A process may not always be as simple as it seems. #DomainStorytelling can help bring out the details of complex processes. The #NimblePros webinar on Domain Storytelling is happening this Thursday! Learn more about the event and sign up today: https://mailchi.mp/nimblepros/domain-storytelling-webinar #DDD #SoftwareDevelopment
#domainstorytelling #nimblepros #ddd #softwaredevelopment
My #NimblePros #DomainStorytelling webinar is happening this Thursday! Learn more about the event and sign up today: https://mailchi.mp/nimblepros/domain-storytelling-webinar #DDD #SoftwareDevelopment
#nimblepros #domainstorytelling #ddd #softwaredevelopment
My #NimblePros #DomainStorytelling webinar is happening this Thursday! Learn more about the event and sign up today: https://mailchi.mp/nimblepros/domain-storytelling-webinar #DDD #SoftwareDevelopment
#nimblepros #domainstorytelling #ddd #softwaredevelopment
Ever since March 2023, I've been doing some fun work for #NimblePros - with webinars on #DDD #CleanArchitecture #CICD and upcoming webinars on #DomainStorytelling and #EventStorming. Check out all of the webinars listed on their events page: https://nimblepros.com/events-1
#nimblepros #ddd #cleanarchitecture #cicd #domainstorytelling #eventstorming
Use your domain language in your test assertion statements by creating your own custom Fluent Assertions! #tdd #dotnet #nimblepros