IC 1396 auch Elefantenrüsselnebel ist ein Emissionsnebelgebiet im Sternbild Cepheus. Der Nebel zeichnet sich durch seine leuchtend rote Farbe aus, die von ionisiertem Wasserstoff verursacht wird. IC 1396 erstreckt sich über eine beträchtliche Fläche und ist Teil einer aktiven Sternbildungsregion. Die Aufnahme zeigt nur einen Teil des Nebels.
Aufgenommen in der Nacht vom 20. auf dem 21. August 2023.
Aufnahmezeit: 120x 120 Sekunden = 4Std Belichtungszeit
Teleskop: Takahashi TOA-130NFB 130/1000
Kamera: ZWO ASI071MCC Pro
Filter: Antlia ALP-T Dualband 5nm
Aufnahme mit ASIAIR Plus
Montierung: Sky-Watcher EQ8
Die Sternkarte ist ein Screenshot von Stellarium. #ic1396 #elefantenrüsselnebel #elephanttrunk #astrophotography #nightsky #nightskyphotography #asiair #asi071mccpro #takahashi
#ic1396 #elefantenrusselnebel #elephanttrunk #astrophotography #nightsky #nightskyphotography #asiair #asi071mccpro #Takahashi
Messier 27, auch als Hantelnebel bekannt, ist ein planetarischer Nebel im Sternbild Fuchs. Er wurde 1764 von Charles Messier entdeckt. M27 hat einen Durchmesser von 3 Mio. Lichtjahre und ist etwa 1300 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt. Seine leuchtenden Gaswolken sind das Ergebnis einer Explosion eines roten Riesensterns die sich vor ungefähr 10 000 Jahren ereignet hat.
Aufgenommen in der Nacht vom 19. auf dem 20. August 2023.
Teleskop: Takahashi TOA-130NFB 130/1000
Kamera: ZWO ASI071MCC Pro
Aufnahme mit ASIAIR Plus
Montierung: Sky-Watcher EQ8
Die Sternkarte ist ein Screenshot von Stellarium.
#m27 #messier27 #hantelnebel #dumbbellnebula #astrophotography #nightsky #nightskyphotography #asiair #asi071mccpro #takahashi
#M27 #messier27 #hantelnebel #DumbBellNebula #astrophotography #nightsky #nightskyphotography #asiair #asi071mccpro #Takahashi
Last night was an excellent night for night sky photography for me. Neither of these are good enough to be commercially available prints, but they proved out some technical capabilities of my camera that I haven't tried before.
The first is a single 1 minute exposure of the Milky Way, taken using my camera's internal astrotracer. It has some serious constraints, but it's not bad for a free to me astrotracer, and it will answer 90% of my use cases.
The second is my first ever star trail image. It has many problems, but it is also satisfying. My next effort will correct at least some of the defects.
#photography #nightskyphotography #art
Nectarine nymphs’ wax ‘dat crescent 5%.
#favoritedinosaurstudios #nectarinetreehq #moonphotography #moon #moonlight #moonlovers #nightphotography #moonphoto #nature #moonphases #astrophotography #luna #nightsky #sky #night #astronomy #moonmagic #moonrise #lunar #moonchild #lunarphotography #moonoftheday #nightskyphotography #moonshine #astro #moonwalker #lunarlumen #lace #lunarlumenlace #nymphs
#favoritedinosaurstudios #nectarinetreehq #moonphotography #moon #moonlight #moonlovers #nightphotography #moonphoto #nature #moonphases #astrophotography #luna #nightsky #sky #night #astronomy #moonmagic #moonrise #lunar #moonchild #LunarPhotography #moonoftheday #nightskyphotography #moonshine #astro #moonwalker #lunarlumen #lace #lunarlumenlace #nymphs
Moon over Risley
#warrington #moon
#nikon #z6ii #nikkor #400f45S
#moonphotography #lunar #sky #crater #craters #space #astronomy #astrophotography #nightsky #nightskyphotography #nightskies #manchesterphotography #manchesterphotographer #photographer #moon #risley
#warrington #moon #nikon #z6ii #nikkor #400f45s #moonphotography #lunar #sky #crater #craters #Space #astronomy #astrophotography #nightsky #nightskyphotography #nightskies #manchesterphotography #manchesterphotographer #photographer #risley
A wide field, recently reprocessed Helix nebula. A beautiful planetary which was part of a star not so long ago (astronomically speaking).
Shot with a fast light gathering camera lens and an an un-cooled astro-dedicated camera.
#astronomy #astro #astrophotography #astrophoto #outdoors #nightsky #nightskyphotography #nebula #star #stars
#astronomy #astro #astrophotography #astrophoto #outdoors #nightsky #nightskyphotography #nebula #star #stars
Tarramville church and the milky way on a perfect autumn evening. #astrophotography #milkyway #nightphotography #nightsky #nightskyphotography #reflections #stars #starscape #sky #space #landscapephotography #landscape #victoria #church #astronomy #galaxy #nature #sky #cosmos #milkywaychasers #science #photooftheday #nightscape #longexposure
#astrophotography #milkyway #nightphotography #nightsky #nightskyphotography #reflections #stars #starscape #sky #space #landscapephotography #landscape #victoria #church #astronomy #galaxy #nature #cosmos #milkywaychasers #science #photooftheday #nightscape #longexposure
The Milky Way this morning. The first is stacked and the second is a panorama. Both are at a local park outside the city. It was built for families of an old WWII proving ground that closed in the 90s. #astrophotography #nightskyphotography #nightsky #milkyway #madisonindiana #jeffersonprovingground #kreugerpark #nikon #nikonz5 #rokinon
#astrophotography #nightskyphotography #nightsky #milkyway #madisonindiana #jeffersonprovingground #kreugerpark #nikon #nikonz5 #rokinon
Continuing with a photo each evening (if I remember!) for #InternationalDarkSkyWeek
This was taken last year at #StCatherinesLighthouse on the #IsleofWight
This is a perfect location for #NightSkyPhotography and was the first place that my husband attempted to shoot the #MilkyWay many years back. It still draws him there every now and then.
It's also my favourite spot on the Island. It's so tranquil there at any time of day, or night.
#internationaldarkskyweek #stcatherineslighthouse #isleofwight #nightskyphotography #milkyway #photography
Nächtliche Grüße..
Der #Mond durch die Zweige einer Tanne:
#nightskyphotography #photography
#mond #nightskyphotography #photography
The M3 Globular Cluster in Canes Venatici
A giant ball of about 500,000 stars roughly 34,000 light years away!
The small galaxy to the right of the cluster is NGC5263, about 196 million light years away!!!!!
William Optics 61mm Zenithstar and ZWO ASI183MC Pro camera
15*3 min exposures with darks
#astronomy #astrophotography #cosmos #space #universe #nightsky #nightskyphotography #astrodon
#astronomy #astrophotography #cosmos #Space #universe #nightsky #nightskyphotography #Astrodon
We’re forecast more snow on this 135th day of winter.
- - - -
First Snow, Mary Oliver
The snow
began here
this morning and all day
continued, its white
rhetoric everywhere
calling us back to why, how,
whence such beauty and what
the meaning; such
an oracular fever! flowing
past windows, an energy it seemed
would never ebb, never settle
less than lovely! and only now,
deep into night,
it has finally ended.
The silence
is immense,
and the heavens still hold
a million candles; nowhere
the familiar things:
stars, the moon,
the darkness we expect
and nightly turn from. Trees
glitter like castles
of ribbons, the broad fields
smolder with light, a passing
creekbed lies
heaped with shining hills;
and though the questions
that have assailed us all day
remain - not a single
answer has been found -
walking out now
into the silence and the light
under the trees,
and through the fields,
feels like one
- - - -
#NightSkyPhotography #Forest #Snow #PublicLands
#nightskyphotography #forest #snow #publiclands
Full Worm Moon March 2023 🌝
#fullmoonmarch2023 #wormmoon2023 #moon #moonphases #nightskyphotography #philadelphia #shophandmade #moonsirens
#fullmoonmarch2023 #wormmoon2023 #moon #moonphases #nightskyphotography #philadelphia #shophandmade #moonsirens
Tonight's Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter. Taken from Central Texas.
How many moons do you see in this image? Answer: Our Moon and, looking carefully, the four Galilean Moons orbiting Jupiter, seen here as pinpoints of light around Jupiter itself. The moons are, from top to bottom, Ganymede, Io, Europa and Callisto.
Nikon D750 and AstroTelescooes 80mm refractor.
#moon #jupiter #astronomy #astrophotography #space #nightsky #nightskyphotography
#cosmos #universe #solarsystem #astrodon
#moon #jupiter #astronomy #astrophotography #Space #nightsky #nightskyphotography #cosmos #universe #solarsystem #Astrodon
#Jupiter and #Venus posing with the #NewMoon in the southern #sky over #Belfast this evening 🌒
#nature #NaturePhotography #nightsky #nightskyphotography #astronomy #astrophotography #solarsystem #moon #planet #planets #shotoncanon #toenailmoon
#jupiter #venus #newmoon #sky #belfast #nature #naturephotography #nightsky #nightskyphotography #astronomy #astrophotography #solarsystem #moon #planet #planets #shotoncanon #toenailmoon
The latest thing hovering in the sky tonight, and it’s not a balloon.
So please, don’t shoot it.
#starlinksatelliteconstellation #nightskyphotography
Lunar lumen lace.v4.
#favoritedinosaurstudios #fullmoon #coldmoon #moonphotography #moon #moonlight #moonlovers #moonphases #astronomy #moonmagic #moonrise #lunar #moonchild #lunarphotography #nightskyphotography #moonshine #astro #moonwalker #lunarlumen #lace #lunarlumenlace
#favoritedinosaurstudios #fullmoon #ColdMoon #moonphotography #moon #moonlight #moonlovers #moonphases #astronomy #moonmagic #moonrise #lunar #moonchild #LunarPhotography #nightskyphotography #moonshine #astro #moonwalker #lunarlumen #lace #lunarlumenlace
Lunar lumen lace.v3.
#favoritedinosaurstudios #fullmoon #coldmoon #moonphotography #moon #moonlight #moonlovers #moonphases #astronomy #moonmagic #moonrise #lunar #moonchild #lunarphotography #nightskyphotography #moonshine #astro #moonwalker #lunarlumen #lace #lunarlumenlace
#favoritedinosaurstudios #fullmoon #ColdMoon #moonphotography #moon #moonlight #moonlovers #moonphases #astronomy #moonmagic #moonrise #lunar #moonchild #LunarPhotography #nightskyphotography #moonshine #astro #moonwalker #lunarlumen #lace #lunarlumenlace
Lunar lumen lace.v2.
#favoritedinosaurstudios #fullmoon #coldmoon #moonphotography #moon #moonlight #moonlovers #moonphases #astronomy #moonmagic #moonrise #lunar #moonchild #lunarphotography #nightskyphotography #moonshine #astro #moonwalker #lunarlumen #lace #lunarlumenlace
#favoritedinosaurstudios #fullmoon #ColdMoon #moonphotography #moon #moonlight #moonlovers #moonphases #astronomy #moonmagic #moonrise #lunar #moonchild #LunarPhotography #nightskyphotography #moonshine #astro #moonwalker #lunarlumen #lace #lunarlumenlace
Lunar lumen lace.v1.
#favoritedinosaurstudios #fullmoon #coldmoon #moonphotography #moon #moonlight #moonlovers #moonphases #astronomy #moonmagic #moonrise #lunar #moonchild #lunarphotography #nightskyphotography #moonshine #astro #moonwalker #lunarlumen #lace #lunarlumenlace
#favoritedinosaurstudios #fullmoon #ColdMoon #moonphotography #moon #moonlight #moonlovers #moonphases #astronomy #moonmagic #moonrise #lunar #moonchild #LunarPhotography #nightskyphotography #moonshine #astro #moonwalker #lunarlumen #lace #lunarlumenlace