#NightmareInTheDark is spooky #BubbleBobble it owns hard. You use your lantern to catch zombies on fire and then send the fireball into other monsters to get a higher score.
It's fairly simple as most arcade games are. But the whimsical gothic nonsense that it creates is unique and rare.
I think it can be played on #Mame with the appropriate bios though I normally play #Neogeo games on a dedicated emulator.
May post another #SNK game in a few there is one I been wanting to talk about.
#nightmareinthedark #bubblebobble #mame #neogeo #snk
Oggi posto #NightmareinTheDark: un bel single screen platform a tema toony horror della SNK. Un clone di Snow Bros nella malinconica era del tramonto arcade: siamo nel 2000, praticamente dieci anni dopo il gioco della Toaplan.