J-Lux352 · @LuxJude352
110 followers · 825 posts · Server mas.to

Her most famous role was . In the olden days, which was basically about ten years ago, there was a code of silence surrounding . So obviously today haters will be telling Harry to STFU. @lbc@twitter.com

RT @KathyBurke@twitter.com

“He fucking slipped”

🐦🔗: twitter.com/KathyBurke/status/

#r4today #sparebyprinceharry #MeghanAndHarry #domesticabuse #nilbymouth

Last updated 2 years ago

As much as I am happy to have just pre-ordered Nil By Mouth, a film I have somehow never seen, I don’t think I will rush to fit it into my viewing schedule this month.
Great chat with Gary Oldman on the Kermode/Mayo podcast this week though.

#nilbymouth #bluray #moviecollection #garyoldman #kathyburke #raywinstone

Last updated 2 years ago