I'm a beginner #Java #programmer, but I love #music and will be mostly writing about it in this account.
Interested in following other music fans, and nice people in general who are just posting about their lives and other #feelgood content.
List of artists I liike: #KylieMinogue #NickMulvey #JackJohnson #Bjork #SigurRos #FleetwoodMac #SimonAndGarfunkel #Shallou
Not an native English speaker so my posts may contain mistakes - please don't make fun of me for that :)
#java #programmer #music #feelgood #kylieminogue #nickmulvey #jackjohnson #bjork #sigurros #fleetwoodmac #simonandgarfunkel #shallou #introduction
❤️ Nick Mulvey ❤️ ..eindelijk weer #liveonstage * Hedon #zwolle …wat een fijne muziek #NickMulvey ❤️🎸🎤
#liveonstage #zwolle #nickmulvey