Steve Lieber · @stevelieber
2244 followers · 439 posts · Server

A question artists get asked a lot is what other cartoonist's characters we'd like to work on.

My #1 wish is @JeffParker & 's Harrison Oogar, The Caveman of Wall Street. I doubt anyone at @Marvel even remembers he exists! Anyway, here's my fanart, complete with my best attempt at a Wall Street Journal hedcut.


Last updated 2 years ago

Steve Lieber · @stevelieber
2743 followers · 814 posts · Server

A question artists get asked a lot is what other cartoonist's characters we'd like to work on.

My #1 wish is @JeffParker & 's Harrison Oogar, The Caveman of Wall Street. I doubt anyone at @Marvel even remembers he exists! Anyway, here's my fanart, complete with my best attempt at a Wall Street Journal hedcut.


Last updated 2 years ago