Given all the hoopla about a potential development "encrouching" on Huff Park, how about a map of what properties everyone is talking about?
#GrandRapidsMI #CrestonGR #housing #housingcrisis #nimbyism
#grandrapidsmi #crestongr #housing #housingcrisis #nimbyism
@carmenbianca this smells of #nimbyism
Anyway, I'm not really invested in this issue. I just think it's weird but in the end I couldn't care less about the future of face book
As someone who owns a house in a lovely part of Tāmaki Makaurau with a range of neighbouring Kāinga Ora houses & apartments it was sad to hear on RNZ this morning, the anger and opposition from anon homeowners to new government social housing developments in parts of NZ. We all have a right to a roof over our head. Ironically, there was much gnashing of teeth over a lack of govt regulation. I guess the ACT party’s proposed regulations bonfire won’t be appreciated. #NZPol #Nimbyism
I wonder how many planning boards have been subject to Joni Mitchell lyrics for the last 50 years?
I mean she's not wrong, but reading the lyrics to 'Paved Paradise' doesn't make someone an eviromentalist. When that same person drove a mile to go to a board meeting to block affordable housing, a grocery store & childcare facilities.
I'm not even sold on this project, I just can't stand hippies anymore.
#nimbyism #okboomer #abundanthousing
#5yrsago #Oklahoma schools go on 4-day weeks so teachers can work at Walmart on Mondays to make rent
#5yrsago 25 years ago, a mutant American crayfish turned to asexual reproduction, and all of Europe’s lakes are filling up with its clones
#5yrsago California State Senator wants to remake cities with midrises near public transit, but he is facing a wave of #nimbyism
@bikepedantic, what was wrong with I mean, not having looked, it sounds like it might be prone to #nimbyism
NIMBYism is sinking to a new low. Can't climb the stairs? A local NIMBY group says that, instead of building a lift, you should instead be forced to catch a bus. All to protect "heritage".
"Plans for a lift next to one of Sydney’s public stairways have stoked concern from a residents’ group that says people who cannot climb the steep set of steps should catch a bus instead.
"Potts Point and Kings Cross Heritage Society president Andrew Woodhouse said he was not opposed to the plan if it was genuinely required by large numbers of residents and had minimal heritage and visual impacts on the stairway.
"However, Woodhouse said people unable to climb the heritage-listed stairway could catch a bus instead."
#planning #urbanplanning #nswpol #nimby #nimbyism
Achja Bürgerinitiativen gegen Windkraft.
Wie ich das liebe.
Infraschall, Schattenflimmern, Klimakiller SF6, Betonmengen ausrechnen, von einzelnen Schadensfällen berichten, alles nutzlos, wenn es kein stabiles Netz gibt oder Speicher..bla bla fucking bla..
1. Fehler
Gemeinde, Landkreis oder wer auch immer haben die Bürger nicht abgeholt
2. Fehler
Lange warten bis eine Gegendarstellung erfolgt
So wird das nichts mit der Energiewende.
Bericht auf Seite 9
#energiewende #fail #hildesheim #siemens #windkraft #bürgerinitiative #nimbyism
#energiewende #fail #Hildesheim #Siemens #windkraft #burgerinitiative #nimbyism
Dieser Vorwand, dass ja DIE ANDEREN noch viel schlimmer seien und selbst wenn man alle Emissionen auf null setzte, brächte das ja nichts, weil man im Vergleich ja gar nicht SO SEHR ins Gewicht falle …
#kotzeuchdasauchsoan #nimbyism
Did you cast your #vote for #CADEM yet? What? You don't know what #ADEM is?
Fighting #NIMBYism requires us to get more pro-#housing voices and policies at the party level.
Follow #YIMBY Action's endorsements here:
#California #state #assembly #elections #democrats #homelessness
#vote #cadem #adem #nimbyism #housing #yimby #california #state #assembly #elections #democrats #homelessness
Last RT: Good article to read next time an affluent white liberal tells you they only support public #housing, not evil developers or market-driven solutions to the #housingcrisis. #LandValueTaxSolvesThis. #LVT #YIMBY #BuildMoreHousing #WeMustMakeLandCommonProperty #🔰
There is *no such thing* as "left-NIMBY". #NIMBYism is the very definition of "right wing"—defense of the landed class. Read your political history.
#housing #housingcrisis #landvaluetaxsolvesthis #lvt #yimby #buildmorehousing #wemustmakelandcommonproperty #nimbyism
AT least here in the US, every public opinion poll I have ever seen shows that most people are roughly (roughly) pro police
I'm not sure - honestly - what gives long time #mastodon #users the right to dictate what mastodon is to new users (I think this is called #NIMBYISM in other contexts)
“But when the vast majority of land that’s already built out and served by #infrastructure is frozen in regulatory amber by #zoning and/or #NIMBYism, all of that natural and barely noticeable change that should be happening across all that land area is instead forced into geographically very small areas.” #urbanplanning #suburbia #urbandevelopment
#urbandevelopment #suburbia #urbanplanning #nimbyism #zoning #infrastructure
“But when the vast majority of land that’s already built out and served by #infrastructure is frozen in regulatory amber by #zoning and/or #NIMBYism, all of that natural and barely noticeable change that should be happening across all that land area is instead forced into geographically very small areas.” #urbanplanning #suburbia #urbandevelopment
#urbandevelopment #suburbia #urbanplanning #nimbyism #zoning #infrastructure
- LGBTQ+ people existing: "My kid might see a #gay person at X location. I just don't think they should be so open about it."
- "We don't need "outsiders" in our neighborhood." #Classism in the form on #NIMBYism.
- Who's the president?
- #Police shoot an unarmed black man and your neighbor thinks crime is rising while youre at the shrubs, when in reality the cops had a no-knock warrant and extra judicially killed an innocent person.
#gay #classism #nimbyism #police
Remembering this #nimbyism from our meetings w/ grid operators in Germany a decade ago. Difficult to see it sticking around. “Denmark, for instance, is a large supplier of wind energy. It would like to send more power southward. But there is too little transmission capacity within Germany, mostly out of nimbyism, as few people enjoy living next to large power lines.”
Yes, #speculation is a #fiat issue stemming from corrupt #moneyPrinting + #rentseekers.
Say "#nimbyism" to small towns in #Europe that are still close to their #farmland and still have a defendable #culture. If being a #NIMBY is about a short #farmToPlate distance maybe we need more of it, not less.
Vertical sprawl = delayed #urbanSprawl, just wait a generation.
We don't have democratically elected #leaders, we have a #corporateState.
#speculation #fiat #moneyPrinting #rentseekers #nimbyism #europe #farmland #culture #nimby #farmToPlate #urbanSprawl #leaders #corporateState #stopTheLoop #useBitcoinCore #townhomes
RT @stampmemesnz
Obscure National Party list MP in #Nimbyism shock. Reti queries social housing in high-value suburb #NationalNotFitToGovern
#nimbyism #nationalnotfittogovern
After hearing a college friend complain of how "jarring" the boxy townhomes of #seattle are to the "cute" neighborhood, I am reminded how jarring it was today to look on google maps at 1890s brick downtown 1 & 2 story building main streets in mid-western towns with no trees... the "character" of a neighborhood should be moldable, the challenge is it to balance that #nimbyism with that of #urbanism