that is only available privately, gives it an added dimension.
#music #NHS #NHSwaitinglist
#NHSCrisis #NHSPrivatisation
#nhsprivatisation #nhscrisis #nhswaitinglist #nhs #music
Keep our NHS Public
In this pre-election period, it is vital that we stand together to defend our #NHS from those who seek to undermine its core values
John Whalley @NEBylines @BylineTimes @SydesJokes
#nhsprivatisation #saveournhs #nhs
The #BBC are pure evil.
#bbc #kateandrews #nhsprivatisation #iea #adamsmithinstitute #republicansoverseas
Voters Believe Rishi Sunak is Secretly Planning to Privatise the NHS - Byline Times #nhs #nhsprivatisation #Sunak #tories #uk
#nhs #nhsprivatisation #Sunak #tories #uk
Our Map of Privatisation & Outsourcing
Privatisation has been creeping into the NHS for three decades. Our map unmasks the thousands of non-NHS providers providing NHS-funded healthcare across the UK every single day. It's shocking.
#SOSNHS #NHSPrivatisation
In addition to Conservatives Labour MPs have accepted donations from private health companies.
These include Keir Starmer, (Leader of the Opposition and, in many people's books, the next Prime Minister), Yvette Cooper (Shadow Home Secretary), Dan Jarvis and Wes Streeting (Shadow Secretary of State for Health).
The NHS is not safe in either Labour or Conservative hands.
#SOSNHS #Labour #NHSPrivatisation #NHSstaff #health #HealthCare
#healthcare #health #nhsstaff #nhsprivatisation #labour #SOSNHS
Our Map of Privatisation & Outsourcing
Privatisation has been creeping into the NHS for three decades. Our map unmasks the thousands of non-NHS providers providing NHS-funded healthcare across the UK every single day. It's shocking.
#nhsstaff #nhsprivatisation #SOSNHS
You Don’t Have to Be a Doctor to Know How Much Trouble the N.H.S. Is In
#NHSSOS #NHSPrivatisation #Toryfailure #Torylies #ToryCorruption
#ToryCorruption #torylies #ToryFailure #nhsprivatisation #nhssos
Vote for Scottish Independence essential to retain a Scottish NHS. #NHSSOS #NHSPrivatisation
Boris Johnson told Donald Trump to keep discussions about privatising the NHS just between them
"Some parties might make a mischief if you talk about it in public", the former prime minister is said to have warned.
#NHSSOS #NHSPrivatisation #NHSstaff #ToryCorruption #Torylies #Toryfailure
#ToryFailure #torylies #ToryCorruption #nhsstaff #nhsprivatisation #nhssos
Deficit trusts face ‘intimidating conversations’ and orders to hold down staffing
NHS England has told many trusts and systems they are not allowed to increase their staffing establishment in the next 12 months, HSJ has learned.
#nhsprivatisation #nhsstaff #nhssos
I stand with striking NHS nurses
To Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
For the first time in history, nurses are left with no choice but to go on strike. Ministers are declining formal pay negotiations. I stand with the nurses on strike.
#nhsprivatisation #nhsstaff #nhssos
EveryDoctor @everydoctoruk
Our Map of Privatisation & Outsourcing
Privatisation has been creeping into the NHS for three decades. Our map unmasks the thousands of non-NHS providers providing NHS-funded healthcare across the UK every single day. It's shocking.
#EveryDoctor #nhsprivatisation #nhsstaff #nhssos
Do you support the NHS and oppose privatisation? Follow EveryDoctor @everydoctoruk
#nhs #nhsprivatisation #nhsstaff #nhssos
Barclay’s lawsuit against striking nurses is just one example of his contempt for the NHS
#NHSSOS #NHSstaff #NHSPrivatisation #GovernmentWaste #governmentcorruption #Toryfailure #Torylies
#torylies #ToryFailure #governmentcorruption #governmentwaste #nhsprivatisation #nhsstaff #nhssos
Elective Recovery Taskforce: PM invited UK’s top private health bosses to help tackle backlog | openDemocracy
“Revealed: Taskforce to tackle #NHS backlog is stuffed with private health CEOs
Lobbyists for private health corporations were among those tasked with shaping proposals for NHS recovery plan.”
#handsoffourhealthcare #NHSprivatisation
#nhsprivatisation #handsoffourhealthcare #nhs
"Prime Minister Rishi Sunak suggested there should be a greater role for the private sector in the NHS as he set out how he wanted to win voters’ trust on the issue."
Wouldn't trust that wee shite as far as I could throw him. And I could throw him pretty far.
#toriesout #nhs #nhsprivatisation #Sunak
Jeremy Hunt: New chancellor is the man who ruined the NHS
As the former health secretary is appointed to the Exchequer, his ministerial past puts paid to his ‘sensible’ image
#jeremyhunt #nhsprivatisation #nhssos