The call for contributions to the Orthanc Conference 2023 is now open! Topics of interest include:
Orthanc-specific contributions:
- Real-world deployments of Orthanc (clinical departments, hospitals, regional/country-wide implementations,...).
- Scientific projects that leverage Orthanc.
- Industrial applications built using Orthanc.
- Extensions to Orthanc (scripts, plugins,...).
Contributions beyond Orthanc:
- Free, libre and open-source software (FLOSS), as well as open hardware projects, for medical imaging and digital pathology.
- FLOSS for the automated analysis of medical images (computer vision, deep learning, and machine learning).
- Healthcare interoperability through FLOSS and open standards (#DICOM, #BIDS, #NIfTI, #IIIF, #FHIR,...).
Deadline: Early September.
Full information is available at:
#dicom #nifti #iiif #bids #fhir
Major thanks to @tannguyen for spotting and reporting a bug in my niftiPlottingFunctions.R plot.volume() function!
The code at is updated; see for info and examples.
(This #baseR #rstats function is for plotting #fMRI #nifti images in #knitr documents.)
... it is painful to find out there was a bug, but so much better to fix it than to continue its propagation! I am grateful to @tannguyen and hope anyone else seeing something odd lets me know.
#knitr #nifti #fmri #rstats #baseR