I wonder if #nickbostrom is watching; https://www.businessinsider.com/ai-village-bots-plan-valentines-elections-gossip-stanford-researchers-created-2023-8
Having read (and mostly enjoyed) books by Max Tegmark, Stuart Russell, Ray Kurzweil, Brian Christian, Ajay Agrawal and Nick Bostrom in recent months, its been Melanie Mitchell (AI: a guide for thinking humans), D'Iganzio & Klein (Data Feminism) and Erica Thompson (Escape from Model Land) that I think have provided some of the most balanced and insightful perspectives on AI and data science.
#maxtegmark #stuartrussell #raykurzweil #brianchristian #ajayagrawal #nickbostrom #melaniemitchell #d #klein #ericathompson
Scientists Discover Crocodile Virgin Birth
Reptile reproduction suggests tht dinosaurs & pterosaurs may hve been capable of parthenogenesis too, much like Jurassic Park creatures.
& yet #NickBostrom, #ElonMusk, all #TESCREAL believers have us running dn the malign #AI #rabbithole. #Billionaires all in on #eugenics as the only 'pursuit' worth investing in.
These guys are arrogant, myopic & worst of all spend'g their $$$ in a way that compromises us all. #StoptheArrogance #ExistenialRiskmyAss
#existenialriskmyass #stopthearrogance #eugenics #billionaires #rabbithole #AI #tescreal #ElonMusk #nickbostrom
Scientists Discover Crocodile Virgin Birth
Reptile reproduction suggests tht dinosaurs & pterosaurs may hve been capable of parthenogenesis too, much like Jurassic Park creatures.
& yet #NickBostrom, #ElonMusk, all #TESCREAL believers have us running dn the malign #AI #rabbithole. #Billionaires all in on #eugenics as the only 'pursuit' worth investing in.
These guys are arrogant, myopic & worst of all spend'g their $$$ in a way that compromises us all. #StoptheArrogance #ExistenialRiskmyAss
#existenialriskmyass #stopthearrogance #eugenics #billionaires #rabbithole #AI #tescreal #ElonMusk #nickbostrom
#Sentience in #AI, “in other words, the AIs that are being created are starting to become aware of themselves and the roles in which they’ve been placed”. #nickbostrom
#BigThink - #NickBostrom On The #Future Of #AI - #The #Intelligence Explosion
#ArtificialIntelligence #Computing #Computation #Consciousness #Mind #TheMind #SuperIntelligence #Singularity
#singularity #superintelligence #themind #mind #consciousness #computation #computing #artificialintelligence #intelligence #the #ai #future #nickbostrom #bigthink
#NickBostrom Says #AI Chatbots May Have Some Degree of Sentience :
#timeline #futurism #repost #ai #nickbostrom
I just read the Nick Bostrom response to an old racist email he wrote and it’s really missing something important. Yikes. It’s filled with defenses but the apologies ring a little hollow because it doesn’t explain how he thought this was ok at the time.
Via → https://www.truthdig.com/dig/nick-bostrom-longtermism-and-the-eternal-return-of-eugenics/
Via → https://twitter.com/anderssandberg/status/1613259477263720449
// #NickBostrom : What happens when our computers get smarter than we are? : https://www.ted.com/talks/nick_bostrom_what_happens_when_our_computers_get_smarter_than_we_are?utm_source=rn-app-share&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tedspread
#nickbostrom #tedtalks #ted #repost
@joeblubaugh adversarially.
As we find problems, will create AIs to detect those problems, raise a flag, and then the update function will cause the AI to learn.
So in someways just like a teacher will teach English or Math but not both.
We might create anti-racist AIs, anti-ageist, anti-sexist ones, and then you might layer anti-anti-ageist AIs, etc… to prevent the AIs from going to far.
Check out the Book #SuperIntelligence by #NickBostrom
#superintelligence #nickbostrom
I can't believe I missed this going up. But...here is my enormous double #sestina culled from the writings of #JordanPeterson and other manly writers. #NickBostrom! #MickeySpillane! #MarquisdeSade! Learn how to be a #man! https://synchchaos.com/poetry-from-noah-berlatsky/
#man #marquisdesade #MickeySpillane #nickbostrom #jordanpeterson #sestina
first, a #villanelle made of phrases from #NickBostrom 's #Superintelligence, because Nick Bostrom and #eugenics should be mocked.
#poetry #eugenics #superintelligence #nickbostrom #villanelle
Unless my maths is off, he wrote this edgelord manifesto when he was 23.
These aren't the outbursts of some kid, he was a fully-grown adult. Racist and smugly proud of his racism.
AND he's still a fucking Nazi eugenicist now.
Why is it that it's always the absolute WORST humans who think they're part of some master race?
Fuck him and fuck everything he's done or touched since.
"Standing on the shoulders of giants" - any body read #NickBostrom here? #superintelligence...
#nickbostrom #superintelligence
I just started reading #NickBostrom's #superintelligence. The #endnotes look promising.
#nickbostrom #superintelligence #endnotes
Tonight, I’m thinking about:
#TransHumanism #QuantumImmortality
And thinking a lot about #GregEgan and how his writing has given my brain new wrinkles. Also sometimes hoping that #NickBostrom is right, sometimes wrong.
If he’s right, can we edit ourselves / reality, #TheMatrix style. Would a fully autonomous sentient appear like a superhero or God?
Lastly, does it explain the #FermiParadox - is this sandbox we’re in deliberately human-only because it’s cheaper?
#transhumanism #quantumimmortality #gregegan #nickbostrom #thematrix #fermiparadox
The Mazes sequence is deeply related to @slatestarcodex@twitter.com's "Meditations on Moloch", @vgr@twitter.com's "Gervais Principle", @ESYudkowsky@twitter.com's Inadequate Equilibria, and #NickBostrom's "Paperclip Maximizer". It's about environments where high optimization pressure creates toxic competitiveness.
The #VulnerableWorldHypothesis by #NickBostrom
"This paper introduces the concept of a vulnerable world: roughly, one in which there is some level of technological development at which civilization almost certainly gets devastated by default...A general ability to stabilize a vulnerable world would require greatly amplified capacities for preventive policing and global governance."
#greatfilter #philosophy #vulnerableworldhypothesis #nickbostrom
Man meint also, durch gezielte Selektion könne man über Züchtung den IQ beliebig steigern. Ich sage: Quark! Man wüsste ja noch nichtmal was zu selektieren wäre, weil viel zu wenig bekannt ist wie sich Intelligenz vererbt und was ein IQ überhaupt aussagt. Und selbst wenn, wäre man wohl sehr schnell an einer biologischen Grenze der Spezies Mensch, wo es dann nur mehr evolutionär sehr langsam weiter nach oben ginge. #NickBostrom
Woher #NickBostrom immer die zeitliche Abschätzung nimmt, wann dies und jenes "möglich sein könnte" ist mir ein Rätsel. Göttliche Eingabe?