#NIHAging: It's National Minority Health Month! This year’s theme focuses on how meeting #cultural and #linguistic needs can improve health outcomes for racial and ethnic minority populations. Learn more about what #AlzheimerDisease is: https://www.alzheimers.gov/alzheimers-dementias/alzheimers-disease?&utm_campaign=alzgov-202304 #NMHM2023 #HealthLiteracyNIH
#nihaging #cultural #linguistic #alzheimerdisease #nmhm2023 #healthliteracynih
#NIHAging: The 2023 #Dementia Care and #Caregiving Research Summit will build on progress of the previous summits to review research progress, highlight innovative and promising research, and more. Register for the event here: https://www.nia.nih.gov/2023-dementia-care-summit?utm_source=nia-twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=professionals-20230308 #DementiaCareSummit
#nihaging #dementia #caregiving #dementiacaresummit