I absolutely love when one half of my ship refers to the other half as “B”.
I got your back ‘B’
What’s Wrong ’B’
It melts my heart every time. #shipping #writing #NickNames
#NWI students don't think much of #Indiana's nickname bill.
Anti-LGBTQ legislators aren't winning over liberty-and freedom-minded future voters with their fearful and limited mindset.
#nwi #indiana #nicknames #hoosiermast
Heidi and the Sesemann family move from Frankfurt to Florida. #111Words #Heidi #Florida #AntiTransLaws #Nicknames #TheIntercept #MissRottenmeier #Adelheid #FloridaSchools #OrangeCounty #Orlando https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/08/heidi-and-sesemann-family-move-from.html
#orlando #orangecounty #Floridaschools #adelheid #missrottenmeier #theintercept #nicknames #antitranslaws #florida #heidi #111words
Positive #Nicknames are theoretically good, but they don't leave much room for improvement. Nicknames that are initially derogatory can grow into terms of affection and respect. Whether they do depends on the nicknamer's intent and whether the recipient accepts the nickname, letting it represent an overall positive identity.
In the #Military, #Nicknames such as aviator call signs are derogatory, but this serves to keep the recipient humble, which is preferable to remaining or becoming overconfident.
This is distinguished from nicknames that serve no greater purpose than to insult the recipient and salve the insulter's fragile ego.
From Eirik Ale-Lover to Hallgerd Twist-Breeks https://www.medievalists.net/2023/06/517-viking-nicknames/ #nicknames #history #Vikings #medieval
#nicknames #history #vikings #medieval
I just read https://www.smh.com.au/national/tony-abbott-is-back-for-another-no-campaign-it-s-like-2013-all-over-again-20230504-p5d5lk.html. These days, & for many years, i studiously avoid all #MadMonk media, given my visceral disgust for this abhorrent bipedal lobotomised skinsuit. Indeed i only read this one coz i like reading most things @jacquelinemaley writes.
As i read it, my mind wandered back... was it to the nineties, was it the oughties, when both @lenoretaylor and @annabelcrabb still wrote for #Fairfax. It was the period when Annabel lived in London, & also her period briefly after return, iirc. Her weekly column was a must-read, & it always cracked me up.
It was she who bestowed the moniker "PeopleSkills" upon said bipedal skinsuit, in blatant mockery of this fool's utterance [was it at the National Press Club? was it when he was fscking up Health, in the war-criminal's ministry?] that his having a tilt at leadership at some later date was possible, given he did possess certain people skills 🤮 🤣 [yes i know i could easily #searX all this to firm up the details, but hey, i'm busy ranting so don't interrupt me now demanding actual facts, damnit 😜 ].
So, reading today's article, with my mind wandering back as above... i just had no idea at all, back then, that it could be possible in this universe for this bastard to ever become PM, do so much damage then, & continue to be such a toxic stain even now still on our polity & civil society. 😱
#journalism #nicknames #madmonk #fairfax #searx
Nice🧵 on #SARSCoV2 #Variant #Nicknames H/T @EllingUlrich
RT @EllingUlrich
The nicknaming system for SARS-CoV-2 variants introduced by @TRyanGregory remains to be a valid and valuable contribution to keeping order in the mess. And Ryan points out here how it has adjusted to not generate unnecessary fear.
Sinatra plays something of an influence for characters in these new stories and, while writing this morning, I stumbled on this overview of forty nicknames for Ol' Blue Etez and the stories behind them!
My neighbour suffers from gout, he is often on crutches because of his affliction. He is also very loud in his demeanour, you usually hear him long before you ever see him, I think it's safe to say he'll never startle a bear provoking an attack. This is why we refer to him, obviously behind his back, as SHOUTY GOUTY.
Aren't secret nicknames great?
#KnowledgeByte: There are some fascinating #Nicknames of the #Cities around the world. How many do you know?
#cities #nicknames #knowledgebyte
I don't like nicknames & anonymous people
I don't like nicknames & anonimous people
@NovaHellion An old friend called me Buffy when I was a baby gay. #QuestionsToKnowYou #NickNames
#questionstoknowyou #nicknames
YNN 24hr Seishun Jump: oUter zoNe-O Nicknames (ENG Sub) アウターゾウノーン ニックネーム (英語字幕) https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1649596/nmb48/
#24hr #Eng #JUMP #Nicknames #nmb48 #Outer #SEISHUN #Vlog #YNN #zoNeO #アウターゾウノーンニックネーム #英語字幕 #鵜野みずき
#24hr #eng #jump #nicknames #nmb48 #outer #seishun #vlog #ynn #zoneo #アウターゾウノーンニックネーム #英語字幕 #鵜野みずき
#Exclusive #Nicknames #Names
Hindu Names for Girls and with their meanings 2023
Indian Hindu mythology names for girls and names and their meanings to know exact what the meaning behind it.
🗞Read Article by clicking below Link
#Exclusive #Nicknames #Names
Funny Names to call people with nicknames
Funny Names for calling people with these nicknames enjoy people calling with names.
🗞Read Article by clicking below Link
As if researching our family tree wasn’t confusing enough, our ancestors have to go by a nickname too! And while some make it easy to deduce a given name, some of the more historical nicknames can be a little more tricky…
Don’t forget that sometimes what appears to be a nickname was actually someone’s middle name!
And just a reminder that some of these nicknames can be birth names in their own right - my paternal great grandfather for example, was actually born BERTIE Harold Rutter, not Albert like many would believe (or now try to claim).
What are some of the nicknames your ancestors have gone by that have made research a little confusing?
#nicknames #genealogy #familyhistory #familytree #ancestry #Geneadons
#nicknames #genealogy #familyhistory #familytree #ancestry #geneadons
My Google-fu is failing me. Anyone know why mountain men called bears (especially Grizzlies), "Caleb?"
#nicknames #caleb #bear #grizzly
Being #antitrans wasn’t enough for #Indiana, they are just straight up trying to ban #nicknames in public schools.
#antitrans #indiana #nicknames #transrights #culturewar