Black People Can Be Racist Too, Say Authors Ibram X. Kendi and Nic Stone | #stampedfromthebeginning #hospitality2crecreation #entertainment2cculture #americanwriters #socialissues #ibramxkendi #nicstone #writers #kendi
#stampedfromthebeginning #hospitality2crecreation #entertainment2cculture #americanwriters #socialissues #ibramxkendi #nicstone #writers #kendi
Savvy Book Influencer Uses Instagram to Share Her Love of Black Literature | #africanamericanliterature #theireyeswerewatchinggod #entertainment2cculture #penguinrandomhouse #thebethiphopawards #americanwriters #nealehurston #tonimorrison #jamesbaldwin #penguinbooks #thebluesteye #literature #audrelorde #instagram #creemyles #nicstone #writers #audrey #walker #kendi #alice
#africanamericanliterature #theireyeswerewatchinggod #entertainment2cculture #penguinrandomhouse #thebethiphopawards #americanwriters #nealehurston #tonimorrison #jamesbaldwin #penguinbooks #thebluesteye #literature #audrelorde #Instagram #creemyles #nicstone #writers #audrey #Walker #kendi #alice
My (brief) #BookReview of #Blackout by #TiffanyDJackson #NicStone #AshleyWoodfolk #DhonielleClayton #AngieThomas #NicolaYoon
Skillfully written YA romance by some of the best in the biz. Sometimes a little cloying, but that’s what YA romance is for.
#bookreview #blackout #tiffanydjackson #nicstone #ashleywoodfolk #dhonielleclayton #angiethomas #nicolayoon
I didn’t take many pictures, but I enjoyed myself at #NCTE22… I needed to be with my friends again! I’m usually quite the #introvert, but I have to be “on” at #conferences in ways that can sometimes be draining. I’ve found, though, that hanging with #friends keeps me going! Here is one pic of me with #YA and #MG authors #JerryCraft, #NicStone, and #GeorgeJohnson. I’m so excited I got to meet them in person. The other is a pic of me and some folx I couldn’t do #academia without!
#academia #georgejohnson #nicstone #jerrycraft #mg #ya #friends #conferences #introvert #ncte22