La fin du remplissage du méga-barrage sur le #Nil relance les tensions entre l'#Ethiopie et l'#Egypte
#Shame really tho,
as having a #futureproof #website with #php for #nil
Even if barely used is #impossible then.
#shame #futureproof #website #php #nil #impossible
Apple’s Beats schließt größten Deal mit 15 College-Athleten
Die bekannte Marke "Beats by Dre" von Apple hat einen bedeutenden Schritt in der Zusammenarbeit mit College-Athleten getan. Die jüngste Investition ist ihre bis
#Music #News #Zubehr #AminahCharles #Apple #BeatsByDre #CalebWilliams #CollegeAthleten #GaQuincyKoolAidMcKinstry #Marketingkampagnen #NIL #QuinnEwers #USSupremeCourt
#music #News #zubehr #aminahcharles #Apple #beatsbydre #calebwilliams #collegeathleten #gaquincykoolaidmckinstry #marketingkampagnen #nil #quinnewers #ussupremecourt
#CFB #CollegeFootball #NCAA #NIL
Via Chris Vannini 🤖 @ChrisVannini
Presidents and administrators decrying the ruining of college sports are ones that created this world.
They had to find and spend every dollar (and keep it from players).
I don’t want to hear any more about Congressional help or tampering.
#cfb #collegefootball #ncaa #nil
#CFB #CollegeFootball #NCAA #NIL
Via Rodger Sherman 🤖 @rodger
The people in charge of college sports have spent the past 20 years blaming teens for professionalizing college sports by asking for money while simultaneously killing off the rivalries that make the sport great so they can win the war to become the Junior NFL. Really bleak stuff
#cfb #collegefootball #ncaa #nil
#NCAA #NIL #CFB #CollegeFootball
Via RedditCFB 🤖 @RedditCFB
Every FBS fanbase is absolutely convinced that all teams "above" them are craven moneygrubbing mob bosses ruining the sport, and all teams "beneath" them are insignificant pipsqueaks who are lucky to share a subdivision with them.
#ncaa #nil #cfb #collegefootball
#CollegeFootball #CFB #NIL #NCAA
Via Tom Fornelli @tomfornelli
Earlier this week on @cover3podcast I asked how many of our listeners would be cool with the Saudi PIF starting an NIL collective for their school, and the responses I've received are both concerning and not surprising in the least.
#collegefootball #cfb #nil #ncaa
#CFB #CollegeFootball #NIL #NCAA
Via Dan Wolken 🤖 @DanWolken
I never went to law school for a day in my life and even I could win that lawsuit
#cfb #collegefootball #nil #ncaa
#CFB #CollegeFootball #NCAA #NIL
This is the complete opposite end of the scale from the 'bi-partisan' Tuberville-Machin bill...
Via Ralph D. Russo @ralphdrussoap
Some details from the Murphy/Trahan bill.
#cfb #collegefootball #ncaa #nil
Via Rex Chapman🏇🏼 @rexchapman
He’s mad that college athletes can make money on their own name, image, and likeness.
He prefers the good old days - apparently - when the big schools were paying their players under the table while he and everyone else looked the other way.
Via Rodger Sherman 🤖 @rodger
“Many of us loved watching college athletes who weren’t paid” is the funniest claim. How weird do you have to be to watch a sporting event and be like “you know what the best part of this is? The lack of compensation”
...mais est il prouvé que tous ces #zéros sont bien zégaux ? 🤔
Il me semble que #love > #nil, et que #nought vaut mieux qu'#oh. 😉
Comme disait #Devos, avec #rien on peut faire quelque chose — en le multipliant : pour trois fois rien, on peut s'acheter des trucs, et pour pas cher !
(PS: on écrit "oh" pour le 2, le 4 aux US c'est plutôt "naught", et permet de se passer du "point" à l'oral: "nought four five")
#zeros #love #nil #nought #oh #devos #rien #argot #potache #bourbaki
#NCAA #Atheltics #TrackAndField #NIL
Via Front Office Sports @fos
New Balance has signed its first NIL athlete:
Stanford track star and NCAA indoor 800m champion Roisin Willis.
#ncaa #atheltics #trackandfield #nil
Deelname aan studiegroepen van natuurinclusievelandbouw
#LivingLabFryslân en de agrarische collectieven in Fryslân zijn van plan om dit najaar 2 studiegroepen op te zetten vanuit de Landbouw Adviespool (#LAP) #Fryslân. Wil je van collega-#agrariërs en experts leren over onderwerpen als #kruidenrijk #grasland, bodembeheer, optimaliseren van de bedrijfskringloop of de economische aspecten van natuurinclusieve landbouw (#NIL), meld je dan aan.
#natuurinclusievelandbouw #livinglabfryslan #lap #fryslan #agrariers #kruidenrijk #grasland #nil
Via Stewart Mandel 🤖 @slmandel
*Add gymnastics championship too.
BTW, in the case of the women's sports I'd theorize there is a strong correlation between the advent of NIL -- the thing they are in D.C. fighting -- and the rise in their popularity.
Via Stewart Mandel 🤖 @slmandel
I have now seen press releases like this in 2022-23 for (at least) first day of men's March Madness, women's hoops, volleyball, softball and now baseball.
Meanwhile the NCAA president and others have been flocking to D.C. to try to save college athletics from itself.
Via Amanda Christovich @achristovichh
NEW: In an NIL memo obtained by @sinow the NCAA tells schools to place its rules above state laws. Schools are now in a very difficult position, caught btwn rules of a membership org they no longer want to follow + state laws that promise to protect them.
#NCAA #NIL #OhioState #Buckeyes #CFB #CollegeFootball
Via Front Office Sports @fos
Ohio State QB Kyle McCord will be driving a 2023 Mercedes-Benz AMG GT 53 this season.
He hasn't officially been named the starter yet — but already has an NIL deal with Mark Wahlberg Chevrolet in Columbus.
#ncaa #nil #ohiostate #buckeyes #cfb #collegefootball
Via Rodger Sherman @rodger
To be clear, you 100 percent do not have to follow NCAA rules if they conflict with actual laws made by the government
Via Ross Dellenger @RossDellenger
In a memo obtained by
@sinow , the NCAA strongly clarifies its NIL policy by warning schools that (1) they must follow NCAA rules even if they conflict with state laws and (2) entities such as school foundations are prohibited from NIL & offering donor incentives for NIL giving.