“The Shocking Lessons Of History Everyone Has Forgotten”
Niall Ferguson interviewed by Chris Williamson on Modern Wisdom. Parallels b/w the history of the #PrintingPress and #Internet at the 32 minute mark #mastodon users should absorb. The down sides of hyper connectedness when everybody has access.
#history / #NiallFerguson / #ChrisWilliamson / #ModernWisdom <https://youtube.com/watch?v=h-XRR3z23tU>
#printingpress #internet #mastodon #history #niallferguson #chriswilliamson #modernwisdom
Heute (23.1.23) in der #bzbasel ein über zwei Seiten ausgewalztes, kaum kritisch hinterfragendes Interview mit Niall Ferguson, das morgen fortgesetzt werden soll. Kostprobe:
Die #Influenza 1918 und 1919 "tötete damals viele junge Leute. #Corona tötete hingegen alte Leute. Das ist sehr ungewöhnlich für eine #Pandemie - und viel weniger schlimm. Corona war die beste Pandemie die es geben konnte."
#niallferguson #pandemie #corona #influenza #bzbasel
Zitat #NiallFerguson: “Mein Punkt ist aber ein historischer und politischer. Politiker antworten auf wahrgenommene existenzielle Bedrohungen oft überzogen und falsch. Und die Schnelligkeit, mit der die Leute sich gerade mit moralischem Eifer aufladen, erhöht die Gefahr, dass sie politische Antworten auf die Erderwärmung finden werden, die nicht funktionieren oder sogar schaden.” —> so sehe ich es auch. Wir müssen immer die historische Dimension im Blick behalten.
Obacht, wenn ein Autor „Cancel Culture“ beklagt ☝️ Es ist davon auszugehen, dass er auch sonst libertäre Ideen vertritt. #NiallFerguson
More #NiallFerguson :
"If you ask English voters [about Irish unification] they’re like, “Oh, maybe. Who cares?” You ask them the same question about an independent Scotland. They’re like, “Sure.” The thing that’s important is that the English don’t care about this stuff anymore, and they used to care. They just don’t care anymore. I think that indifference is the more powerful force."
#TylerCowen #scotpol #ukpol #ireland #scotland #niallferguson
"Scotland had the most extraordinary historical trajectory. It went from being Afghanistan in the 17th century — it was basically Afghanistan. You had violent warring clans in the north, in the mountainous parts of the country, and a theocracy of extreme Calvinist zealots in the Lowlands. [... But] in the course of the 18th century, Scotland became [...] the cradle of the Enlightenment, had really all the best ideas of Western civilization"
#Russia ’s #Geopolitical #Crisis
#NiallFerguson on #War with #Ukraine
(includes surprise waterfall with audio)
#russia #geopolitical #crisis #niallferguson #war #ukraine #grandstrategy #germany #nato
@robert On the other hand, #NiallFerguson writes, "As Roose noted in September, “Facebook is in trouble.” It is in fact suffering the “kind of slow, steady decline that anyone who has ever seen a dying company up close can recognize.” Facebook use among teenagers in the U.S. has been declining for years. Now Instagram is losing market share to faster-growing rivals. “Facebook is for old people,” as one 11-year-old put it."
@commandlinekid This is just wrong. Go read the #NiallFerguson book on the Rothschilds if you want more history on the family.
The End of the World? | #NiallFerguson
19 mins
Great conversation, more optimistic than title implies.
- #Marxism is more important to #XiJingPing than most people realize. He has "turned the clock back" ideologically.
- People overestimate the rise of China. Chronic corruption remains a problem. "This system will lose legitmacy"
- The principle threat to #WesternCivilization is from within. If we chose to attack our civilization, we'll only have ourselves to blame.
#niallferguson #westerncivilization #marxism #xijingping
#AxisOfEasy 175: Secrecy Around Top Canadian Cyber-Security Intelligence Officer Caught Spying For China
##AxisOfEasy #AlphaFoldAI #AWDL #bitcoin #CameronOrtis #DeepMind #DianneFrancis #Egregor #Ethereum2.0 #Fold@home #GoogleProjectZero #Magecart #NiallFerguson #NICC #RCMP #SansecThreatResearch #TimnitGebru
#timnitgebru #sansecthreatresearch #rcmp #nicc #niallferguson #magecart #googleprojectzero #fold #ethereum2 #egregor #diannefrancis #deepmind #cameronortis #bitcoin #awdl #alphafoldai #axisofeasy
AxisOfEasy #175: Secrecy around top Canadian cyber-security intelligence officer caught spying for China
#AlphaFoldAI #AWDL #bitcoin #CameronOrtis #DeepMind #DianneFrancis #Egregor #Ethereum2.0 #Fold@home #GoogleProjectZero #Magecart #NiallFerguson #NICC #RCMP #SansecThreatResearch #TimnitGebru
#timnitgebru #sansecthreatresearch #rcmp #nicc #niallferguson #magecart #googleprojectzero #fold #ethereum2 #egregor #diannefrancis #deepmind #cameronortis #bitcoin #awdl #alphafoldai
Apollo's Arrow by Nicholas A. Christakis book review | The TLS
#covid19 #NAChristakis
#TimesLiterarySupplement #TLS
#tls #TimesLiterarySupplement #niallferguson #NAChristakis #COVID19