RT @AmnestyBrighton@twitter.com
Very disappointing to see President #Biden copying #Trump policies and announcing a new “border enforcement” policy, which blocks #Cubans, #Haitians, and #Nicaraguans from accessing asylum in the #USA by immediately expelling them to Mexico.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AmnestyBrighton/status/1611732964634673153
#biden #trump #cubans #haitians #nicaraguans #usa
Reasonable compromise to an unsustainable exodus
Biden restricting Nicaraguans, Cubans and Haitians at border
WASHINGTON (AP) — The #Biden administration on Thursday said it would immediately begin turning away #Cubans, #Haitians and #Nicaraguans who cross the U.S.-#Mexico border illegally, a major expansion of an existing effort to stop #Venezuelans
attempting to enter the U.S.
Instead, the administration will accept 30,000 people per month from the four nations..
#biden #cubans #haitians #nicaraguans #mexico #venezuelans
I suspect there are former administration holdovers behind this.
Biden Admin Plans to Expand Title 42 to Expel #Cubans, #Nicaraguans and #Haitians
The new rules will model the policy used for Venezuelan asylum seekers, which advocates have denounced as inhumane. https://truthout.org/articles/biden-admin-plans-to-expand-title-42-to-expel-cubans-nicaraguans-and-haitians/
#cubans #nicaraguans #haitians
More than 180,000 #Nicaraguans crossed into the United States this year through the end of November — about 60 times as many as those who entered during the same period two years earlier, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data. @nytimes https://nyti.ms/3hRA9MG #Migrants #immigration
#nicaraguans #migrants #immigration
"Illegal" #border crossings by #Cubans and #Nicaraguans rose sharply in November while overall migration flows were little changed from October, U.S. authorities said Friday. The snapshot is the latest detailed account of who is crossing the border from #Mexico amid preparations to end a Trump-era #asylum ban. It marked the third-highest monthly count of Joe Biden’s presidency.
#border #cubans #nicaraguans #mexico #asylum