After last night... 🎡🌙
#FerrisWheel #Miami
#Skyviews #Bayside
#Nightly #Recreation
#Scenery #Vibrance
#vibrance #scenery #recreation #nightly #bayside #skyviews #miami #ferriswheel
@FirefoxNightly Hey there :)
Just noticed that on the latest nightly build my Yubikey no longer works when trying to authenticate to gmail
I launched a repair mode session but it didn't help.
I'll be checking for existing bugs later today but so far it's a blocker on my end.
#yubikey #2fa #nightly #firefox
Ich habe es im #nightly build schon getestet und da hat es (für mich) ganz gut geklappt. Wenn es so weit ist wechsle ich wieder zu #Thunderbird, auch wenn ich inzwischen eine Lizenz für #Postbox gekauft habe und auf Android #Fairmail lizenziert habe.
Account setting sync ist bei mehreren Accounts so wichtig wie IMAP bei mehreren Computern.
#nightly #thunderbird #postbox #fairmail
fresh traces betray
nightly visit badger
ripe gooseberries gone
#575Prompt - #nightly
#writingcommunity #writing #poetrycommunity #poetry #poem #haiku #nightly #575prompt
wash face and brush teeth
slather cream on bits and bobs
nightly ablutions
#haiku #575 #poetry #PoetryCommunity #writing #WritingCommunity #575prompt #nightly
#nightly #575prompt #writingcommunity #writing #poetrycommunity #poetry #haiku
@TiffyBelle @flaminghohners T/y. That was an interesting read, & ostensibly disturbing. Ostensibly.
My geeky-user-but-NO-expert familiarity with #Firefox [#Nightly, specifically] & chromium-based browsers [on my (#Linux only) pc's that's #VivaldiSnapshot & #Chromium] extends to matters of features, functions & privacy. Security, in the context of that paper & its links, is way beyond my knowledge, so it'd be silly of me to attempt any technical disparagement of that paper.
I shall note, though, that browser development is a pretty fast-paced project, such that i do wonder about the contemporary validity of any paper written several years ago. The paper was last edited March 19th, 2022, so clearly not too bad. However, & IMO most unfortunately, ALL its purportedly supportive links to external references are VERY old, ranging from newest of 2020, to oldest of 2011, with a perceived median around 2016.
For instance, the linked paper's linked paper "Exploiting and Protecting Dynamic Code Generation", says on p10, within "A. Setup", that
>The operating system is the 64-bit Ubuntu 13.04 with kernel 3.8.0-35-generic
That version was released in early 2013.
I suspect this potential "technological aging" makes many or maybe most of the underlying claims rather dubious today, unless & until a contemporary reappraisal by technically competent peeps were done, based on current #Firefox code, not on how it used to be many years ago. Maybe the conclusion would not change? Maybe it would? 🤷♀️
Other Thoughts, fwiw.
Even with a generous assumption that all claims in that paper remain technically valid today [tbc], for many browser users in countries / jurisdictions not overtly fascist & dictatorial, who as individuals are unlikely to be targeted by state-actors, i respectively opine that the larger more probable safety hazard to them might come from #privacy, not #security, breaches. To that extent, i note these:
- #uBlockOrigin is more powerful in Firefox than in chromium browsers, due to the latter having no support for CNAME-uncloaking
- Google is actively striving, via its Mv3 replacement for Mv2, & its egregious FLoC / Topics crap, to further weaken uBO & all other #adblockers. Otoh, Mozilla intends indefinite Firefox support for Mv2, albeit also with added Mv3 compatibility.
-- #AddOns / #Extensions like #uBO are far more than "only" adblockers. By running in "hard mode" for instance, & liberally creating a suite of global & per-site dynamic filters, AND having #Javascript globally disabled but allowed by the user on favoured sites, great privacy protection is afforded. Google's plans are to actively weaken this user privacy in Chromium.
- sadly, silly insecure-by-design MS Windows remains the world's dominant OS. Yet for those alert to the Windows hazards & willing to make a change, #Linux provides vastly more security & privacy by design.
- As well, both dominant #Linux #DesktopEnvironments & at least one #WindowManager, now provide stable everyday #Wayland capability instead of the ancient insecure #X11 / #Xorg #DisplayServer -- thus eliminating one classic security vulnerability mentioned in the paper/s.
- Linux users can avail themselves of even more privacy by #sandboxing their apps. There's several choices; i use #Firejail. Therefore browsers [& all other relevant apps] cannot access any of the user's private data beyond the sandbox's bounds.
#firefox #nightly #Linux #vivaldisnapshot #chromium #privacy #security #ublockorigin #adblockers #addons #extensions #ubo #javascript #desktopenvironments #windowmanager #wayland #x11 #xorg #displayserver #sandboxing #firejail
#FirefoxNightly #Profile #UserJS
I decided to create a fresh new #Nightly profile, with a cleaner dedicated `user.js` file [Why = to keep closer to native Nightly settings where possible, in hope of minimising potential bad behaviour caused by me perpetrating unwittingly-superseded options]. Ergo, i've cherrypicked a subset of still-desired functions from my almost-exactly-3-years-ago last rebuilt profile's `user.js`, for today's shiny new profile. These are the only ones i chose to retain:
user_pref("toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets", true);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("font.size.systemFontScale", 95);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("network.IDN_show_punycode", true);
user_pref("toolkit.zoomManager.zoomValues", ".3,.5,.6,.67,.68,.69,.7,.72,.75,.76,.77,.78,.79,.8,.81,.82,.83,.84,.85,.86,.87,.88,.89,.9,.91,.92,.93,.94,.95,.96,.97,.98,.99,1,1.01,1.02,1.03,1.04,1.05,1.06,1.07,1.08,1.09,1.10,1.11,1.12,1.13,1.14,1.15,1.16,1.17,1.18,1.19,1.20,1.25,1.30,1.35,1.40,1.45,1.5,1.7,2,2.4,3");
user_pref("widget.non-native-theme.gtk.scrollbar.allow-buttons", true);
user_pref("network.trr.custom_uri", "");
user_pref("browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick", true);
user_pref("browser.bookmarks.openInTabClosesMenu", false);
user_pref("browser.tabs.loadBookmarksInBackground", true);
user_pref("browser.bookmarks.restore_default_bookmarks", false);
user_pref("browser.cache.disk.enable", false);
user_pref("browser.cache.memory.enable", true);
user_pref("browser.cache.memory.capacity", -1);
user_pref("browser.cache.offline.enable", false);
user_pref("media.navigator.enabled", false);
user_pref("media.peerconnection.turn.disable", true);
user_pref("media.peerconnection.use_document_iceservers", false);
user_pref("", false);
user_pref("media.peerconnection.identity.timeout", 1);
user_pref("media.peerconnection.enabled", true);
user_pref("dom.serviceWorkers.enabled", false);
user_pref("extensions.pocket.enabled", false);
user_pref("media.autoplay.default", 5);
user_pref("media.autoplay.block-event.enabled", true);
user_pref("media.block-autoplay-until-in-foreground", false);
user_pref("media.autoplay.allow-extension-background-pages", false);
user_pref("media.autoplay.blocking_policy", 2);
user_pref("browser.toolbars.bookmarks.showOtherBookmarks", true);
user_pref("browser.urlbar.update2.engineAliasRefresh", true);
user_pref("browser.preferences.moreFromMozilla", false);
user_pref("network.captive-portal-service.enabled", false);
user_pref("network.connectivity-service.enabled", false);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("extensions.update.interval", 21600);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("browser.crashReports.unsubmittedCheck.enabled", false);
user_pref("network.dns.disableIPv6", true);
user_pref("gfx.webrender.enabled", true);
user_pref("gfx.x11-egl.force-enabled", true);
user_pref("media.hardware-video-decoding.force-enabled", true);
So far, so good. Though it took many hours' work [& was, arguably, not actually needed], at least three unexpected benefits have already flowed on:
1. A specific site i need to use for a current research project, simply refused to work properly in my older profile. It now works a treat in my new one. Possibly my decision to stop banning #WebGL might be a factor [ie, i EXcluded this one from the old profile, in the new profile:
user_pref("webgl.disabled", true);] 🤷♀️
2. Needing to install all my fav #AddOns in the new profile, then import their settings exported from them in the old profile, gave me a chance to see some of my oldest most familiar AOs with "fresh eyes" -- i discovered several cool settings in some of them i'd never noticed before! 😮
3. Though i'm not tight for storage, this slight total size reduction surprised me: old = 1.1 GB, new = 0.95 GB. Actually no, that's really bugger-all difference, forget i spoke 😜
#firefoxnightly #profile #userJS #nightly #webgl #addons
@Linux_Is_Best Yes, but also, once one has glimpsed, & used to advantage, any *new* native feature [eg the earliest incarnations of PiP advanced controls; the initial native translation tool, etc] via flipping #AboutConfig flags in #Nightly that, early on, don't even yet exist in #Beta nor vanilla, there's just no going back.
Mind you, the rate of BIG shiny shiny new toys is so ponderously sloooooooow.
@Linux_Is_Best Reading your post, replying to your post, in my daily default browser, #FirefoxNightly. I mean, honestly, they had me just with the gorgeous icon; all the rest is simply extra cherries, cream & icing 😜
And yes, i've never quite grasped why, overall, over the long term, somehow #Nightly does for me better than vanilla #Firefox 🤷♀️
#firefoxnightly #nightly #firefox
Light through the dark 🚗🌙 🏡
#Driven #Weston
#Nightly #Street
#Road #Acceleration
#Scenic #Illuminatied
#illuminatied #scenic #acceleration #road #street #nightly #weston #driven
I've pretty much decided now, after being on #Masto since last year, that whilst it's a nice place to read & chat about stuff like #politics [including #auspol] & #ClimateCrisis, also #MontyPython & #HHGTTG, my cumulative experience so far is that it's utterly useless, & a waste of time even bothering to post, for any tech troubleshooting chat / assistance wrt #firefox [including #FirefoxNightly], #Thunderbird etc. Usually, there's not even any replies at all, let alone actual help. 🤷♀️
So, the following is just me talking to myself again, with new info just to close the loop. 👌
I realised that the specific sub-directory comprising the largest single contribution to the large size of my 976 MB #FirefoxNightly , was:
Those last two sub-directories' names elicited curiosity & suspicion. They connotated a sense of "unimportance" IMO. I began to wonder; "oh, maybe they're not even necessary?". So i backed up the entire parent directory, deleted all the content inside `.../cache/morgue/`, then nervously launched the browser.
It seems... perfectly fine! Everything still works, all my AddOns & their data, all my History & Bookmarks, passwords... basically everything that i can think of to check, remains present & functional. 😮
I shan't delete the backup copy yet, lest i soon enough finally do discover some terrible problem that removing all those files has created. In the meanwhile, taking this action has made a welcome reduction of my browser overall size from 976 MB to 406 MB. 🎉
Though they're both much smaller than the original total size of my #FirefoxNightly, that same "sub-path" also comprises a major part of the total size for each of my #FirefoxBeta & #Firefox too, so, if #Nightly remains happy for another day or three, then i suppose i can apply the same file purge to both other Foxes to reclaim even more storage space.
We now resume your normal 🦗 🦗 🦗
#masto #politics #auspol #ClimateCrisis #montypython #hhgttg #firefox #firefoxnightly #thunderbird #firefoxbeta #nightly
Es handelt sich aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach NICHT um ein Problem eurer Instanz oder eines Proxy. Das Problem ist App-abhängig, taucht zB bei @Tusky aktuell stark auf, auch bei den #nightly und bei der App #fedilab mit keiner Version. #FYI #justfortherecord
#nightly #fedilab #fyi #justfortherecord
Ich weiß natürlich, dass #Google keinerlei Interesse daran hat, dass die Nutzung alternativer Stores wie #Aurora reibungslos läuft aber in all den Jahren problemloser Nutzung hatte ich damit noch nie so viel Ärger wie aktuell. Und jede neue Version oder #Nightly hilft nur temporär.
Packed inside 📦🌙🤳🏻
#Box #Cardboard
#Selfie #Nightly
#Package #Boxhead
#Picturesque #Filter
#filter #picturesque #BoxHead #package #nightly #selfie #cardboard #box
Nightly brisk 🌃🚸
#Oakwood #Street
#Nightly #Scenery
#Picturesque #Driven
#Hollywood #Dusk
#dusk #hollywood #driven #picturesque #scenery #nightly #street #oakwood
Eggsquisite night out 🥚🤳🏻🌃🌳✨️
#Eggs #Filter
#Selfie #Sparkling
#Magical #Gilttery
#Picturesque #Nightly
#nightly #picturesque #gilttery #magical #sparkling #selfie #filter #eggs