Gizmodo: Instagram's Adding a Chronological Feed for Stories and Reels in Europe #applicationsofartificialintelligence #regulationofartificialintelligence #artificialintelligence #digitalservicesact #symbiansoftware #markzuckerberg #metaplatforms #thierrybreton #socialmedia #zuckerberg #instagram #nickclegg #facebook #europes #feed #meta
#applicationsofartificialintelligence #regulationofartificialintelligence #artificialintelligence #digitalservicesact #symbiansoftware #markzuckerberg #metaplatforms #thierrybreton #socialmedia #zuckerberg #instagram #nickclegg #facebook #europes #feed #meta
Gizmodo: Maybe Facebook's Ruthless Ascent Didn't Make the World More Depressed, Study Says #digitalmediauseandmentalhealth #socialinformationprocessing #problematicsocialmediause #oxfordinternetinstitute #technologyinternet #positivepsychology #andrewprzybylski #lifesatisfaction #symbiansoftware #mentalhealth #socialissues #mattivuorre #socialmedia #vivekmurthy #activeusers #happiness #instagram #nickclegg
#digitalmediauseandmentalhealth #socialinformationprocessing #problematicsocialmediause #oxfordinternetinstitute #technologyinternet #positivepsychology #andrewprzybylski #lifesatisfaction #symbiansoftware #mentalhealth #socialissues #mattivuorre #socialmedia #vivekmurthy #activeusers #happiness #instagram #nickclegg
Gizmodo: Facebook's Influence on Political Views May Be Greatly Exaggerated, Researchers Find #socialinformationprocessing #stephanlewandowsky #technologyinternet #symbiansoftware #misinformation #franceshaugen #facebookleak #katieharbath #socialmedia #thefacebook #instagram #nickclegg #deception #facebook #feed #meta
#socialinformationprocessing #stephanlewandowsky #technologyinternet #symbiansoftware #misinformation #franceshaugen #facebookleak #katieharbath #socialmedia #thefacebook #instagram #nickclegg #deception #facebook #feed #meta
I'd certainly agree 1997-2010 was a mixed record (but then again all Govt.s have missed records). There are many pragmatic things that seem to be forgotten in the heat & light (rightly) caused by the Iraq decision(s) as well as some of the continuance of previous #Tory policies.... but given the choice (knowing what we know now), wouldn't we have been better off with a Brown led Govt. (although they'd likely have delivered their form of #austerity)?
Still, #NickClegg moved to stop that!
Gizmodo: Top AI Companies to Meet With Biden, Commit to Third-Party Testing and Watermarking #existentialriskfromartificialgeneralintelligence #applicationsofartificialintelligence #regulationofartificialintelligence #generativeartificialintelligence #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #deeplearning #microsoft #nickclegg #deepfake #openai #amazon #biden #meta
#existentialriskfromartificialgeneralintelligence #applicationsofartificialintelligence #regulationofartificialintelligence #generativeartificialintelligence #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #deeplearning #microsoft #nickclegg #deepfake #openai #amazon #biden #meta
#Meta’s #Llama2 AI claims #NickClegg “quite stupid actually”. #LLMs
#meta #llama2 #nickclegg #LLMs
Gizmodo: New Law Protects EU Citizens From Trans-Atlantic Data Collection in the US #unitedstateseuropeanunionrelations #transatlanticdataprivacyframework #thenationalsecurityagency #informationprivacy #euusprivacyshield #internationallaw #masssurveillance #internetprivacy #personaldata #humanrights #maxschrems #privacylaw #nickclegg #joebiden #facebook #privacy #meta
#unitedstateseuropeanunionrelations #transatlanticdataprivacyframework #thenationalsecurityagency #informationprivacy #euusprivacyshield #internationallaw #masssurveillance #internetprivacy #personaldata #humanrights #maxschrems #privacylaw #nickclegg #joebiden #facebook #privacy #meta
I wonder what one particular #meta employee, namely #nickclegg, makes of that!
ahhhh... don't even whisper such a thing, it might come true... #KeirStarmer as the new #NickClegg would be an unmitigated disaster (or I should say continuance of disaster)
You'll forgive me for not entering into this again - there was a long & involved debate some months ago in my timeline where a number of LibDems made this & similar counter-factual argument about what would have happened if #NickClegg had acted differently.... I remain doubtful, but agree these are possibilities.... but we are where we are, and for me (& I'm not alone) Clegg made the wrong decision, based on the next 12 years - but I appreciate there are differences of opinion on this
As you watch #EdDavey talk about a new era for the #LibDems, don't forget that he was sitting in the room with #NickClegg when they facilitated/enabled the start of the current Tory regime in the coalition arrangement of 2010.... If there's another hung parliament would you trust him not to decide to go into coalition with the 'reasonable' wing of the Tory party - they did it once, they could do it again!
I agree; sometime ago we had an extended debate in my timeline about my position that if you wanted to blame one person for the last twelve years, #NickClegg was your man; sure there's plenty of blame to go around but in the end his decision to enter the coalition & facilitate the groundwork of this Tory regime was crucial;
as you might imagine a lot of LibDems spent a lot of time exploring a range of arguments why they thought I was wrong; I wasn't convinced & I still think its him
@ChrisMayLA6 the #NickClegg betrayal still angers me.
Imagine where we'd be today if they had forced the #tories to form a minority government...
I know it's impossible to say, but I feel sure we'd be better off than we are today.
Well I suppose at least #KeirStarmer has dropped his #university #tuitionfees pledge (to make university free) before any #generalelection rather than (like #NickClegg) afterwards.... instead he is promising a 'fairer' solution, with details to follow.
certainly something needs to change, but the Q. is how to shift the cost structure to make it fair(er) without causing further damage to the financial settlement for #HigherEducation - it won't be easy
#keirstarmer #university #tuitionfees #generalelection #nickclegg #highereducation
@rob_cornelius @DarryB @fencoul
Well, as I've discussed on here in the past, I have a very negative opinion of #NickClegg, and when you put it like that, I really hope he (Starmer) doesn't play out the same way... (if in detail differently betraying)
@Molly From the man who promised you "no tuition fees" - and within no time at all imposed, erm, tuition fees.
Facebook And Instagram Restore Trump's Social Media Pages With New Rules But He'll Always Be A Clown | #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #climatechangeskepticismanddenial #americanpeopleofgermandescent #operatingsystems #worldwideweb #donaldtrump #nickclegg #facebook #software #meta
#rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #climatechangeskepticismanddenial #americanpeopleofgermandescent #operatingsystems #worldwideweb #DonaldTrump #nickclegg #Facebook #software #meta
Facebook has made the decision to unban Donald Trump.
In normal circumstances, one would expect such a decision to follow a meaningful change in behavior, an acceptance of responsibility, and heartfelt apologies offered for the damage that has been caused.
#DonaldTrump #Facebook #TrustAndSafety #ContentModeration #CommunityManagement #PublicAffairs #January6 #NickClegg #SocialMedia #PublicPolicy
#donaldtrump #facebook #TrustAndSafety #contentmoderation #communitymanagement #PublicAffairs #January6 #nickclegg #socialmedia #publicpolicy
#NickClegg, what a snivelling little corporate bitch trying ro justify the reasons for letting the orange nazi #FatDonnieTwoTimes back on to his sinking anti-social-media platform!
@AmandaMarcotte For those of us who remember #NickClegg and his fall from grace as leader of the Lib Dems: some felt quite sorry for him. Seemed unfair that he was so heavily punished for breaking an election pledge when that's what the #Tories live for - and no one punished them.
But here we see exactly who he is: a sad old corporate hack. 'Guardrails' for a violent fascist wannabe dictator with a massive following of fanatical, violent extremists, eh Nick?
How's that going to go for you?