‘When the NHS goes private, we’ll be paying for ambulances’ | Morning Star
Ambulance workers on the picket line tell the Star why winning their pay dispute is so important for the future of the health service
#NHS #ambulances #strikes #nhsprivatisation #nhsprivatization #ambulanceworkers #ambulanceworkersstrike #unison #gmb #unite #futureofnhs
Tory ministers ‘looking to privatise’ NHS, says union boss | The Independent
Unite general secretary lashes out, before urging to ministers to offer 10% pay rise
#NHS #toryministers #nhsprivatisation #nhsprivatization #unite
Petition · UK Gov! Put an end to NHS privatisation. An insurance-based system is unworkable. · Change.org
UK Gov! Put an end to NHS privatisation. An insurance-based system is unworkable.
#NHS #nhsprivatization #insurancebasedhealthcare