#IT is #Recommended that the #ThirdLayer of #NiceCheese is #Grilled like a #CheeseToastie / #GrilledCheese...
#IT's like a #Pizza; but also, #NotLikeAPizza
#AllCheeseToastiesMatter | #QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool
#YoureWelcome | #DontMentionIT
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#parttwo #two #it #recommended #thirdlayer #nicecheese #grilled #cheesetoastie #grilledcheese #pizza #notlikeapizza #allcheesetoastiesmatter #quotetoots #stillquitecool #yourewelcome #dontmentionit
#IF you #JustCantFace: #AnotherSalad; #AlwaysConsider...
#IT's all in #TheLayering...
#FirstLayer: #ToastedBread;
#SecondLayer: #Butter;
#ThirdLayer: #NiceCheese (Not #HorribleCheese; #HorribleCheese is #Horrible. I don't even know why #People make #HorribleCheese, #IT's #Horrible)... #IDigress...
#FourthLayer: #BakedBeans with #NiceCheeseyCubes #SprinkledLiberally;
#FifthLayer: #CourseGround #BlackPepper to #Taste
#now #partone #two #if #justcantface #anothersalad #alwaysconsider #beansontoast #it #thelayering #firstlayer #toastedbread #secondlayer #butter #thirdlayer #nicecheese #horriblecheese #horrible #people #idigress #fourthlayer #bakedbeans #nicecheeseycubes #sprinkledliberally #fifthlayer #courseground #blackpepper #taste #thisistheway
#Incidentally.. And, also #Tangentially...
The 8-hour #Delay was due to #Sleeping and #Reasons...
But we #Definitely have #Cheese... #NiceCheese... Not #HorribleCheese...
I don't know why #People make #HorribleCheese; #IT's #Horrible...
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#incidentally #tangentially #delay #sleeping #reasons #definitely #cheese #nicecheese #horriblecheese #people #it #horrible
To #Make: #KimChiAndNiceCheeseEnchiladas; you will need:
- #Tortillas (not #Pancakes);
- #KimChi; and,
- #NiceCheese
Don't be #Tempted to use #HorribleCheese; because it's #Horrible... I don't even know why #People make #HorribleCheese; it's #Horrible...
#Anyways - #NiceCheese could be a creamy #Gorgonzola or #Stilton...
You will also need:
- #OtherStuff; and/or,
- #Things
You will also need to know:
- #Where you are; and,
- #Where you're #Going...
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#make #kimchiandnicecheeseenchiladas #tortillas #pancakes #kimchi #nicecheese #tempted #horriblecheese #horrible #people #anyways #gorgonzola #stilton #otherstuff #things #where #going
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingAfternoonTeaAndABunNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FrequentlyFewer...
In a #Change to our #PreviousBroadcast; we're going to #NotHaveChilli and instead, have #Pancakes...
Our #Pancakes will be #Stuffed with #KimChi and #NiceCheese... They're also called #Enchiladas
#TrueStory... | #TrueTrueTuesday
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#notnews24 #unbreaklingafternoonteaandabunnotnews #notnearly24 #oftenless #frequentlyfewer #change #previousbroadcast #nothavechilli #pancakes #stuffed #kimchi #nicecheese #enchiladas #truestory #truetruetuesday