Gizmodo: George A. Romero's Final Zombie Movie Takes a Big Step Forward #drafttwilightofthedead #nightofthelivingdead #entertainmentculture #georgearomero #dawnofthedead #suzanneromero #humaninterest #thelivingdead #bradanderson #paolozelati #robertlucas #livingdead #joeknetter #zombie
#drafttwilightofthedead #nightofthelivingdead #entertainmentculture #georgearomero #dawnofthedead #suzanneromero #humaninterest #thelivingdead #bradanderson #paolozelati #robertlucas #livingdead #joeknetter #zombie
The #CriterionCollection / #BarnesAndNoble #movie #sale ends #Friday, #July 28, 2023 (up to 50% off select #titles).
#HD #DVD's, #BluRay #discs, and 4K #UHD #releases
UHD discs include:
#TriangleOfSadness, #NightOfTheLivingDead, #CitizenKane (#BlackAndWhite #film looks great in 4K with #HDR, btw), #Walkabout (#preorder), #MalcolmX, #ThePrincessBride, #InTheMoodForLove, #ThreeColors #BlueWhiteRed #set
#set #bluewhitered #threecolors #inthemoodforlove #theprincessbride #malcolmx #preorder #walkabout #hdr #Film #BlackAndWhite #citizenkane #nightofthelivingdead #TriangleofSadness #releases #uhd #discs #bluray #dvd #hd #titles #july #Friday #sale #movie #BarnesandNoble #criterioncollection
Considering the movie's zombie apocalypse is triggered by radiation from a returning Venusian spacecraft, Night of the Living Dead is a de facto space adventure genre film ...
#downthescifirabbithole #hashtaggames #nightofthelivingdead
Today, April 30, 1967, flesh-eating ghouls begin attacking the living (Night of the Living Dead, 1968, dir. George A. Romero)
#Film #Movies #Cinemastodon #Zombies #Horror #HorrorMovies @horror #NightOfTheLivingDead #GeorgeRomero
#film #movies #cinemastodon #zombies #horror #horrormovies #nightofthelivingdead #georgeromero
Kotaku: The Internet's Freaking Out Over Dead Island 2’s Incredible Gore #gaming #tech #kotaku #englishlanguagefilms #nightofthelivingdead #horrorvideogames #horrorfiction #creativeworks #windowsgames #davidstenton #environment #deadisland #videogames #deepsilver #culture #zombie #algore #zombi
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #englishlanguagefilms #nightofthelivingdead #horrorvideogames #horrorfiction #creativeworks #windowsgames #davidstenton #environment #deadisland #videogames #deepsilver #Culture #zombie #algore #zombi
Anyway, since the Romero strand of my blog has finished, there's no new essays this week. However, should you want to read the whole collection, you can do so here!
#GeorgeRomero #zombie #zombies #zombieFilm #NightOfTheLivingDead #DawnOfTheDead #DayOfTheDead #OfTheDead #Horror #HorrorFilm #HorrorMovie #HorrorFam
#georgeromero #zombie #zombies #zombiefilm #nightofthelivingdead #dawnofthedead #DayoftheDead #ofthedead #horror #horrorfilm #horrormovie #HorrorFam
Happy birthday, Night of the Living Dead star Judith O’Dea! Here’s some Barbara fan art to celebrate!
#HappyBirthday #JudithODea #NightOfTheLivingDead #ZombieMovies #HorrorMovies #HorrorFam #MutantFam #TCMUnderground #Svengoolie #Elvira #TLDI #Art #ZombieArt #MovieArt #Birthday #MovieHistory
#happybirthday #judithodea #nightofthelivingdead #zombiemovies #horrormovies #HorrorFam #MutantFam #tcmunderground #svengoolie #Elvira #tldi #art #zombieart #movieart #birthday #moviehistory
Happy birthday, horror film icon Duane Jones! (1937 - 1988) Here’s some art inspired by Night of the Living Dead to celebrate!
#HappyBirthday #DuaneJones #Actor #NightOfTheLivingDead #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #Zombies #Horror #CultCinema #TCMUnderground #TheLastDriveIn #MonsterVision #ElvirasMovieMacabre #Svengoolie #USAUpAllNight #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#happybirthday #duanejones #actor #nightofthelivingdead #horrormovies #horrorart #zombies #horror #cultcinema #tcmunderground #thelastdrivein #monstervision #elvirasmoviemacabre #svengoolie #usaupallnight #art #movieart #moviehistory
And now that it's completed, read the full Backlog of the Dead, an informal look at the history of zombies and George Romero. What better way to spend Easter weekend than discussing about the resurrection of the dead?
#GeorgeRomero #zombie #NightOfTheLivingDead #horror #HorrorFam #HorrorFamily #HorrorFilm #HorrorMovie #ZombieFilm #HorrorLit #HorrorBook #HorrorLiterature
#georgeromero #zombie #nightofthelivingdead #horror #HorrorFam #horrorfamily #horrorfilm #horrormovie #zombiefilm #horrorlit #HorrorBook #horrorliterature
For the final time, it's a review of a George Romero zombie story - but not a movie. This time, a novel with Daniel Kraus. Check out my essay on The Living Dead.
#GeorgeRomero #zombie #NightOfTheLivingDead #horror #HorrorFam #HorrorFamily #HorrorFilm #HorrorMovie #ZombieFilm #HorrorLit #HorrorBook #HorrorLiterature
#georgeromero #zombie #nightofthelivingdead #horror #HorrorFam #horrorfamily #horrorfilm #horrormovie #zombiefilm #horrorlit #HorrorBook #horrorliterature
On April 2, 1993, Night of the Living Dead debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s some original Tony Todd art to mark the occasion!
#NightOfTheLivingDead #TomSavini #TonyTodd #Horror #HorrorMovies #MonsterVision #HorrorArt #ZombieArt #Zombies #Art #PopArt #HorrorRemakes #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#nightofthelivingdead #tomsavini #tonytodd #horror #horrormovies #monstervision #horrorart #zombieart #zombies #art #popart #horrorremakes #movieart #moviehistory
On April 1, 2022, Day of the Dead and Night of the Living Dead were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground. Here’s some original art inspired by both zombie classics!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #DayOfTheDead #NightOfTheLivingDead #HorrorMovies #ZombieMovies #ZombieArt #CultCinema #DoubleFeature #GeorgeARomero #Zombies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #dayofthedead #nightofthelivingdead #horrormovies #zombiemovies #zombieart #cultcinema #doublefeature #georgearomero #zombies #art #movieart #moviehistory
10 BEST Zombie Horror Movies of All Time!
#GhostPirateEntertainment #HorrorMovie #HorrorMovies #ReturnoftheLivingDead #Zombie #ReAnimator #28DaysLater #Braindead #ShaunoftheDead #TraintoBusan #DawnoftheDead2004 #NightoftheLivingDead #DawnoftheDead
#ghostpirateentertainment #horrormovie #horrormovies #ReturnOfTheLivingDead #zombie #reanimator #28dayslater #braindead #shaunofthedead #TrainToBusan #dawnofthedead2004 #nightofthelivingdead #dawnofthedead
The penultimate essay of my George Romero series, covering a segment from the Creepshow series on Shudder. A great tribute in celebration of Romero and Night of the Living Dead.
#GeorgeRomero #zombie #NightOfTheLivingDead #horror #HorrorFam #HorrorFamily #HorrorFilm #HorrorMovie #ZombieFilm #Creepshow #GregNicotero
#georgeromero #zombie #nightofthelivingdead #horror #HorrorFam #horrorfamily #horrorfilm #horrormovie #zombiefilm #Creepshow #gregnicotero
221 Days Until #halloween
I have to eat this #capncrunch #halloweencrunch before it expires. Also, looks like the #blockbuster website is back up. #nightofthelivingdead #vhs #blockbustervideo #halloweencountdown
#halloween #capncrunch #halloweencrunch #blockbuster #nightofthelivingdead #vhs #blockbustervideo #halloweencountdown
Well the cat's out of the bag. This Sunday at 3pm (UK time) tune in to our YouTube channel or the usual audio feed to catch our interview with absolute film and TV legend Patricia Tallman. We talk all about her varied career in films as diverse as #NightOfTheLivingDead (1990) to #JurassicPark and obviously touch on her TV roles on #Babylon5 and multiple #StarTrek series. Be there *and* be square!
#startrek #babylon5 #jurassicpark #nightofthelivingdead
On March 1, 2007, Day of the Dead was released on DVD in the Czech Republic. Here’s some original zombie art to mark the occasion!
#DayOfTheDead #NightOfTheLivingDead #GeorgeARomero #HorrorFilm #Horror #HorrorArt #ZombieMovies #TCMUnderground #USAUpAllNight #MovieArt #PopArt #Art #Portrait #MovieHistory
#dayofthedead #nightofthelivingdead #georgearomero #horrorfilm #horror #horrorart #zombiemovies #tcmunderground #usaupallnight #movieart #popart #art #portrait #moviehistory
@shlepcar A cinematic masterpiece for both the horror and exploitation genres. Really wanna see some of the commercials and stuff Romero's company was working on before he became forever associated with zombies!
Happy Black History Month cult film fans! Continuing with my new daily portraits of some of my favorite black cult film icons. Honoring Tony Todd and all of his contributions to horror movies with this portrait of him as Ben from Tom Savini’s Night of the Living Dead remake!
#BlackHistoryMonth #NewArt #NightOfTheLivingDead #TonyTodd #HorrorMovie #ZombieMovies #ZombieArt #HorrorMovies #SiegeFilm #BlackCinema #CultFilm #TomSavini #HorrorArt #MovieArt #Art #NOTLD #NightOfTheLivingDead1991
#blackhistorymonth #newart #nightofthelivingdead #tonytodd #horrormovie #zombiemovies #zombieart #horrormovies #siegefilm #blackcinema #cultfilm #tomsavini #horrorart #movieart #art #notld #nightofthelivingdead1991
On February 13, 2018 Night of the Living Dead was released on Criterion Collection DVD and Blu-ray. Marking the occasion with some original Duane Jones art!
#NightOfTheLivingDead #GeorgeARomero #DuaneJones #ZombieMovies #HorrorMovies #ExploitationFilm #60sHorror #ZombieArt #Art #FanArt #ClassicHorror #CultCinema #Drawing #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#nightofthelivingdead #georgearomero #duanejones #zombiemovies #horrormovies #exploitationfilm #60shorror #zombieart #art #FanArt #classichorror #cultcinema #drawing #movieart #moviehistory