TV TONIGHT (September 6)
#TheAfterparty #AncientEmpires #HouseOfPayne #IAmGroot #Nightwatch #YoungDylan #NFLSlimetime #CrimeSceneConfidential #FCBarcelona #NeverLetHimGo #ScoutsHonor #USOpen #BB25 #AGT #AmericaOutdoors #ExpeditionBigfoot #DoesMurderSleep
#doesmurdersleep #expeditionbigfoot #americaoutdoors #AGT #bb25 #USOpen #scoutshonor #neverlethimgo #FCBarcelona #crimesceneconfidential #nflslimetime #youngdylan #nightwatch #IAmGroot #houseofpayne #ancientempires #TheAfterparty
@almaember @LexYeen As #TerryPratchett pointed out in #NightWatch, the only reason cops get away with what they do is out of mutual consent. As soon as people stop consenting, their protection and power is a penny's worth of tin metal badge and aboout as much use. Cops get stomped flat. They put a great deal of time and effort into trying to make us forget that.
#becomeungovernable #nightwatch #terrypratchett
Gizmodo: The Best Horror, Sci-Fi, and Fantasy Streaming in August 2023 #anightmareonelmstreet4thedreammaster #anightmareonelmstreet5thedreamchild #anightmareonelmstreet3dreamwarriors #agentcodybanks2destinationlondon #jasongoestohellthefinalfriday #teenagemutantninjaturtlesii #nuttyprofessoriitheklumps #teenagemutantninjaturtles #scottpilgrimvstheworld #anightmareonelmstreet2 #anightmareonelmstreet #nightwatch
#anightmareonelmstreet4thedreammaster #anightmareonelmstreet5thedreamchild #anightmareonelmstreet3dreamwarriors #agentcodybanks2destinationlondon #jasongoestohellthefinalfriday #teenagemutantninjaturtlesii #nuttyprofessoriitheklumps #teenagemutantninjaturtles #scottpilgrimvstheworld #anightmareonelmstreet2 #anightmareonelmstreet #nightwatch
I just realized that Night Watch (2004 )(Ночной дозор) is almost 20 years old.
I have never given up hope for the third film in the trilogy.
(Don't show up in my mentions to naysay me, you monsters. Let a girl have a scrap of hope in this world on fire.)
#nightwatch #ночнойдозор #timurbekmambetov
Hey all, @Monika_Kuffer is now on Mastodon! I work with her on the ESA #NightWatch project, and we're writing a proposal for ESA's #EarthExplorer 12 to be a satellite that observes #NightLights and #LightPollution.
If you're interested in urban #RemoteSensing and mapping deprived areas, you should follow her!
#remotesensing #lightpollution #nightlights #earthexplorer #nightwatch
In my dream, Jon Blow, doppelganger of Jon Snow, ruled #Westeros with a dark, poetic iron fist! 💀👑 He slayed White Walkers with his fierce eyeliner and created an all-goth #NightWatch! The Night King didn't stand a chance against King Blow's emo vibes! 🖤🌙 #GameOfGoths #EpicNightmares #BitBook
#westeros #nightwatch #gameofgoths #epicnightmares #bitbook Released today on the #glorious25thofmay, the new audiobook of #Nightwatch #GNUTerryPratchett #bookstodon #audiobooks #audiobookstodon
#audiobookstodon #audiobooks #bookstodon #gnuterrypratchett #nightwatch #glorious25thofmay
“Truth! Freedom! Justice! And a hard-boiled egg!”
happy "Wear The Lilac" day
#terrypratchett #nightwatch #sprigoflilac #alzheimers
I've been wearing the lilac all day. celebrating the Glorious Revolution.
Truth! Justice! Freedom! Reasonably priced love! …and a hard-boiled egg!
#terrypratchett #howdotheyriseupriseup #nightwatch
En este día celebramos el estreno de l película Star Wars: Episodio IV - Una nueva esperanza.
También celebramos el Día de la Toalla, en honor al libro La Guía del Autoestopista Galáctico.
Y, como no podía ser menos, también celebramos El Glorioso 25 de Mayo, en honor a la saga de Mundodisco, del genial Sir Terry Pratchet.
#StarWars #StarWarsDay #TowelDay #LaGuiaDelAutoestopistaGalactico #HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy #Discworld #TheGlorious25thOfMay #NightWatch
#StarWars #starwarsday #towelday #laguiadelautoestopistagalactico #hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy #discworld #theglorious25thofmay #nightwatch
It’s that time of year again .
#nightwatch #discworld #TerryPrachett
See the little angels rise up rise up
See the little angels rise up high
#nightwatch #discworld #TerryPrachett
See how they rise up... Wishing you all Truth, Justice, Freedom, Reasonably Priced Love, and a Hard Boiled Egg.
#GNUTerryPratchet #NightWatch
Yet another 25th of May on which I realise that I do not own anything lilac to wear.
Happy Wear The Lilac Day, everyone!
(Pic by Marisa DeMeglio from NYC, USA.)
#GNUTerryPratchett #WearTheLilac #HowDoTheyRiseUp #TruthJusticeFreedom #DiscWorld #TerryPratchett #NightWatch #Alzheimers #RegShoe #SamVimes #JohnKeel
#johnkeel #SamVimes #regshoe #alzheimers #nightwatch #terrypratchett #discworld #truthjusticefreedom #howdotheyriseup #wearthelilac #gnuterrypratchett
#NightWatch update: happy to report that even after the “slowdown” from the mass-Twitter migration, we still get ~4-5 new account requests a week. Most get approved.
DC/Palm NFT just had their first year anniversary call for the #BatCowl NFT. I'm a little let down by the lack of actionable announcements, but it's always cool to see Jim Lee show up on a discord.
I'm in this community mostly for ARG stuff, which has been a bit more slight than I expected. I hope they pick up the pace a bit in year two. #Nightwatch
Yes, this is real. Star Wars geeks are, well, everywhere.
#FlightRadar24 #FR24 #Squawk7700 #7700 #Order66 #Nightwatch #DoomsdayPlane #AvGeek #BoeingE4 #StarWars
#flightradar24 #fr24 #squawk7700 #order66 #nightwatch #doomsdayplane #AvGeek #boeinge4 #starwars
@digitalcourage @netzpolitik_feed so richtig bescheuert ist doch, dass damit nur ehrliche Leute gescannt werden können. Wer was zu verbergen hat, findet einen Weg drumrum. Ohne Mühe. Excellent beschrieben von #TerryPratchett in #nightwatch „the system was supposed to take criminals and (…), force them into becoming honest men. Instead, he’d taken honest men and turned them into criminals.“
For everyone: Welcome, if I haven't said it in a while. This server ( is intended for members of the SDF Public Access UNIX system. if you are one (validated member and above) you may request access to our more private instance. For everyone else: I recommend our "main" server for general use. #NightWatch
On April 5, 1974, Night Watch debuted in Finland. Here’s some original Elizabeth Taylor art!
#NightWatch #BrianGHutton #ElizabethTaylor #SuspenseThriller #Horror #HorrorArt #HorrorMovies #HorrorThriller #1970s #CrimeThriller #MysteryFilm #TCMUnderground #Movies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#nightwatch #brianghutton #elizabethtaylor #suspensethriller #horror #horrorart #horrormovies #horrorthriller #1970s #crimethriller #mysteryfilm #tcmunderground #movies #art #movieart #moviehistory