#Pfizer Documents show #Deagel population die off Projections Genuine and On Track
On the Need for Flush #Niacin For Bioweapon Illness
SARS-CoV-2 Is Associated With Changes In Brain Structure - This Paper Shows The Virus Is Neurotropic
The Spike Protein Is Shown To Have More Than One Way To Enter Your Brain
Todella hyvin tuntunut toimivan nikotiinihappo (Niasiini, B3 vitamiini) hillitsemään long covid oireita ennen kuin ne pahenevat.
Hieman pelkäsin jääkö tähän koukkuun koska mukana on fyysisiä sivuvaikutuksia, mutta euforian puuttuminen näyttää tepsivän, enemmänkin jää ottamatta vahingossa kuin toisin päin.
Kolmas kerta #korona ja ei kiinnosta potea taas kuukausia pitkittyneitä oireita todellakaan.
#suppression #symptom #LongCovid #niacin #korona
Genetic precursor and vitamin B3 found in Ryugu asteroid
#Uracil #niacin #asteroids #biology #ExtraterrestrialLife #Ryugu #Hyabusa2
#uracil #niacin #asteroids #biology #extraterrestriallife #ryugu #hyabusa2
Samples of #asteroid #Ryugu collected by #Hayabusa2 had #uracil, one of the informational units that make up #RNA, the molecules that contain the instructions for how to build and operate living organisms. Vitamin #B3 or #niacin, which is an important cofactor for #metabolism in living organisms, was also detected in the same samples
#asteroid #ryugu #hayabusa2 #uracil #RNA #B3 #niacin #metabolism
@erictopol I've been taking over 1000 mgs niacin a day for over ten years. Niacin causes a flush, which means it dilates my capillaries . I'm doing this to avoid accumulation of nephropathy due to my type one diabetes. It sounds like Covid causes a series of mini strokes, which I'm combating. I'm wondering if niacin flushing can prevent serious complications of covid. I've searched online for any studies, so far nothing.
#Covid #Niacin #NiacinFlush