So we were (re)watching #GameOfThrones season 7 episode 4 last night, which is the one that has the marvelous sparring encounter between #Arya and #Brienne of Tarth. This morning I wanted to watch it in #slowmotion, but had to settle for this on YouTube, with the speed manually set to 50%. Watched it three times like that. Wow. What a masterpiece of #stagefight choreography.
The dagger move Arya uses here is the one she ends up using against the #NightKing.
#gameofthrones #arya #brienne #slowmotion #stagefight #nightking
Kevin #McCarthy has broken the US #House of Representatives in order to be able to say he is leading it. But he's not leading it. Zombies are leading the House now.
McCarthy has put loony-tunes election deniers on the Rules Committee and made himself beholden to 20 extremist #MAGA White Walkers. They will not stop until they have broken everything.
This will not end well. Winter is coming.
#mccarthy #house #maga #gameofthrotes #congress #gop #nightking
Per tutti quelli che chiedono dove sia finito #ghost, mi sento di potervi rassicurare: il #NightKing ha precisato che non vuole abbatterlo, al massimo catturarlo. #GameofThrones
#gameofthrones #nightking #ghost
Every good story needs a good villain. #inktober #GameofThrones #NightKing
#inktober #gameofthrones #nightking