🚨 Evening boost 🚨
Help out disabled Native family to get caught up on bills! We re up to $132/1000
Need to raise far more ASAP! Thank you to all accomplices helping to get this info out there!
Paypal: https://paypal.com/paypalme/xodanix3?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US……
Cashapp & venmo: doublerainbowomg
#mutualaidrequest #showupforwishes #emergencycrowdfund #DisabilityCrowdfunding #TipANative #IndigenousMutualAid #NightMastodon #EveningMastodon
#eveningmastodon #nightmastodon #IndigenousMutualAid #TipANative #disabilitycrowdfunding #emergencycrowdfund #showupforwishes #MutualAidRequest
Good night all of you lovely Mastodonians!
It's time for me to head to bed for the evening and hopefully get a good night's rest/sleep.
I hope you all have a great evening, afternoon, morning or whatever time of the day it is for you!
I will see all of you bright and early as usual tomorrow!
#goodnight #nightmastodon #nighttime #teamnosleep