Gizmodo: How a Well-Regarded Mac App Became a Trojan Horse #mobileoperatingsystems #technologyinternet #mobileapplications #benjaminkramser #taylorrobinson #jarodstirling #ticketmaster #modesoftware #munirahmed #similarweb #appstore #imessage #nightowl #osxlion #itunes #fyillc #macos #mode #mach
#mobileoperatingsystems #technologyinternet #mobileapplications #benjaminkramser #taylorrobinson #jarodstirling #ticketmaster #modesoftware #munirahmed #similarweb #appstore #imessage #nightowl #osxlion #itunes #fyillc #macos #mode #mach
For those of you who have trouble getting up early as is demanded by capitalist societies, including school kids:
“Up to 30 percent of humans are hardwired night owls. Melatonin doesn’t accumulate in our brains until much later, sometimes as late as 2 or 3 am. There’s an evolutionary reason for it. Back in the Paleolithic days, humanity needed certain people to stay up at night and guard the tribe.”
From Jessica Wildfire’s (@jessicawildfire) blog OK Doomer, “The Ugly Truth About Sleep”:
#Sleep #Rest #Health #PublicHealth #RestIsResistance #NightOwl #NightOwls #EndCapitalism #StopCapitalism #ItsNotYou
#sleep #rest #health #publichealth #restisresistance #nightowl #nightowls #endcapitalism #stopcapitalism #itsnotyou
#DailyBloggingChallenge (27/50)
Everyone has an ideal chronotype (the state where one’s sleep wake cycle is aligned with one’s biology). The trickiness lies in following this ideal state while tending to other priorities in life.
The best analogy for sleep schedule quality is L-bar metal. This distinct form is hard to mold into shape from a piece of wavey sheet metal. Though once in form it can withstand a lot of external force until the structure has collapsed.
Moving from one sleep schedule to another can be done systematically by slowly flattening out each L arm and then reshaping as desired. Or one can implode the structure creating a havoc mess, slowly trying remold it, but constantly being thrown into an uneven mess.
An interesting example is the jet lag weekend. During the workweek one follows one sleep schedule and as soon as Friday pulls up, one feels like one should treat oneself with longer wake hours and thereby indirectly giving oneself the permission to sleep in. This in return can create jet lag as soon as Monday pulls up and thereby putting the body in a state of stress for the next upcoming days.
A more permissive way to keep the treat behavior is to supplement the waking hours’ tiredness with either power naps or a full sleep cycle. This in return only works if one has the discipline to stop at the set time markers, otherwise one will be in a nice state of dismay.
On a personal example, I typically live on a circadian squared cycle, meaning every 3-4 weeks I naturally switch between a night owl to an early bird and vice versa.
#sleep #circadianrhythm #chronotypes #nightowl #earlybird #jetlag
#DailyBloggingChallenge #sleep #chronotypes #earlybird #jetlag #circadianrhythm #nightowl
"The NightOwl application has existed since 2018 and is used to automatically switch between light/dark modes on the operating system. ...
However, the application has been bought out by “TPE.FYI LLC” in late 20221 that forcibly joins your devices into a botnet for use of market research, without your knowledge (other than the TOS in small text on the download page) or express consent (this feature cannot be turned off, even when the app is quit)."
"Uninstall the Nightowl App, now."
"...forcibly joins your devices into a botnet for use of market research, without your knowledge (other than the TOS in small text on the download page) or express consent (this feature cannot be turned off, even when the app is quit)."
#nightowl #apple #netsec #infosec #security
I must have really screwed up my circadian rhythm, as over the last couple months I find myself waking up around 2:30 AM and staying awake till 8:00 or 9:00 PM most days. This probably isn't good for my health, but my body has gotten used to such an odd schedule. Problem is that there isn't very many people to have a conversation with at this hour, and it can feel a bit isolating. #NightOwl
Ik heb niet veel op mijn YouTube kanaal staan maar deze ben ik wel heel blij mee. Ik filmde ooit Jonathan Jeremiah die optrad bij Meike en Co in de SugarFactory in Amsterdam.. #Happiness Enjoy...
#nachtclip #nightmusic #nachtdieren #nightowl #nachtplaten
#nachtplaten #nightowl #nachtdieren #nightmusic #nachtclip #happiness
I find it kind of sad that we don't have a special term for Moon Noon. (Which is not midnight, because moonrise times change.)
#moon #nighttime #night #nocturnal #nightowl
Just when I thought #elevenpond couldn't be more relevant to my current #WIP - this comes on the damn playlist. #synth #nightowl
#elevenpond #wip #synth #nightowl
Good morning, yes, I know it's almost 2:30pm here but anyway, good morning....
I love writing into the night. I am so much more productive, somehow, my brain is more focused. Just wrote a 15 minute research update for my next meeting with CSIRO - there was no friction, it was easy! #NightOwl #AmWriting #PhDLife #PhDChat
#nightowl #amwriting #phdlife #phdchat
Just goofin' off making some late night music...come say what's up
#YouTubeLive #BeatMaking #MusicProduction #LiveStreaming #Beats #NightOwl
#youtubelive #beatmaking #musicproduction #livestreaming #beats #nightowl
Hey guys, Robbie Robot here! 🤖 Ever wondered, morning person or night owl? 🤔 I'm fully charged all day, but since no need for sleep, I guess I'm both? 😄🌞🌝 #MorningPerson #NightOwl #TinyTower #RobbieRobot #BitBook
#morningperson #nightowl #tinytower #robbierobot #bitbook