Gizmodo: Here’s Trump’s Mugshot. Do Your Thing, Internet. #criminalprocedure #leeharveyoswald #lindsaylohan #donaldtrump #rudyguliani #jamesbrown #nicknolte #karilake #mugshot #etsy
#criminalprocedure #leeharveyoswald #lindsaylohan #donaldtrump #rudyguliani #jamesbrown #nicknolte #karilake #mugshot #etsy
36 years ago:
Extreme Prejudice (US)
A Texas Ranger and a ruthless narcotics kingpin - they were childhood friends, now they are adversaries...
#ExtremePrejudice #WalterHill #NickNolte #PowersBoothe #MichaelIronside #MarciaRoss #WomenInFilm #Western #Film
#extremeprejudice #walterhill #nicknolte #powersboothe #michaelironside #marciaross #womeninfilm #western #film
NYC DA took a mug shot of Trump, but refuses to release it.
Here's a leaked copy of it...
#indictment #34counts #POTUSprison #maga #NickNolte
#TruthBeTold = A statement that is logically or literally true (or partly true), but seems to imply something that isn’t true or is just plain weird. (for rhetoric, logic or propaganda studies… or just for fun)
(tooting this out again, 'cause I thnk it's funny)
#indictment #34counts #POTUSprison #maga #nicknolte #truthbetold
34 years ago:
New York Stories (US)
Three stories happening in New York. The first, by Scorsese, is about a painter who creates his works helped by high volume music and an attractive assistant; second, by Coppola, is about a rich and bold 12 years old who helps her separated parents to reconciliate; third, by Allen, is a witty piece ...
#NewYorkStories #WoodyAllen #NickNolte #RosannaArquette #SteveBuscemi #SusanEMorse #ClassicFilm
#newyorkstories #woodyallen #nicknolte #rosannaarquette #stevebuscemi #susanemorse #classicfilm
Been watching #Pokerface on #peacock Just got up to the #Nicknolte as #PhilTippet analogue character episode.
Paul's old film school friend had mentioned the series to him and especially that episode since he had been into #stopmotion animation back in the day.
Great episode, great series.
#pokerface #peacock #nicknolte #philtippet #stopmotion
Poker Face s1 epi.8
#NatashaLyonne #CherryJones #NickNolte
#natashalyonne #cherryjones #nicknolte
RT @MNievesAbarcaC
Hoy cumple años #NickNolte y solo puedo recomendaros esta joya del thriller de terror bastante desconocida (y la original de Ole Bornedal también). #NightWatch
El 8 de febrero de 1941 nace el actor Nick Nolte, voz de Kuiil en The Mandalorian.
On February 8, 1941, actor Nick Nolte, voice of Kuiil in The Mandalorian, was born.
49 years ago today:
The Rookies
S2E17: The Teacher
The rookies must contend with 'The Teacher' an ex-convict who masterminds several well executed robberies using the young boys who are in the city looking for excitement.
Airdate: 1974-02-04
#TheRookies #NickNolte #StrotherMartin #ABC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#therookies #nicknolte #strothermartin #abc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
49 years ago today:
The Rookies
S2E17: The Teacher
The rookies must contend with 'The Teacher' an ex-convict who masterminds several well executed robberies using the young boys who are in the city looking for excitement.
Airdate: 1974-02-04
#TheRookies #NickNolte #ABC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#therookies #nicknolte #abc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
Tonight in 1976 — #RichManPoorMan debuted on ABC.
#NickNolte, #SusanBlakely and #PeterStrauss starred in this blockbuster limited series that kicked off the TV miniseries boom of the 1970s and '80s.
#nostalgia #1970stv #1970s #classictv #onthisday #peterstrauss #susanblakely #nicknolte #richmanpoorman
The Polish brothers’ Northfork is a thing of a beauty. A small town of the high plains of Montana is about to be flooded with the construction of a new dam. Six men in long black coats & fedoras are assigned to remove the holdouts to the 'higher ground': symbolism & metaphor abound. Under the care of a grizzled priest, an abandoned sick boy believes he is an angel. Polish creates a strange, American Gothic that is both fantastical & personal. #Northfork #polishbrothers #darylhannah #nicknolte
#northfork #polishbrothers #darylhannah #nicknolte
Je ne l'avais pas revu depuis bien 25 ans : "Les nerfs à vif", de Martin Scorsese (1991). Très très tendue, comme histoire ! Robert De Niro y est complètement fou. Je ne me rappelais pas que le film était si stylisé et si nerveux, à l'image de ce qu'il raconte.
Un must see dans le genre "thriller".
Visible sur Amazon Prime.
#CapeFear #LesNerfsAVif #NickNolte #JessicaLange #JulietteLewis #RobertDeNiro
#capefear #lesnerfsavif #nicknolte #jessicalange #juliettelewis #robertdeniro
Je ne l'avais pas revu depuis bien 25 ans : "Les nerfs à vif", de Martin Scorsese (1991). Très très tendue, comme histoire ! Robert De Niro y est complètement fou. Je ne me rappelais pas que le film était si stylisé et si nerveux, à l'image de ce qu'il raconte.
Un must see dans le genre "thriller".
Visible sur Amazon Prime.
#CapeFear #LesNerfsAVifs #NickNolte #JessicaLange #JulietteLewis #RobertDeNiro
#capefear #lesnerfsavifs #nicknolte #jessicalange #juliettelewis #robertdeniro
"Hulk” di Ang Lee, un film che ha molto da dare e poco da dire, finendo per schiacciare anche la parte più spettacolare del racconto.
#2003 #AngLee #EricBana #Film #GoodMachine #JenniferConnelly #MarvelStudios #NickNolte #RecensioneFilm #SamElliott #UniversalPictures #ValhallaMotionPictures #Visioni
#AngLee #EricBana #film #goodmachine #JenniferConnelly #marvelstudios #nicknolte #recensionefilm #samelliott #universalpictures #valhallamotionpictures #visioni
Der Film #Warrior von 2011 mit #TomHardy #JoelEdgerton und #NickNolte ... Tief einatmen, ruhig bleiben - für mich ist dieser Kampf/ #Sportfilm einer der besten und zeigt so gründlich (wenn auch mit viel #Melodrama) was es braucht / was fehlt:
Healthcare, Frauenhäuser, Therapie nicht nur von Alkoholismus, was für eine Tortur die Verbindung zwischen diesen 3 Menschen durchgemacht hat, wirklich bewegend, Zeit heilt eben nicht alles
Klare #filmempfehlung :
#warrior #tomhardy #joeledgerton #nicknolte #sportfilm #melodrama #filmempfehlung #drama #film
Der Film #Warrior von 2011 mit #TomHardy #JoelEdgerton und #NickNolte ... Tief einatmen, ruhig bleiben - für mich ist dieser Kampf/ #Sportfilm einer der besten und zeigt so gründlich (wenn auch mit viel #Melodrama) was es braucht / was fehlt:
Healthcare, Frauenhäuser, Therapie nicht nur von Alkoholismus, was für eine Tortur die Verbindung zwischen diesen 3 Menschen durchgemacht hat, wirklich bewegend, Zeit heilt eben nicht alles
Klare #filmempfehlung :
#warrior #tomhardy #joeledgerton #nicknolte #sportfilm #melodrama #filmempfehlung #drama #film