Satu lagi dari Omoda Channel: "Hulo Omasiö" featuring Idaman Fakhö di lead vocal dan Ferdinand Zebua di flute. Please like, share, comment & subscribe! 😁✌
#fz_webvideos #musik #popnias #nias
Intrepid travelling professor Sudha, 70, is fearless
#ProfSudhaMahalingam #traveller #NIAS
Source : TOI
#nias #traveller #profsudhamahalingam
I should have done this last Friday but could not because I was seriously ill. However, I am doing it now. I had recorded a podcast for #NIAS. I had interviewed one of the founders of Pratik Sinha for it. In it we discuss the problems fact checkers face in India. The podcast has been published on Dec 16th #founders and you can listen to the podcast under the link below. Hope you enjoy it and looking forward to your comments.