I'm pretty sure the last time I got a survey invitation from #Nielsen they sent $5 ... And that was probably 15 years ago.
Suits bricht Streamingrekord beim amerikanischen Netflix #Suits #Netflix #Nielsen
#Nielsen Reveals a New Way to Track Locals In The World of #Streaming
#CarlNielsen 1865 – 1931
#Symphony no. 2 'The Inextinguishable' (Det Uudslukkelige)
Op. 29, #FS76, (1916)
#classicalmusic #nielsen #musica #musique #music #musik #PaavoJarvi #hrsinfonieorchester #fs76 #symphony #carlnielsen
#CarlNielsen 1865 – 1931
#Symphony no. 2 'The Four Temperamentsä (De fire Temperamenter)
Op. 16, #FS29 1901/1902
#classicalmusic #nielsen #musica #musique #music #musik #PaavoJarvi #estonianfestivalorchestra #fs29 #symphony #carlnielsen
De #mediabestedingen van energieleveranciers liggen in Q1 2023 bijna twee keer hoger dan in Q1 2022, blijkt uit Energeia's #RECLAMEMONITOR, in samenwerking met #Nielsen - https://energeia.nl/energeia-artikel/40106365/reclamemonitor-reclamebestedingen-flink-in-de-lift?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=SHR_ARTT_20230505&utm_content=energeia-artikel #Energeia #Reclamemonitor
#mediabestedingen #Reclamemonitor #nielsen #Energeia
Right now, the Danish National Vocal Ensemble performs #Nielsen in #Copenhagen www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/the_danish_national_vocal_ensemble_performs_nielsen_in_copenhagen/75424/ #wch
In 20 minutes, the Danish National Vocal Ensemble performs #Nielsen in #Copenhagen https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/the_danish_national_vocal_ensemble_performs_nielsen_in_copenhagen/75424/ #wch
Today, the Danish National Vocal Ensemble performs #Nielsen in #Copenhagen https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/the_danish_national_vocal_ensemble_performs_nielsen_in_copenhagen/75424/ #wch
Right now, Luisi conducts #Nielsen's 'Aladdin' and Sixth in #Copenhagen https://buff.ly/3NiDAcv #wch
In 20 minutes, Luisi conducts #Nielsen's 'Aladdin' and Sixth in #Copenhagen https://buff.ly/3NiDAcv #wch
Today, Luisi conducts #Nielsen's 'Aladdin' and Sixth in #Copenhagen https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/luisi_conducts_nielsens_aladdin_and_sixth_in_copenhagen/75401/ #wch
Right now, #Nielsen twice with Kim once from #Copenhagen https://buff.ly/3NjqhIV #wch
In 20 minutes,#Nielsen twice with Kim once from #Copenhagen https://buff.ly/3NjqhIV #wch
Right now, #Fagerlund #Korngold with Shaham and #Nielsen's Fourth from #Stockholm https://buff.ly/3HlWyv3 #wch
#fagerlund #korngold #nielsen #stockholm #wch
In 20 minutes, #Fagerlund #Korngold with Shaham and #Nielsen's Fourth from #Stockholm https://buff.ly/3HlWyv3 #wch
#fagerlund #korngold #nielsen #stockholm #wch
Today, #Nielsen twice with Kim once from #Copenhagen https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/nielsen_twice_with_kim_once_from_copenhagen/75370/ #wch
Today, #Fagerlund #Korngold with Shaham and #Nielsen's Fourth from #Stockholm https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/fagerlund_korngold_with_shaham_and_nielsens_fourth_from_stockholm/75369/ #wch
#fagerlund #korngold #nielsen #stockholm #wch
Right now, #Nielsen thrice with Teyssier once from #Copenhagen https://buff.ly/3V8Pd7S #wch
In 20 minutes, #Nielsen thrice with Teyssier once from #Copenhagen https://buff.ly/3V8Pd7S #wch