“The chair will never be mended.”
Siobhan McKenna in King of Kings (1961)
#KingOfKings #KingOfKings1961 #SiobhanMcKenna #NicholasRay #PhilipYordan #RayBradbury
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#kingofkings #kingofkings1961 #siobhanmckenna #nicholasray #philipyordan #raybradbury #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
60 years ago:
55 Days at Peking (US)
Diplomats, soldiers and other representatives of a dozen nations fend off the siege of the International Compound in Peking during the 1900 Boxer Rebellion. The disparate interests unite for survival despite competing factions, overwhelming odds, delayed relief and tacit support of the Boxers by the...
#55DaysatPeking #NicholasRay #CharltonHeston #AvaGardner #DavidNiven #Movies
#55daysatpeking #nicholasray #CharltonHeston #avagardner #davidniven #movies
68 years ago:
Run for Cover (US)
An ex-convict drifter and his flawed young partner are made sheriff and deputy of a Western town.
#RunforCover #NicholasRay #JamesCagney #VivecaLindfors #JohnDerek #Paramount #Western #ClassicFilm
#runforcover #nicholasray #jamescagney #vivecalindfors #johnderek #paramount #western #classicfilm
66 years ago:
The True Story of Jesse James (US)
Having fought with the Confederacy during the Civil War, Jesse James and his brother Frank dream of a farm life in Missouri. Harassed by Union sympathizers, they assemble a gang of outlaws, robbing trains and becoming folk heroes in the process. Jesse marries his sweetheart, Zee, and maintains an au...
#TheTrueStoryofJesseJames #NicholasRay #RobertWagner #JeffreyHunter #HopeLange #20thCenturyFox
#thetruestoryofjessejames #nicholasray #RobertWagner #jeffreyhunter #hopelange #20thcenturyfox
63 years ago:
The Savage Innocents (FR,IT,GB)
An Eskimo who has had little contact with white men goes to a trading post where he accidentally kills a missionary and finds himself being pursued by the police.
#TheSavageInnocents #NicholasRay #AnthonyQuinn #PeterOToole #AnthonyChinn #Paramount #Film
#thesavageinnocents #nicholasray #anthonyquinn #peterotoole #anthonychinn #paramount #film
It’s a much abbreviated Noir City Seattle for me this year, for various reasons, but I had the pleasure of catching They Live by Night and Raw Deal down at SIFF Egyptian today. Nicholas Ray is always special. Also learned that Ray did some field recordings with Alan Lomax back in the day. Small world. #Film #Movies #Noir #NoirCity #NicholasRay #AlanLomax #Cinema
#film #movies #noir #noircity #nicholasray #alanlomax #cinema
In a Lonely Place (1950). I know almost everybody regards this as one of the great noirs but I'm underwhelmed by it.
Bogart is OK as the bitter failed writer but I just didn't find the character believable. Gloria Grahame does her best. But for me the script just doesn't hold together. Dorothy B. Hughes' novel is much much better.
But I'm a notorious Nicholas Ray sceptic.
My review:
#humphreybogart #GloriaGrahame #NicholasRay #filmnoir #classicmovies #classicmovie
#HumphreyBogart #gloriagrahame #nicholasray #filmnoir #classicmovies #classicmovie
Years of merely reading about #SatyajitRay rather than hearing about him meant that, for some time, I kept pronouncing his name as Satyajit REY.
Sometimes, I still feel guilty when I remember that. So, starting today, as penance, I will begin pronouncing #NicholasRay's name as Nicholas WRY.
#Cinemastodon #Cinema #Movies @cinephile
(Cinephile Dad Joke)
#satyajitray #nicholasray #cinemastodon #cinema #movies
A propos of last week's S&S list, that I really like, here's my top ten list, in no particular order: Sommarlek #IngmarBergman; Sanjuro #AkiraKurosawa; I know where I'm going #TheArchers; Johnny Guitar #NicholasRay; The flavour of gren tea over rice #YasujiroOzu; The man who left his will on film #NagisaOshima; Chungking Express #WongKarWai; Pierrot le Fou #JeanLucGodard; Early Summer #YasujiroOzu; Drive My Car #RyusukeHamaguchi
#IngmarBergman #akirakurosawa #TheArchers #nicholasray #yasujiroozu #nagisaoshima #wongkarwai #jeanlucgodard #ryusukehamaguchi
"Nicholas Ray’s oater subverts the gender norms and moral standards of the western in vibrant Trucolor (with noirish undertones)"
JOHNNY GUITAR (1954) is available on Blu-ray from #EurekaEntertainment
#Western #NicholasRay #JoanCrawford
#eurekaentertainment #western #nicholasray #joancrawford
Freestyling 'til I run out of characters—
#eugeneatget #americancivilwar #CharlesMarville #solarsystemcolonization #ghosts #anamorphics #empiricism #jeanvigo #wittgenstein #jeremyengland #cavebears #timetravel #2ndlawofthermodynamics #urbex #storystructure #pitbulls #metalshop #nicholasray #charlesstrozier #EndOfHistory #montaguerhodesjames #danieldennett #orsonwelles #prairiemadness #sociopathy #indieFilmmakers #americanfilmmarket #waltkelly #science #therapsida