Où va-t-il, l'oiseau de la mer? Pris avec un Nikon d500, lentille AF-S nikkor 18 à 200mm, juste avant le crépuscule du 14 juillet 2023, sur la rive du Lac Huron.
#nikond500 #nikon #nikonphotography #wildlifephotography #oiseauphotographie #mouette #PhotographieGLF
Lien instagram: https://instagram.com/p/CuvHDHMrMz6/
#nikond500 #nikon #nikonphotography #wildlifephotography #oiseauphotographie #mouette #photographieglf
Wagon wheel.
📷 Nikon D500, Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8
🎛️ f/6.3, 1/100s, ISO 320
#wagonwheel #autumn #autumnvibes🍁 #autumn🍁 #autumnleaves #autumncolours #autumncolors #fallvibes #nikon #nikonphotography #nikond500 #kingriver #milawa
#wagonwheel #autumn #autumnvibes #autumnleaves #autumncolours #autumncolors #fallvibes #nikon #nikonphotography #nikond500 #kingriver #milawa
Ominous #cow and #clouds near #Noorbeek. #Dutch #Belgian #border region. Edited in #Lightroom #NikonD500 🐮⛅️ https://instagr.am/p/Cr2vd4PIm8i/
#nikond500 #lightroom #border #belgian #dutch #noorbeek #clouds #cow
Walking along the #Dutch-#Belgian border 🛂 near #Noorbeek. With here and there a #cow 🐮. #NikonD500 #lightroommobile https://instagr.am/p/CrtSsnho3EY/
#lightroommobile #nikond500 #cow #noorbeek #belgian #dutch
#longtailedtit #longtailedtits #ukbirds #wildlifelovers #nature_perfection #BirdsSeenIn2022 #birds #wildlifephotography #birdphotography #NaturePhotography #birdwatching #birding #photooftheday #birds_captures #birdlovers #rspb_love_nature #nikond500 #sigma150600 #birdportrait https://t.co/jQ79d4vfIA
#longtailedtit #longtailedtits #ukbirds #wildlifelovers #nature_perfection #BirdsSeenIn2022 #birds #wildlifephotography #birdphotography #NaturePhotography #birdwatching #birding #photooftheday #birds_captures #birdlovers #rspb_love_nature #nikond500 #sigma150600 #birdportrait
#mandarinduck #mandarinducks #ukbirds #wildlifelovers #nature_perfection #BirdsSeenIn2022 #birds #wildlifephotography #birdphotography #NaturePhotography #birdwatching #birding #photooftheday #birds_captures #birdlovers #rspb_love_nature #nikond500 #sigma150600 #birdportrait https://t.co/7889lWjVeW
#mandarinduck #mandarinducks #ukbirds #wildlifelovers #nature_perfection #BirdsSeenIn2022 #birds #wildlifephotography #birdphotography #NaturePhotography #birdwatching #birding #photooftheday #birds_captures #birdlovers #rspb_love_nature #nikond500 #sigma150600 #birdportrait
Looking at #Kyoto (京都) from the #ChionInTemple on a ☀️ sunny /❄️ snowy afternoon. 🇯🇵 (#NikonD500 edited in #lightroommobile) https://instagr.am/p/CpHrJvgLoNn/
#lightroommobile #nikond500 #chionintemple #kyoto
A pair of male red-breasted mergansers and a razorbill in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, yesterday.
For more: https://calebcrain.substack.com/p/takeoff
#birds #birding #redbreastedmerganser #razorbill #birdphotography #sheepsheadbay #brooklynbirding #nikonD500 #sigma150600
#birds #birding #redbreastedmerganser #razorbill #birdphotography #sheepsheadbay #brooklynbirding #nikond500 #Sigma150600
A bald eagle and a swamp sparrow, in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, yesterday
For more: https://calebcrain.substack.com/p/aquiline
#birds #birding #baldeagle #swampsparrow #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikonD500 #sigma150600
#birds #birding #baldeagle #swampsparrow #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikond500 #Sigma150600
A Lapland longspur, a Northern harrier, an American kestrel, and a killdeer at Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, yesterday.
For more: https://calebcrain.substack.com/p/the-watched-and-the-watchers
#birds #birding #laplandlongspur #northernharrier #americankestrel #killdeer #birdphotography #floydbennettfield #brooklynbirding #nikonD500 #sigma150600
#birds #birding #laplandlongspur #northernharrier #americankestrel #killdeer #birdphotography #floydbennettfield #brooklynbirding #nikond500 #Sigma150600
Marsh wren, blue jay, mallard, and mute swan in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, February 4 & 8, 2023
For more: https://calebcrain.substack.com/p/angles-32e
#birds #birding #marshwren #bluejay #mallard #muteswan #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikonD500 #sigma150600
#birds #birding #marshwren #bluejay #mallard #muteswan #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikond500 #Sigma150600
Red-headed woodpecker (immature), hooded merganser, and white-breasted nuthatch at Marine Park and Prospect Park, Brooklyn, Jan. 22-29, 2023
For more: https://calebcrain.substack.com/p/side-eyes
#birds #birding #redheadedwoodpecker #hoodedmerganser #whitebreastednuthatch #birdphotography #prospectpark #marinepark #brooklynbirding #nikonD500 #sigma150600
#birds #birding #redheadedwoodpecker #hoodedmerganser #whitebreastednuthatch #birdphotography #prospectpark #marinepark #brooklynbirding #nikond500 #Sigma150600
A red-tailed hawk, a yellow-bellied sapsucker, a fox sparrow, and two hooded mergansers in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, in January.
For more: https://calebcrain.substack.com/p/winter-light
#birds #birding #redtailedhawk #yellowbelliedsapsucker #foxsparrow #hoodedmerganser #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikonD500 #sigma150600
#birds #birding #redtailedhawk #yellowbelliedsapsucker #foxsparrow #hoodedmerganser #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikond500 #Sigma150600
A Canada goose, a white-breasted nuthatch, and a Carolina wren in Prospect Park on Jan. 2, 2023.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey and the Canadian Wildlife Service, the goose was banded on July 2, 2013, in Varennes, Québec, when it was still too young to fly.
#birds #birding #canadagoose #whitebreastednuthatch #carolinawren #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikonD500 #sigma150600
#birds #birding #canadagoose #whitebreastednuthatch #carolinawren #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikond500 #Sigma150600
A hooded merganser (female), three brants in flight, a common loon, and a Northern pintail (male) at Calvert Vaux Park on Dec. 30.
#birds #birding #hoodedmerganser #brant #commonloon #northernpintail #birdphotography #prospectpark #calvertvauxpark #brooklynbirding #nikonD500 #sigma150600
#birds #birding #hoodedmerganser #brant #commonloon #northernpintail #birdphotography #prospectpark #calvertvauxpark #brooklynbirding #nikond500 #Sigma150600
An American black duck, ice, and a mute swan in Prospect Park, Dec. 24, 2022
#birds #birding #americanblackduck #muteswan #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikonD500 #sigma150600
#birds #birding #americanblackduck #muteswan #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikond500 #Sigma150600
A brown creeper, a white-breasted nuthatch, and a ruby-crowned kinglet in Prospect Park, December 18 & 22, 2022
#birds #birding #browncreeper #whitebreastednuthatch #rubycrownedkinglet #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikonD500 #sigma150600
#birds #birding #browncreeper #whitebreastednuthatch #rubycrownedkinglet #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikond500 #Sigma150600
A red-tailed hawk, a downy woodpecker, an American robin, and a merlin, photographed in Prospect Park and (for the Christmas Bird Count) in Green-Wood Historical Cemetery, the past couple of weeks.
More here: https://calebcrain.substack.com/p/countdown
#birds #birding #baltimoreoriole #tuftedtitmouse #northernmockingbird #birdphotography #prospectpark #greenwoodcemetery #cbc #brooklynbirding #nikonD500 #sigma150600
#birds #birding #BaltimoreOriole #tuftedtitmouse #NorthernMockingbird #birdphotography #prospectpark #greenwoodcemetery #cbc #brooklynbirding #nikond500 #Sigma150600
Tufted titmouse, Baltimore oriole, and northern mockinbird in Prospect Park yesterday morning.
For more: https://calebcrain.substack.com/p/state-portraits
#birds #birding #baltimoreoriole #tuftedtitmouse #northernmockingbird #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikonD500 #sigma150600
#birds #birding #BaltimoreOriole #tuftedtitmouse #NorthernMockingbird #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikond500 #Sigma150600
An orange-crowned warbler and a winter wren in Prospect Park this past week.
For more: https://calebcrain.substack.com/p/russets-and-grays?sd=pf
#birds #birding #orangecrownedwarbler #winterwren #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikonD500 #sigma150600
#birds #birding #orangecrownedwarbler #winterwren #birdphotography #prospectpark #brooklynbirding #nikond500 #Sigma150600