The Website of the Blue Sky Rangers
I'm surprised these folks are still around! The Intellivision was an ancient property even by the time the Blue Sky Rangers were founded, and their site is still up, even now in this blasted dystopian year of 2023.
They've been making collections and remakes of, and retro consoles containing, the old Intellivisio
#niche #retro #blueskyrangers #intellivision #intv #mattel #niche #oldweb #retro
#niche #retro #blueskyrangers #intellivision #intv #mattel #oldweb
An example of #ecosystem #niche loss (here, in #arid areas) after a major #wildfire event, with the simultaneous pressure of #ClimateChange
Despite human intervention (which artificially tries to support the ecological niche - selective replanting and watering - compared with natural conditions where seedlings would be simply abandoned to themselves), the original #vegetation appears no more able to regrow as before
(see by @WildTypeWriter)
#ecosystem #niche #ARID #wildfire #ClimateChange #vegetation
Roguelike Celebration Preview Sign-Up
I've mentioned both Roguelike Celebration 2023, and its upcoming preview event, before, but it's getting close now, happening on September 10th. It's free to attend! Here is the signup link.
One of the fun touches the Roguelike Celebration people do is provide a MUD-like chatroom for attendees. Both the previe
#niche #play #2023 #conference #niche #preview #roguelike #roguelikecelebration
#niche #play #conference #preview #roguelike #roguelikecelebration
Dragon Con 2023: Music Games
Save Point brought a whole bevy of Japanese arcade music games to DragonCon this year. I am of two minds of them: it's definitely niche and I'm in favor of that, and it's nice to see a genre like this represented well. But they brought so many of them, and they were stationed close
#niche #2023 #bemani #convention #dancedancerevolution #ddr #dragoncon #konami #music #niche #popnmusic #rhythmheaven #soundvoltex
#niche #bemani #convention #dancedancerevolution #ddr #dragoncon #konami #music #popnmusic #rhythmheaven #soundvoltex
DragonCon 2023: Gaming Options & Gamecube Events
DragonCon has had a variety of gaming options going back at least a decade.
They used to have, for a surprisingly long time really, a set of networked Battletech pods that some people would dutifully bring every year, with N64-level graphics, that had a dedicated following. The pods were made up in an imm
#niche #airride #dragoncon #gamecube #kirby #multiplayer #niche #nintendo
#niche #airride #dragoncon #gamecube #kirby #multiplayer #nintendo
DragonCon 2023: Arcade Things
More low-effort posts about game things spotted at Atlanta's pop culture mega-convention.
A Cosmic Smash cabinet!
That recent arcade port of NES obscurity Mr. Gimmick!
A 2007 arcade version of Rhythm Heaven, completely in Japanese
#niche #retro #arcade #atlanta #cosmicsmash #dragoncon #joystickgamebar #mrgimmick #niche #pinball #retro #rhythmheaven #savepoint #spaceinvaders #twilightzone
#niche #retro #arcade #Atlanta #cosmicsmash #dragoncon #joystickgamebar #mrgimmick #pinball #rhythmheaven #savepoint #spaceinvaders #twilightzone
DragonCon 2023, #1
For some reason, the Hilton Atlanta's public spaces were decorated with a Mario theme. Here's some documentation:
Right about now is where I'd put in some pseudo-witty comment about this, but as I write this I'm still at the convention. I needed something fairly low effort to put up, and these pictures were already on my phone. This also explains the
#niche #dragoncon #hilton #mario #niche #nintendo #photos
#niche #dragoncon #hilton #mario #nintendo #photos
Sundry Sunday: Doobus Goobus Doesn’t Care for Freddy Fazbear
...and neither do I.
By the way, I made this post while sitting in Peachtree Center in Atlanta the Wednesday before DragonCon 2023! Hello! These posts will probably be somewhat
#indies #niche #sundaysundry #doobusgoobus #fivenightsatfreddys #freddyfazbear #sunday #sundrysunday #video #youtube
#indies #niche #sundaysundry #doobusgoobus #fivenightsatfreddys #freddyfazbear #sunday #sundrysunday #video #youtube
Famicom Family BASIC
I love BASIC! I don't make a secret of it. It was the product, even before DOS, that launched Microsoft. It was invented to be the language to bring programming to the masses, and, for a short time, it fulfilled that function. (These days, if you want to learn coding, I suggest Python. Not only is it a lo
#niche #retro #basic #diodezone #famicom #hudson #niche #nintendo #peertube #programming #reenthused #retro #sharp #video
#niche #retro #basic #diodezone #famicom #hudson #nintendo #peertube #programming #reenthused #sharp #video
Sundry Sunday: The Groovy Long Legs Experience
In the year + one half we've been doing this, we've dug up a lot of varied things for Sundays. This one's pretty short, but still, the fact they made it in stop motion is respectable. (At least I assume it's stop motion. They could have made it in a computer I guess, but
#niche #sundaysundry #animation #groovylonglegs #pikmin #stopmotion #sunday #sundrysunday #video #youtube
#niche #sundaysundry #animation #groovylonglegs #pikmin #stopmotion #sunday #sundrysunday #video #youtube
Chris Trotter’s History of Atari
The Atari brand has been in so many hands, and been used for so many things (including, most recently, NFTs and hotels) that making sense of it all is maddening. Christ Trotter on the atomicpoet Pleroma instance made a fairly lengthy series of posts laying it all out that, to
#niche #retro #arcade #atari #atomicpoet #christrotter #fediverse #history #infogrammes #namco #niche #pleroma #retro #tengen
#niche #retro #arcade #atari #atomicpoet #christrotter #fediverse #history #infogrammes #namco #pleroma #tengen
Twinbeard Plays Super Mario Galaxy One Star A Day
Twinbeard is Jim Stormdancer, who's on Mastodon. He created Frog Fractions, and its mysterious sequel. But these things are irrelephant to the subject of this post, which is that he's playing Super Mario Galaxy, one star a day, and posting his play to Youtube.
#niche #jimstormdancer #mario #niche #nintendo #supermariogalaxy #twinbear #video #youtube
#niche #jimstormdancer #mario #nintendo #supermariogalaxy #twinbear #video #youtube
#NiCHE has included #Profit: An #Environmental #History on its "10 Reads to Problematize the Anthropocene": "paints a rich picture of consumer capitalism and its indelible impact on the planet."
#niche #profit #environmental #history #envhist #capitalism #histodons
Unexpected Pinball Cow
Cows have had a long history associated with pinball. Not that long compared to the whole range of pinball, going back to the Great Depression, but in the days of games with dot-matrix displays, it became a tradition to hide cows in pinball games in some way.
Just one example. In Attack From Ma
#niche #attackfrommars #bally #cow #eastereggs #metroid #metroidprime #metroidprimepinball #niche #pinball #secrets #williams
#niche #attackfrommars #bally #cow #eastereggs #metroid #metroidprime #metroidprimepinball #pinball #secrets #williams
The Copetti Site: Architectures of Recent Game Consoles
From the site, a diagram of the architecture of the Wii U's Game Pad
A good old-fashioned website! It's hope to
#niche #architecture #copetti #dreamcast #ds #gameboy #gamecube #gba #genesis #hardware #megadrive #microsoft #n64 #nes #niche #nintendo #pcengine #playstation #ps2 #ps3 #saturn #sega #sms #snes #sony #tg16 #virtualboy #wii #wiiu #xbox #xbox360
#niche #architecture #copetti #dreamcast #ds #gameboy #gamecube #gba #genesis #hardware #megadrive #microsoft #n64 #nes #nintendo #pcengine #playstation #ps2 #ps3 #saturn #sega #sms #snes #sony #tg16 #virtualboy #wii #wiiu #xbox #xbox360
About Kirby Air Ride City Trial
One of the best Kirby games isn't a traditional Kirby game at all. Long before Kirby and the Forgotten Land finally worked out how the game should work in three dimensions, there was Kirby Air Ride, a Gamecube racing game that's so weird. Kirby tools around on the Warp Stars t
#niche #citytrial #gamecube #hallaboratory #kirby #kirbyairride #masahirosakurai #multiplayer #niche #nintendo #racing #warpstar
#niche #citytrial #gamecube #hallaboratory #kirby #kirbyairride #masahirosakurai #multiplayer #nintendo #racing #warpstar Battling Entropy In Restoring Arcade Machines
From the article, a photo of the inside of an original Pac-Man game. The insides of most arcade games are usually a stark contrast to their externals, even upon release, but time is often unkind to them.
I've been working on diversifying our link game a bit, so here's a mor
#niche #retro #arcade #coinop #entropy #niche #preservation #retro #romchip
#niche #retro #arcade #coinop #entropy #preservation #romchip
Roguelike Celebration Preview Event on September 10th
The fine folks at Roguelike Celebration are holding a free "fireside chat" style preview event next month on the 10th, at 4pm US Pacific time, 7pm Eastern! Any rogue-likers out there should defin
#play #niche #play #2023 #againstthestorm #aronpietron #davidbrevik #diablo #firesidechats #michaloglozinski #niche #nicjunius #roguelike #roguelikecelebration #talks
#play #niche #againstthestorm #aronpietron #davidbrevik #diablo #firesidechats #michaloglozinski #nicjunius #roguelike #roguelikecelebration #talks
Nintendo Files 31 Patents for Tears of the Kingdom Features
Revealed by Amber V at Automaton, Nintendo has gone on a spree of filing patents on features of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Some of the software they're trying to add the force of law to protecting include adding momentum of an object to a chara
#niche #law #niche #nintendo #patents #softwarepatents #tearsofthekingdom #totk #zelda
#niche #law #nintendo #patents #softwarepatents #tearsofthekingdom #totk #zelda