Sign the petition! Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak: We Demand a Plan for the NHS RAAC
We are writing to Rishi Sunak to express our deep concerns about reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) and the potential dangers it poses to both NHS patients and staff. There have been repeated warnings over a number of years, and the government has failed to take the action required to rectify the situation.
#toryfail #healthcare #raac #nhssos #everydoctoruk
Harry's Last Stand
Junior Doctors and Consultants are striking for more than just wages. They are striking for your right to timely, state of the art public healthcare.
Free at the point of use, universal public healthcare was once democracy’s strongest castle wall. It protected, for decades, our civilisation from the predatory nature of oligarchic capitalism.
#HarrysLastStand #HarryLeslieSmith
#JohnSmith #NHSSOS #health #fascism #HealthCare
#healthcare #fascism #health #nhssos #johnsmith #harrylesliesmith #harryslaststand
We have a world class NHS model. The NHS is not a business model. It is a Not For Profit Welfare Model for the whole of UK whether rich or poor. It is funded through our National Insurance Contributions every month. Our Employers pay their share for employing us too. This collective money goes to the NHS to provide the services.
#NHSSOS #HealthCare #StopPrivatisation #ToryCorruption #ToryLies #ToryFail #LabourRightWingCoup
#labourrightwingcoup #toryfail #torylies #ToryCorruption #stopprivatisation #healthcare #nhssos
Private firm linked to No 10 adviser handed NHS waiting lists contract
Labour accuses Rishi Sunak of possible conflict of interest as former client of Bill Morgan chosen to run diagnostic centres
Rishi Sunak is facing questions over a possible conflict of interest after it emerged that a private healthcare firm handed a government contract to reduce regional NHS waiting lists is linked to a No 10 policy adviser.
#healthcare #ToryCorruption #nhssos
Lucy Letby: doctor who raised alarm calls for regulation of NHS executives
Dr Stephen Brearey says officials ‘absolutely’ need to be regulated in similar manner to medical practitioners
NHS executives should be regulated similarly to medical practitioners, the paediatrician who first raised the alarm on Lucy Letby has said, after clinicians’ concerns about her after years of concerns were “turned on the head”.
#management #accountability #healthcare #nhssos
‘Inhumane’ NHS fees left more than 900 migrants without treatment
Patients turned down care they needed after demands for advance payments amid complaints of government’s ‘hostile environment’
Hundreds of migrants have declined NHS treatment after being presented with upfront charges over the past two years, amid complaints the government’s “hostile environment” on immigration remains firmly in place.
#hostileenvironment #toryfail #healthcare #nhssos #refugees
Watch: People on waiting lists speak out against NHS privatisation
Last week the government announced plans to create eight new privately owned and run health centres and to remove barriers to using more of the private sector in the NHS.
In this video, people on NHS waiting lists tell their heartbreaking stories of being on the waiting list for months (sometimes for over a year) and demand that the government fund our NHS, not private profit.
Who would you believe? The government minister claiming there’ve been no problems with Palantir’s software? Or the NHS hospital in Liverpool that actually tried it, and says the trial had to be stopped because it didn’t do what NHS staff needed it to do?
We need answers urgently. Finding out what went wrong during trials of Palantir's software at NHS hospitals could be key to preventing them getting the new £480m NHS data contract.
Make the NHS fully-publicly run again.
Patients have needed surgery following failures by NHS-contracted firms, charity says
Crohn's and Colitis UK said it heard from 35 people claiming that issues on the part of homecare medicines services, such as delays in delivering vital medications, led to their condition worsening to the point that they required surgery.
Just Treatment.
Last week it was revealed that giant pharmaceutical companies have made over £12bn in excess profits from selling just 10 drugs to the NHS over the last decade.
In a new report we worked on with our friends at Global Justice Now and STOPAIDS, we found that drugs used to treat cancers, arthritis and for blood clot prevention are being sold to the NHS with mark-ups of up to 23,000% on the estimated cost of production.
#healthcare #health #profiteering #nhssos #bigpharma
Sunak says he can’t afford public sector pay rises – but look at the white elephants he’s happy to fund
Spending priorities sum up all that is rotten in government. Where is the money for education and the NHS?
Rishi Sunak has now conceded public sector workers the sum he was told to pay them by their independent review boards last year, an average rise of 6%.
#NHSSOS #PublicSpending #ToryFail #ToryLies #ToryCorruption #government
#government #ToryCorruption #torylies #toryfail #PublicSpending #nhssos
Today NHS junior doctors across England have begun a 5 day walkout to demand pay restoration, after more than a decade of real terms salary cuts. This is the longest single strike in NHS history.
One of the junior doctors taking part is Andrew. He came here from the US eight years ago to study medicine, and ended up staying to work here because he loves the NHS - and what it stands for - so much.
(Sorry the link is to facebook)
#juniordoctorsstrike #savethenhs #nhssos
Austerity has led to NHS quality of care declining in key areas, study finds
Exclusive: Experts say fall in funding caused ‘turning point’ in standards in health service in England
The coalition government’s austerity programme in the early 2010s led to the heath service no longer being able to meet key waiting time targets, the Nuffield Trust and Health Foundation said.
#NHSSOS #austerity #HealthCare #health #politics #ToryFail #ToryLies
#torylies #toryfail #politics #health #healthcare #austerity #nhssos
No 10 defends record on NHS waiting list after minister admits it could grow further – UK politics live
PM’s spokesperson says the government is focused on cutting long wait times as well as the waiting list itself
#ToryCorruption #torylies #savethenhs #nhssos
Petition update
Today is the 75th anniversary of the NHS but we must keep fighting!
Today the NHS is 75 years old and that's why there have been events taking place up and down the country all week. Tonight, amongst other events we have an online Zoom rally (register here) to discuss how we can continue the fight for our NHS
There are events taking place all week and you can see them here please get involved if you can!
Follow the money! Think the NHS is safe in Labour hands: think again!
Tony Blair urges expanded role for private sector as NHS turns 75
Former PM says service needs radical reform, including pointing patients to private healthcare offers
The NHS must undergo radical change or it will continue to decline and lose public support, Tony Blair has argued on the service’s 75th anniversary.
#votegreen #savethenhs #nhssos
Big Issue:
As the NHS turns 75, let’s celebrate it – and fight for it
We must take this opportunity to hold politicians to account and reimagine what we want from the NHS says Dr Julia Patterson
The NHS’s 75th anniversary is on 5 July. It’s an extraordinary milestone for an extraordinary institution, which has improved the lives of millions of people since it first began.
#nhs #savethenhs #healthcare #nhssos
Harry's Last Stand
After 75 Years The NHS Is Dying Because We Forgot Our History Is Working Class, Not Downton Abbey.
On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the NHS, I am posting an excerpt from my dad’s book Harry’s Last Stand. Public healthcare died on our watch. By allowing this to happen we betrayed the Greatest Generation who fought to deliver us a Welfare State after they defeated Fascism, in 1945.
#nhssos #johnsmith #harrylesliesmith #harryslaststand
Revealed: record 170,000 staff leave NHS in England as stress and workload take toll
Health service shown to be under some of worst pressure in its history in week Rishi Sunak launched plan to retain and recruit workforce
#NHSSOS #ToryCorruption #ToryLies #ToryFail #health #fascism
#fascism #health #toryfail #torylies #ToryCorruption #nhssos