Sign the #petition: Only the #NHS trains doctors and nurses, has A&E, and doesn't cherry-pick patients. Private healthcare cannot fix the waiting list crisis. Politicians must invest in our NHS, not in private healthcare. 💙 #OnlytheNHS #TheNHS #NHSPrivatisationKills
#nhsprivatisationkills #thenhs #onlythenhs #nhs #petition
I've just added my name to WeOwnit's submission to Labour's National Policy Forum demanding an end to
NHS privatisation and for #ourNHS to be reinstated as a fully public service. Can you take 2 minutes to add your voice too? #NHSPrivatisationKills
#ournhs #nhsprivatisationkills
I've just added my name to We Own It's submission to Labour's National Policy Forum demanding an end to #NHS #privatisation and for #ourNHS to be reinstated as a fully public service. Can you take 2 minutes to add your voice too? 💙 #NHSPrivatisationKills
#nhsprivatisationkills #ournhs #privatisation #nhs
#NHSPrivatisationKills I've emailed my MP to inform them that a Uni of Oxford study shows that NHS privatisation is linked to preventable deaths. It took me JUST 3mins to send them a prepared email. Can you click below and email your MP now 💙 #NHS