Kotaku: The 8 Best Star Trek Games To Play Now That Picard's Over https://kotaku.com/best-star-trek-games-picard-strange-new-worlds-voyager-1850373448 #gaming #tech #kotaku #startrek3athenextgeneration #startrek3adeepspacenine #garfieldreevesstevens #ritualentertainment #startrek3avoyager #patrickstewart #startrekonline #jeanlucpicard #creativeworks #windowsgames #johndelancie #startrek #nichols #trekkie #shatner #netflix #judith #spiner #kelley #sisko #raven #nimoy #unity #takei #nerys #tuvok
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #startrek3athenextgeneration #startrek3adeepspacenine #garfieldreevesstevens #ritualentertainment #startrek3avoyager #patrickstewart #StarTrekOnline #jeanlucpicard #creativeworks #windowsgames #johndelancie #StarTrek #nichols #trekkie #shatner #netflix #judith #spiner #kelley #sisko #raven #nimoy #unity #takei #nerys #tuvok
‘There’s reclamation to be done’: Jason Turner and the struggle for justice
When the world witnessed the televised funeral for Tyre Nichols, it saw a leading Memphis church in action as host, with Senior Pastor J. Lawrence Turner ’06 M.Div. offering prayers to meet the latest grievous national moment.
#TyreNichols #nichols #violence #yale #yds #YaleDivinitySchool #YaleAlumni
#yalealumni #yaledivinityschool #yds #yale #violence #nichols #tyrenichols
Our softball bison is getting ready for her season!
#AYearForArt #BuyIntoArt #Bison #Buffalo #Buffaloes #GoBison #GoBuffs #CollegeSoftball #NCAAWSB
#d1sb #ThunderingHerd #WeAreMarshall #NorthDakotaState #NDSU #OklahomaBaptist #OBU #Bethany #Nichols
#nichols #bethany #obu #oklahomabaptist #NDSU #northdakotastate #wearemarshall #thunderingherd #d1sb #ncaawsb #collegesoftball #GoBuffs #gobison #buffaloes #buffalo #bison #buyintoart #ayearforart
#SamCast for 2/17/23
1. #Iran New protests
2. #Nichols officers to make court appearance
3. #derailment
4. #BadCandidates GOP leaders want to keep them from running
#samcast #Iran #nichols #derailment #badcandidates #News
Claims '#London #clique' #selecting #Labour #general #election #candidates
#Charlotte #Nichols, Labour #MP for nearby #Warrington #North, tweeted that Mr #Drennan's #exclusion was "one of the most blatantly #factional examples of #abuse of the #process I've seen in the 15 years or so I've been a #party #member"
#london #clique #selecting #labour #general #election #candidates #Charlotte #nichols #mp #warrington #north #drennan #exclusion #factional #abuse #process #party #member
7 More Memphis Officers Swept into Tyre Nichols Investigation [Updated] | https://www.theroot.com/lawyers-ask-why-the-one-white-cop-in-the-tyre-nichols-c-1850052761 #americantelevisionseries #televisionseries #antonioromanucci #prestonhemphill #lawenforcement #floydbonnerjr #law2ccrime #nichols #nbcnews #taser #crump #cops #nbc
#americantelevisionseries #televisionseries #antonioromanucci #prestonhemphill #lawenforcement #floydbonnerjr #law2ccrime #nichols #nbcnews #taser #crump #cops #nbc
Finally got to see the #film #Till last night.
It’s as bleak and as depressing as you think it will be.
The most depressing part is that you take away the 1950s cars and clothes, it could be today. The sequel #Nichols will be coming soon.
#EmmettTill #TillMovie #TyreNichols #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackLivesMatter #BLM
#blm #blacklivesmatter #blackhistorymonth #tyrenichols #tillmovie #emmetttill #nichols #till #film
📌 #Memphis 's #skateboarders pushing down Main Street in #honor of #Tyre #Nichols, who was known for his skills at parks here and in #Sacramento.
The skating scene here is more scattered than Sac's, skaters say, but they told me they still feel like they lost a part of their family. ⤵️
Original 🐦 : https://twitter.com/NickAtNews/status/1621985790795386921
#memphis #skateboarders #Honor #tyre #nichols #sacramento
Muscle Cars, Balaclavas and Fists: How the Scorpions Rolled Through Memphis https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/04/us/memphis-police-scorpion.html #Haley,Demetrius(Memphis,Tenn,PoliceOfficer) #PoliceBrutality,MisconductandShootings #PoliceDepartment(Memphis,Tenn) #Nichols,Tyre(d2023) #CrimeandCriminals #Memphis(Tenn) #Police
#Haley #PoliceBrutality #PoliceDepartment #nichols #CrimeandCriminals #Memphis #Police
Here’s What a Former Black NYC Cop Thinks of the Tyre Nichols Case | https://www.theroot.com/here-s-what-a-former-black-nyc-cop-thinks-of-the-tyre-n-1850055814 #lawenforcementintheunitedstates #cognitivebiases #socialissues #kalynwomack #nichols
#lawenforcementintheunitedstates #cognitivebiases #socialissues #kalynwomack #nichols
YDS Alumni Board President Jason Lawrence Turner '06 M.Div. remembering Tyre Nichols at yesterday's funeral, held at Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church where Rev. Turner is Senior Pastor.
#TyreNichols #Nichols #Memphis #violence #YDS #YaleDivinitySchool
#yaledivinityschool #yds #violence #memphis #nichols #tyrenichols
Memphis Gathers in Grief at Tyre Nichols’s Funeral https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/01/us/tyre-nichols-funeral-memphis.html #FuneralsandMemorials #Nichols,Tyre(d2023) #Sharpton,Al
#FuneralsandMemorials #nichols #sharpton
The Life and Homegoing of Tyre Nichols | https://www.theroot.com/the-life-and-homegoing-of-tyre-nichols-1850060014 #fairfieldcounty2cconnecticut #statesoftheunitedstates #dezmondsinclair #angelinapaxton #benjamincrump #anthonynealjr #austinroberts #natespatesjr #tyrenichols #connecticut #keyanadixon #alsharpton #ryanwilson #starbucks #nichols #spates #fedex #biden #wells #neal
#fairfieldcounty2cconnecticut #statesoftheunitedstates #dezmondsinclair #angelinapaxton #benjamincrump #anthonynealjr #austinroberts #natespatesjr #tyrenichols #connecticut #keyanadixon #alsharpton #ryanwilson #Starbucks #nichols #spates #fedex #Biden #wells #Neal
George Floyd’s Family to Join in Laying Tyre Nichols to Rest | https://www.theroot.com/george-floyd-s-family-to-join-in-laying-tyre-nichols-to-1850053718 #nationalactionnetwork #africanamericanpeople #civildisobedience #jlawrenceturner #policebrutality #americansociety #benjamincrump #humaninterest #tyrenichols #georgefloyd #alsharpton #emmitttill #rodneyking #nichols #victims #crime #lora #nbc
#nichols #victims #Crime #lora #nbc #nationalactionnetwork #africanamericanpeople #civildisobedience #jlawrenceturner #PoliceBrutality #americansociety #benjamincrump #humaninterest #tyrenichols #georgefloyd #alsharpton #emmitttill #rodneyking
Initial Police Report on Tyre Nichols Arrest Is Contradicted by Videos https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/30/us/tyre-nichols-arrest-videos.html #Martin,EmmittIII(Memphis,Tenn,PoliceOfficer) #Haley,Demetrius(Memphis,Tenn,PoliceOfficer) #Mills,DesmondJr(Memphis,Tenn,PoliceOfficer) #Bean,Tadarrius(Memphis,Tenn,PoliceOfficer) #Smith,Justin(Memphis,Tenn,PoliceOfficer) #PoliceBrutality,MisconductandShootings #Nichols,Tyre(d2023)
#martin #Haley #Mills #Bean #Smith #PoliceBrutality #nichols
12 Incredibly Shady Things About the Tyre Nichols’ Investigation | https://www.theroot.com/12-things-that-make-the-tyre-nichols-case-look-shady-1850050101 #i28almost29gotawaywithit #americantelevisionseries #allegedduimemphispolice #memphispolicedepartment #televisionseries #cornellmckinney #cerelyncjdavis #demetriushaley #parentsnichols #rowvaughnwells #elijahmcclain #tyrenichols #rodneywells #georgefloyd #law2ccrime #donlemon #surnames #nichols #reddog #davis #cops
#i28almost29gotawaywithit #americantelevisionseries #allegedduimemphispolice #memphispolicedepartment #televisionseries #cornellmckinney #cerelyncjdavis #demetriushaley #parentsnichols #rowvaughnwells #elijahmcclain #tyrenichols #rodneywells #georgefloyd #law2ccrime #donlemon #surnames #nichols #reddog #Davis #cops
6th #Memphis officer relieved of duty in #Nichols arrest
OKC community forum on police violence planned for Sun, Jan. 29 https://freepressokc.com/okc-community-forum-on-police-violence-planned-for-sun-jan-29/ #TyreNicholsdeath #policekilling #SeenandHeard #TyreNichols #Nichols
#tyrenicholsdeath #policekilling #seenandheard #tyrenichols #nichols