During a beta release at #NICAR23, we gathered feedback, ideas and inspiration from a focus group of reporters interested in covering money in politics.
In the time since we addressed those issues by overhauling the site via our GitHub code-repository.
Thanks to the Global Investigative Journalism Network for highlighting our Open Source Fellow's presentation at #NICAR23 about how Add-Ons are helping to address the needs of our users! https://gijn.org/2023/04/10/data-journalism-tools-documentcloud-extract-redacted-text-personal-information/
Har fortfarande inte haft tid att gå igenom anteckningar och tip sheets från #nicar23. MÅSTE ta mig den tiden snart. För rätt värdelöst att åka långt bort på konferens om man inte lyckas använda det man lär sig innan man glömmer bort det... Och det var mycket bra grejer.
RT @gijn
NEW! During #NICAR23 — the annual data journalism summit — @IRE_NICAR@twitter.activitypub.actor devoted a session to an increasingly popular & free social media tool that monitors public accounts across many platforms for the benefit of journalists & researchers — Junkipedia.
Say hello to https://moneyinpolitics.wtf
Launched this weekend at #nicar23, it aims to be the biggest dictionary of campaign-finance jargon.
It's also open source. Check it out. Then join the cause!
Fyra dagars konferens är över och jag är lite slut men också fullproppad med ny info, nya idéer och verktyg. Finns inget som slår NICAR när det gäller #datajournalistik. #nicar23 #ddj
#ddj #nicar23 #datajournalistik
Hey @craigalyons
RT @palewire
Good morning, #NICAR23. Before I catch my flight home, I'll be hacking at the high tables in the hotel lobby.
We've got a pile a tickets from yesterday's launch party. Come by and help me close 'em. Or just hang. https://twitter.com/palewire/status/1632132828363374592
RT Christine Jeavans
Thanks to @jonkeegan for the search tip
filetype:pdf site:targetsite .com "confidential"
RT @MaxPatino11
Great to see the @newmarkjschool family of alums, students and faculty getting together at #NICAR23 . Keep representing us well, my friends!
The First Visual Notebook half-day session by @palewire at #nicar23 was super useful. I have so many ideas of how we could use a similar setup at @dagensarbete.
I'm updating the Journalist's Toolbox with several resources from the #NICAR23 conference. Check out the homepage and what's new page
Up to 15 resources so far on topics like #rstats, #javascript, #python, command line, and regular expressions from the #nicar23 data journalism conference.
Links to slides, tip sheets, GitHub repos: https://www.machlis.com/nicar/
#rstats #javascript #python #nicar23
Looking for some NICAR history? Christine Zhang collected program covers (from when the conference still had programs) here: https://underthecurve.github.io/nicar/ #NICAR23
Okay #NICAR23. It’s me, the girl who has been wearing a cowboy hat.
I’m doing this to win a bet. Help me out: if you see me, let’s have a conversation about anything.
Do I have to close out our conversation with a weird phrase? Yes. But, I’m a joy to talk to. Ask my mom. (She’d say yes.)
From Mike Reilley, senior lecturer at Univ of Illinois Chicago: “Free subscriptions to #journalism resources from the Journalist's Toolbox:
*-Journalist's Toolbox e-newsletter: http://ow.ly/pOye50I05rT
*-YouTube digital tools training channel: http://ow.ly/NH3050I05rS “
Example: his top tools of 2022
“30 data sets in 30 minutes” - #NICAR23 presentation on interesting data sources for journalism projects (note: many are U.S. focused)
About to teach a class on regular expressions at #nicar23, if anyone here would like to join! We're in 5 Points (Level 1) and start in about 5 minutes.
If you missed @betsyladyzhets #nicar23 session on covering long COVID, find the slides at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10-QVv76elEwf1RrUDHB2snC-1Fya53erN2Ykw1tFxjU/edit?usp=sharing